Saturday, February 9, 2013

20-Month Newsletter

Dear Banner,
In the 20's this month!! You are more and more fun each day, and in my opinion, cuter and cuter - as if that were possible! :) This month was kind of boring compared to the past few - as we settled in to 2013 and laid low through January since both of us have been sick on and off. You had a bout with a cold: runny nose, icky chest cough, and a glassy-eyed look that kept me worried about you, although you never had a fever, and you never seemed phased by the cold. We tried Dimetapp and a humidifier for about 5-6 nights, but nothing really helped. Perhaps it wasn't a cold - maybe allergies... after all, that's what has kept me feeling awful this month. I sincerely hope you don't have my allergies, though. It's truly awful - runny nose, itchy ears and throat, watery, itchy eyes, sneezing, tingling nose. Anyway, the worst thing about you being more aware of your runny nose is that you want to wipe it on anything... and I mean ANYTHING: walls, floor, table, couch, me... anything! I have to keep tissues readily available, and even though you will use a Kleenex from time to time, your first reaction is to bend over and swipe your face across any surface. ICKY! Luckily, I've quickly learned your little "where can I wipe my nose" face and try to catch your nose with a welcoming Kleenex before it meets an unsuspecting person or surface.

Also, this month, your vocabulary continues to boom. We've added: wind, pizza, jacket, help, trash, sun, wheel, towel, drive - just to name a few off the top of my head. By far, my absolute favorite this month is "AWESOME!" The first time I heard you say this was when we were watching Yo Gabba Gabba, and DJ Lance Rock said what he always says after the "Super Music Friends Show" ends, "Listening and dancing to music is ... AWESOME!" Well, as he said it, you said it with him! Now, every episode we watch, you say it with DJ Lance, and sometimes you say it just when you are playing. It is, without a doubt, AWESOME!

You are also starting to put two words together: "more bus," "bye-bye train," "no, Mommy," for example. I'm officially counting it now, since before I wasn't sure if "all done," or "thank you" counted as putting two words together. Now, you are stringing different ideas together, which makes me think this is really what "they" mean by two words together. Oh, and you're mastering possessives, too. For a week or so, you seemed confused by when to use them - often calling me "Mommy's" or calling Daddy "Daddy's," but now you've got it. You will point to a cup and say, "Babber's" (for Banner's) or my keys and say, "Mommy's."

You continue to be VERY into cars, trucks, trains, planes, and buses. We just got a train track and some trains, and you are obsessed. You could play with the cars at Grandma's house all day! You are constantly wanting to "see, see" a bus, a train, a plane that you hear whiz by. You are obsessed with YouTube videos of buses and trains. When we visited the Kazmann boys, you were in heaven with Caden & Everett's plethora of vehicles - and you especially loved the construction cars/equipment.

If you had asked me in college if I would EVER use the phrase "all boy" to refer to any child, I would have laughed in your face and told you how awful that phrase is - to stereotype like that is simply disgusting and unfair to kids. But, my boy - you simply are "all boy." I want to slap myself and barf all over the keyboard as I type that out, but it's true. You love a great game of chase, love to be loud, love to run and climb, love blocks and, like I said above, all types of transportation. You even laugh like a little boy now, although mostly when you're kind of faking it... it's more of a growl laugh, deep from the back of your throat. You even love turning big boxes into cars that you "drive" and "beep, beep."

But, you are my all-sweet boy! You still like to cuddle at night before bed. You are needing to be rocked a little longer these evenings. You love your pacis, and you'll gladly go nap knowing you get some quality time with them! You like books, playing with your cousins, dancing to music, helping empty the dishwasher or putting your dishes in the sink, and giving impromptu kisses. You're getting more daring with doing movements to songs like "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes," and "Wheels on the Bus." You also can chime in on certain songs like "Twinkle, Twinkle, "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep," "Wheels on the Bus," and "ABCs." I LOVE that!

So, yes, a boring month, but one filled with lots more development, growth, words, play, fun, and LOVE! I love you so much, Angel. I wish you an amazing 20-month birthday!


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Rheumatoid Awareness Day

Almost 4 years ago, when I started this blog, I never would have imagined that my posts about my musings and political opinions about engagement and marriage would turn to a discussion about Rheumatoid disease - let alone a day devoted to its awareness. I kind of miss those "hot topic" posts that got me into trouble and sparked amazing conversation. But, here we are - a wedding, a kid, and a diagnosis later - and I'm blogging about the first ever Rheumatoid Awareness Day.  The Rheumatoid Patient Foundation explains that February 2nd of each year will now be a day devoted to "giving people with the chronic illness known as rheumatoid arthritis, or rheumatoid disease, a day of recognition."

