Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Birthday, America!

July 4th is Sam's favorite holiday, and it's quickly becoming one of mine, too. Sam loves it because he's so patriotic and loves any chance to celebrate this great country of ours. I like it for that reason, of course, but I LOVE how Americans around the country come together in their communities to watch fireworks. I love the food, the vibrant colors of our flag being presented everywhere, and just hanging out with friends and family in the evening heat. (I could do without the heat throughout the day, but it does feel nice as the sun sets and you're bathed in this glorious warmth.) I love watching the fireworks and recognizing just how lucky we are to have the freedoms we do. So, as this holiday approached, I felt myself really getting into the spirit and looking forward to having fun things to do with Banner this year. (Last year he wasn't even a month old, but I do remember it being an eventful day: he met his Aunt Robin, met his Uncle Sage, and had his first real bath.) This year is the first year he could actually enjoy the food, the company, and the activities, yet I can't wait for him to be able to stay up and watch fireworks in the future.

So, here's a bit of our Fourth celebration...

The morning of Tuesday, the 3rd, I made Banner a "Fourth of July" breakfast since we knew he wouldn't be waking up with us the next morning (he'd be at my mom's). He loved his waffle, and even said "wawa" over and over again when I said "waffle." He loved the "naNAnas," blueberries, and strawberries I put on, too.
 Later that evening, we took Banner to my mom's house to have a sleepover with Grandma and Papa. This would be his second 3rd of July evening with them; I'm hoping this can become a tradition of theirs maybe! Banner hasn't spent the night out away from us since November, so I was reluctant to leave, but once we did, Sam and I had a blast! We met up with Cherie, Jed, Logan, Alan, Gretchen, and Avi to go see fireworks. After picking up some Grandy's for dinner and finding a good place among the crowded knolls, we hung out eating, chatting, and goofing off until the fireworks started. It was a great night!
My 4th of July drinking glasses I made! :)
Firework Straws!
The gang (that's Sam at the bottom with the beer, of course!)
My date!
I asked them to "watch the fireworks" and this is what I got!
Logan got really into it
Happy Kaboom!!
July 4th morning, Sam and I slept in!! Now THAT was a Happy Independence Day! Then, we stopped by my father-in-law's house to wish him a happy holiday before heading to my mom's to see Banner. After hanging out there for a bit and after Banner's second nap, we went to my aunt & uncle's house for their 4th of July party at their new, amazingly beautiful home they just finished building and moving into! Gorgeous house, I tell you! Anyway, lots of food, fun, and family. Here are some pictures of the party and the "Flag Cake" I made (thanks to Pinterest and this website!).

Grandma & Banner

Our Star-Spangled Banner!

Marin & her Mama

Brock & Brycen

Walking around Aunt Jacque's house

I just love my sister!

Kiki and Landry


The yummy grub!

Marin & Kiki

My cake!

Inside my special cake project

Crumbled a little, but here's the first slice!

My boys

More sweets

Tasting Mommy's Flag Cake

Brycen & Zach
Loving Aunt Jacque's backyard!
First corn-on-the-cob!

My family

FLASHBACK! Here's my sweet newborn last July 4th and then a picture from THIS year! Oh how things have changed!

Happy Birthday, America!!

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