While I'm glad there is a day devoted to this, I don't really need the day. I need a cure. I need proper medication. I need people to understand this disease better. Yet, since this is a slow process, I will go ahead and take advantage of the day and of having this blog to post information about RA. My most favorite thing I need people to understand is this (taken from Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior's blog):

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) has an ill-fated name. Things sometimes do: spaghetti squash is not pasta; a hot dog is not a dog; we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway.

Rheumatoid” is a reference to rheumatic fever which is not at all related to Rheumatoid Arthritis. The word “rheumatic” comes from an ancient Greek word for “flow,” which reflects a primitive understanding of medicine. By the eighteenth century, a similarity was noted between the painful symptoms of rheumatic fever and those of what we call Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Of course, we all know what “arthritis” means: literally, inflamed joints. Technically, Rheumatoid Arthritis is completely unrelated to the condition most people call “arthritis”: osteoarthritis.

Doctors call osteoarthritis by that name now so that it can be distinguished from Rheumatoid Arthritis and many other diseases using that word. Some do refer to Rheumatoid disease or autoimmune arthritis, but that can also refer to Lupus, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Juvenile Arthritis, or Psoriatic arthritis. Maybe we just need a better name for Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Likewise, a CNBC article states that "one goal of this initiative is to overcome the misconception that rheumatoid disease is a form of arthritis. While the disease usually affects joints, the disease process is not the same as osteoarthritis. RPF founder Kelly Young points out, 'joint inflammation is a prominent symptom of this disease for most patients, but it's a disservice to refer to it as merely a type of arthritis.' She explains, 'Just today a patient posted about the severe effects of her rheumatoid lung disease, saying her joints feel better than they have in years.'"

It's obvious that even many doctors don't know the difference between osteoarthritis and RA, and therefore they cannot possibly understand it - or me! At my most recent OB/GYN annual exam, my doctor told me that the diagnosis must be wrong because I'm "too young to have arthritis." Clearly, he doesn't know what I know, doesn't read the literature or know others who are even younger than I am and have RA, and doesn't know to leave the diagnosing of such diseases to the rheumatologists. (As Sam put it - so eloquently - after I told him what the doc said, "He wouldn't want rheumatologists diagnosing placenta previa or ovarian cysts, would he?")

Living with RA on a daily basis often feels like Groundhog Day. Every day I wake up, wondering what my prognosis will be for the day. Will my jaw open? Will my knees hold me up? Will my elbows straighten? Will my wrists give out? Will my fatigue and swelling hold out long enough for me to enjoy my day with my boy? Will I be able to pick Banner up from his crib with ease, or will I have to muster enough courage and strength and willpower to just suck it up and endure the pain in my wrists and/or elbows? Will I be able to get on and off the floor - at Mommy & Me, at Storytime, at our play group - without completely embarrassing myself? Will I be able to get off the toilet seat with ease, or will my knees be so weak or swollen that I'll have to use the counter, doorway, or door for help off the seat? I have to wait to know how my day will go, wondering how much longer this nonsense will persist. Needless to say, I'm hoping for an early spring! 

One of Sam's favorite things to do on Groundhog Day is watch Groundhog Day, the movie. In the film, the main character must relive the same day over and over again. This is just like RA, in that the same things happen over and over again. My body is constantly fighting the same war. My mind is constantly battling the same issues. And, medicine after medicine doesn't work. And, I wish more people understood the disease, as I'm having the same conversations over and over again... although I'm THRILLED when people want to learn, to understand, to become aware, so that part I don't mind so much.

Anyway, in the hopes that you might want to learn more, I'll leave you with some further reading about RA, if you are so inclined to "celebrate" this day of awareness.

-What is RA, Anyway?
-Difference between RA and Osteoarthritis
-Basic RA Facts
-RA Awareness Day
-Previous posts on my blog about RA: here, here, here, and here.

Friday, January 18, 2013

My Funny Kid

In my opinion, Banner's a pretty hilarious kid! I think he has an amazing sense of humor, and Sam and I have always marveled at his comedic timing. But, recently, there have been some funny little things I wanted to make note of so I won't forget all the cute stuff he's doing at this age (19 months). Most of these things, when I'm writing them down, don't seem very funny, but if you had been there, you would have been cracking up with us.

-A few days ago, after Banner woke up from his nap at Grandma's house, he was enjoying a small "Cutie"/"Clementine" orange at the kitchen table. Aunt Kiki was sitting next to Banner, and after he put 2 little sections in his mouth at a time and picked up a third, Aunt Kiki told Banner, "No, baby, you have too much in your mouth. Wait til you finish those pieces first." Banner looked at Kira, then at the orange, and then he put the orange to his ear and said, "Herro?" to "talk on the phone. He proceeded to have an entire conversation on his "orange" phone.

-Earlier this week, we were finishing up a great dinner. Banner ate really well, and I think he was in an "I'm stuffed" coma. He was staring off into space, just zoned out with his mouth slightly open. He was not blinking, and he was in his own little world simply fixated on what seemed to be the dining room blinds. We waved our hands in front of him and got no response. I started singing the "Twilight Zone" theme song, and Sam said, "Creeeepy!" Without flinching or moving a muscle, Banner continued to stare into space as he whispered, "Creeepy!" right back to us. It was really funny, and then we all got the giggles.

-Yesterday, I was reading a book to Banner. It's a book called Rockin' Babies, and there's a page with a playroom scene. On one side of the book, there's a small train pull-toy. On the other side of the page, there's a "cozy coupe" car that the baby is in and "driving." While I was reading the book to Banner, he pulled his knee up high and put his bare foot on the page. When I went to turn the page, he said, "No. In." I told him it was time to turn the page so we could see what happens next. He kept putting his foot on the page, and saying, "In." I was confused, and then, he said, "Help" (which sounds more like "hep"), and then "Play" (which sounds more like "pay"). I finally got it. The boy wanted to get in the car and play. He wanted to ride on the pull-toy, and he was very determined to jump into the picture to play in that playroom. I told him it was a book, and it was just a picture - that we can't ride on that toy. He got frustrated and kept putting his foot on the book. This lasted several minutes, with me trying to explain that we can't ride that toy but that if he wants to ride a toy, he has his own playroom to go find ride-on toys. He did not like my idea, and he wanted THAT car and THAT pull-toy. Finally, I called for Sam who was working in the next room. When I explained to him what was going on, although he could clearly see for himself, he and I looked at each other and tried really hard not to burst out laughing. On my final attempt to turn the page and explain to Banner that we can't play in that car, that we can't jump into the book, that we have other real toys that he CAN play with, that it was time to turn the page... Sam and I finally lost it as Banner was whimpering "In. Play. Car. Help." It was so sad, so creative, so funny - all at the same time.

More to come - this kid keeps us laughing!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

19 Month Newsletter

Dear Banner,
It's been a while since I've done an "In's and Out's" list for you, so I thought I'd do that for your 19-month post. Here's what gets you going these days:

What's IN? (As in... what you LOVE!)
-School buses, tractors, fire trucks, trains, cars, airplanes, helicopters... but mostly school buses.
-Watching YouTube videos on our iPhones or iPad... mostly "Wheels on the Bus" videos or videos about trains, buses, fire trucks, etc.
-Honey Nut Cheerios: We finally introduced you to nut products, and you dig you some Honey Nuts - which you call "Nut"
-Outside: you've always loved the outdoors!
-Pacis at bedtime and naptime - you wish you could have them all the time; you're always asking for them! Oh, how I'm dreading taking them away one day!
-Opening gifts! You finally understand wrapping paper and the gifts that are beneath it!
-Hitting and pinching! Oh, young man, you are testing your limits these days! I certainly hope this is OUT soon!
-Yo Gabba Gabba!
-Climbing up on everything. This is not new - but now you are using chairs and step-stools to get to "off-limits" places. The past few days, you have taken your small chairs we keep in the playroom to the stove to play with the knobs! Daddy and I immediately went out to get knob covers. We did not think we'd need these so soon because they are all the way up on the counter - out of your reach... that is, until you get a chair to stand on to reach them! We also took these chairs away from you. But, you, my darling, are too damn crafty! You then took your "Banner" stool and used it to reach what you wanted, and now you're fully capable of climbing up onto our kitchen chairs - which are bar stool height - to reach everything on our kitchen table. You'!
-Time with friends - you like your play dates as much as I do! Finding new toys, "playing with" new friends, and learning how to get along with others keeps you engaged and entertained.
-Learning new words EVERY day! A few of my favorites this month: "puzzles," "hippo," "bear," "in," "out," "on," "off," "school bus," and my absolute favorite two new words/phrase of the month are: "tain too" (which is your way of saying "thank you!" - which just this week you have begun to say unprompted! In fact, just the other day, we finished checking out at Babies 'R Us, and as we walked away from the cashier, you said "Tain Too!" much to all of our surprise - making your Mommy very proud!) and "Babber" (which is your way of saying your name!)

What's OUT? (As in... what you HATE!)
-Brushing your teeth - you just don't quite tolerate it enough for Mommy and/or Daddy to really brush the yuck off them!
-Your highchair and carseat - you hate being buckled in these days... which also includes sitting in grocery carts!
-Whenever we tell you it's time to stop watching the iPad or take our iPhones away from you
-Whenever we have to go inside after playing outside
-Sharing Grandma.  When you were last at her house, you saw Brycen hug Grandma's legs, and you immediately ran over to him, pushed Brycen, and said "Memaw, Memaw!" (Your way of saying "Grandma") Mara quickly taught you that "we have to share Grandma!"
-Veggies. While I can still get you to eat pureed veggies in the pouch, you turn your nose up at all those old favorites. You used to love broccoli, squash, zucchini.... Now, carrots are our go-to, and even then it's hit or miss. I have a feeling this won't change, but I'm hopeful!

Sweet boy, this was a fun month of watching you grow and learn. We are starting to work on so many fun things - like emotions, colors, letters, counting, more animals - and it's so neat to watch you pick up on these concepts. I love when you have mastered something new - a new word, a new understanding, a new skill. Even though you are way more of a behavioral challenge because you are quite the toddler (and want what you want when you want it!), this stage of your life is fascinating! Daddy and I are constantly amazed by you! Not only are you so smart, but you are super funny! You crack us up - and crack up with us!

This month, you celebrated your second Hanukkah, your second New Year's Eve and Day, you played in your first snowfall, and you had your first viral sickness that had us very worried. After 7 days of fever, a strep test, an RSV test, a urinalysis, a chest X-Ray, a blood draw, a nasal swab, and an respiratory test, it was determined that you must have just had a virus that needed to run its course. Luckily yet unfortunately, all these painful, uncomfortable, annoying, scary tests were for nothing. Daddy and I hated putting you through the two-hour testing ordeal, but if you came out a healthy kid on the other side, we are beyond happy.

Banner Boone, you're officially on the latter end of your second year! You're getting to be such a big boy, Love. Sometimes I just stop and look at you in complete shock at how tall you've grown or how mature you look. In the same moment, I try to memorize your smallness, your tiny, sweet hands, your smooth baby skin, your big, beautiful blue eyes, your "cuddliness," and savor my little "baby" boy. I hope you know how loved you are, how special you are to all of us, and how adored you are. I just can't get enough of you, Angel. Thank you for letting me be your mommy. Happy 19 months!! I love you more than you could ever imagine!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year: 2013!

Happy New Year, Everyone! This year, Banner got to spend another fun night at Grandma & Papa's house to ring in the new year. He got to enjoy a yummy meal, great company, and a fun sleepover to celebrate his last night of 2012. Knowing he was in great, safe hands, Sam and I headed out to meet our friends for dinner. After our meal, everyone headed back to our house to just hang out, get comfy in pajamas, chat, eat cookies, and play poker. It was a pretty low-key evening, but it was fun.

The Ladies
The Gents
The Gang
Silly Pose!
Gretchen & Avi
Cherie & Jed
Logan & Alan
Am & Sam
Logan doing her "Elf Yourself" dance
The girls just hanging while the guys played poker
This morning, New Year's Day, we went to my Aunt Jacque & Uncle Freddy's house for their annual New Year's Day brunch. We met Banner there to say our official "Happy New Year!"' to him!

Banner hugging Marin

An attempt at a family photo

Playing on Aunt Jacque & Uncle Freddy's bed
Watching Uncle Barry be silly
Uncle Barry, Logan, and the kiddos
He was doing his fake laugh here
Walking on the treadmill
Letting the treadmill take him for a ride
Grandma and Banner playing chase in Aunt Jacque's bathroom

Monday, December 31, 2012

Reflecting on a Wild-Ride of a Year: Link-O-Mania!

Last year at this time, I had a six-month old baby, was working full-time, and was fully able to use my joints the way I wanted. Oh how things have quickly changed! I wanted to take a moment to reflect on all we have done, accomplished, and endured in 2012 before it comes to an end:
  • Sam and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary.
  • Sam quit his job at a large law firm to start his own practice with two other partners.
  • I grappled with the idea to work full time or to stay at home with Banner. After MUCH contemplation, discussion, and intense thought, I resigned from my school counseling job and began subbing while also being able to stay at home with my boy. It was one of the hardest - but best - decisions I have made.
  • We renovated the kitchen: painted, new counters, new sink, new gas stove.
  • I had knee surgery, and we found out I have a rheumatoid disease which explains the pain and discomfort in my joints.
  • Banner learned to crawl, to walk, to climb, to start talking! We watched him celebrate his first New Year's, Valentine's Day, and Passover.
  • Banner had his first swim, his first haircut, his first visit to the zoo and the aquarium, and his first walk in the snow.
  • I had my first Mother's Day, but it was the first Sam had without his mom.
  • We met my nephew, Brycen!
  • Kira & Erick and Shelby & Paul got married.
  • Sam and I went on a week-long Caribbean cruise! And, while on the ship, we made some new friends from Mexico.
  • We got involved: Banner joined a gymnastics class, he started going to Mommy & Me classes, and he goes to story time at the local library.
  • We did holidays perfectly! Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur, Father's Day, birthdays, July 4th, and so many traditional events
  • We celebrated Banner's first birthday!
  • My best friend welcomed her third child, Corey.
  • We found out we will have another nephew in March!
  • We threw Mom a fabulous surprise birthday party
  • Kira turned 30 and Trey turned 21 on the same day Grandpa died.
  • We said goodbye to Grandpa.
  • We celebrated Sam's 30th birthday in a fun way!
  • I learned to put my baby to bed without a bottle, to live with only one nap time a day, and to finally learn what it was like to have a baby NOT puke on me all the time!
  • Big Tex burned down, Obama won the election, Desperate Housewives ended, Whitney Houston died, we're still grieving the heinous attack at Sandy Hook Elementary, and Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast.
  • My little frog celebrated Halloween in a big way.
  • We learned to let other people put Banner to bed at night - and we are SO grateful to Aunt Gayle, NaNa, Aunt Kiki, and Grandma for all their help in babysitting Banner when we have needed help this year - which ended up being a LOT with doctor's appointments and physical therapy.
  • Cherie and I took a road trip to visit our favorite group of redheads!
  • We were obsessed with the 2012 summer Olympics - mostly the women's gymnastics events.
  • I survived a whole year without Oprah. 
  • We watched some great shows: Parenthood, Private Practice, Gray's Anatomy, Glee, and the weirdest new addition: The Walking Dead.
  • We attended some great parties, awesome showers, and fun friend get-togethers.
  • Banner adopted his first angel.
  • We learned more about what it means to be a parent, how to communicate with each other better, how to embrace the most amazing moments, and how not to take things for granted.
My wish for 2013 is to continue to watch my sweet Banner grow into a healthy, caring, smart, funny, kind, strong little boy, to nurture my marriage with more date nights, more one-on-one time with Sam, and even stronger communication, to get my house back in order and take charge of it - or try to - once again, to maintain better health for myself and do everything I can to be the best, most active, most engaging mom I can be to Banner. And, maybe - just maybe - we will find ourselves preparing to meet another baby to turn our world and this house upside down all over again!

May 2013 be a good year for you and yours! Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

More Time in the Snow

The day after Christmas, we continued to enjoy the snow! Here are some pics from that morning:

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Holidays Continue (Part 2)

What a miraculous day we've had here! Banner slept in just a tad (the past couple days he's woken up around 6:30am, so 7:00 was good this morning!). He was in a great mood all day. We spent some time at home relaxing and listening to and watching the rain fall most of the day. Around Banner's nap time, the rain turned into sleet and quickly hushed as it fell on our skylights as it turned to a blizzardy snow! It was magical! Sam and I loved the quiet to ourselves, and then we eagerly awaited Banner's nap to end so we could introduce him to the beautiful white snow that surrounded the house and continued to fall from the sky. It was so much fun watching him see it, touch it, explore it, feel it on his face. After only 5-10 minutes in it, it was time to get dressed for a night at Zaide's house. There, we played in the snow for a few more minutes, opened gifts, ate dinner, and played with cousins, aunts, and uncles. Banner's night ended with a fun green-colored bubble bath (literally, we blew bubbles).

Here's a peek into our day:

Front yard
Opening the door to the magical winter wonderland
Feeling and seeing the snow for the first time

Walking in the snow with Mommy
Daddy and Banner touching snow
My baby's snowprints
Daddy shook Banner off before coming in the house
Cousin Colby in the snow
Colby and Miles in the snow
Colby & Banner
Banner and Mommy
Looking out the window at Zaide's house - love the reflection of his awe of the snow
Uncle Jason and Colby
Banner and Zaide
Thanks, NaNa and Uncle Paul!
Thanks, Zaide
Colby thanking Zaide
Thanks, Zaide!
Banner thanking Zaide
Thanks, Aunt Gayle, Uncle Jason, Miles, and Colby
More from Zaide!
Zaide opening his gift from the whole gang
Handsome taking it easy
Aunt Gayle playing with Banner after dinner
Our little goofball - making all kinds of noises
And having quite the lengthy conversation
Banner and Colby
Aunt Gayle & Banner