Monday, July 9, 2012

Our 13-Month-Old

Dear Banner,
As the mother of a young infant, I couldn't wait until you were 12 months old! I remember in the very early days feeling like those days of having you as a one-year-old were SO far from my reach. Having a 12 month old seemed like the ultimate goal for me because I knew I'd know you better by then. I knew you'd be walking or about to walk. I knew you'd be attempting words. I knew the SIDS risk significantly decreased at 12 months - definitely something that would make me rest maybe a tiny bit better at night (you know me... I will always, always worry about you!). I knew it meant that I had been through every season, every month, every day of a whole year with you in my life. And, I couldn't wait for that! But now that 12 months have come (and gone), I'm ready for time to slow down just a bit. Just like every other "night before you turn a new month older," as I said my final goodnights last night, tears streamed down my face as I remembered you as my newborn baby. As much as I love you and love how much we know each other now, I miss my tiny boy who loved skin-to-skin, who would wrap his itty-bitty fingers around just one of mine, who worked so hard to hold his head up even in those first few days of life! You are such a curious little boy - always have been! - so I'm delighted to see you grow and learn. But, just don't be in such a rush! Mommy wants to embrace all of these days we have with you so little.

So, what are you up to these days? Well, this past month has been busy, fast, and full of amazing new skills!

-Perhaps the biggest change has been an explosion of the language center in your brain! You are very aware that objects have names, that words have meanings, and that sounds create these words. Not only can you repeat lots of sounds after us (you're especially good at /a/, /b/, /w/, /g/, /m/, and /d/), you are getting pretty awesome at trying to copy our words. For instance, a few days ago, you surprised us by trying out "waffle" which sounds like "wah-wah," "cracker" which sounds like "cackah," "bubble" which sounds like "bubba," "bagel" which sounds like "gagel," and "cupcake" which sounds like "cuh-cak." You also have attempted "dangerous," "danger," "yucky," "dirty," and you typically attempt "Thank You" when you know WE would say that to you (like when Daddy asks you to push the button to open the garage door). You say "Wow!" and "Whoa!" all the time, and when you like a food, you always say, "Mmmm!". You say "Dada" or "Dadu" for Daddy, "Mama" for me, "baba" or "bah-ul" for bottle, and "naNAna" for banana. You also say "haa" for "hot," as you wave your hand up and down - a sign you created on your own. Speaking of signing, you  are signing "more" and "finished" without prompts now. Aside: For a good solid week, you were having some night-wakings again, which Daddy and I hate because we never know why it keeps happening. You are easily soothed by us, and you put yourself back to sleep once we have held you for a few minutes and then cry yourself back to sleep after we leave your room, but that only lasts 1-2 minutes. This also happened right before you learned to walk, so we think maybe your brain was on overload trying to figure out the language thing that week and sleeping well was not on your agenda.

-Along those same lines, your receptive language has improved drastically, too! You understand simple commands like, "Can you hand me that red ball, please?" or "Banner, go get your water." You follow directions when we point to something, and you know the meaning of so many words ("nap," "light," "change diaper," "paci," "crib," "ball," "water," "bottle," "dinner," "snack," "lunch," "oatmeal," "Cheerios," "more," "all done," "shower," "bath," "kitchen," "outside," "dog," "horsey," "phone," "mail," "bubble," "mouth," "eyes," "hair").

-Your favorite book right now is Baby Animals where we read the names of animals and make their sounds. You can say "Bah" for sheep, and if we roar first, you will roar like a lion.  You also like your Curious George counting book and will look for George on each page. When I ask you, "Where is George?" you can find him and point to him.  I LOVE this!

-This month, we added whole milk, strawberries, raspberries, cauliflower, and raisins to your diet. (In addition to the cake you had at your birthday party and on the 4th of July.) You still love fruits and veggies, and I hope you continue to! You love breads/tortillas/bagels/crackers, cheeses, and beef. I tried to give you eggs on three different occasions, and you tossed it each time - but I'll keep trying. Chicken is still "hit-or-miss" with you, but I'm not giving up because I make that the most. I'd like to introduce fish soon, too, although I'm not a fish eater, so I'm not sure how to even prepare it! You did not like cottage cheese, and lately, green beans are spit out after you eat the actual beans inside.

-You blow on food that is hot (and a lot of times, food that is not hot)!

-You love the whole milk we introduced after your 12-month check-up, but getting enough ounces in you each day is tricky if we use the sippy cup. So, you still take 3 bottles a day (6-7 ounces in the morning, 4-5 ounces after one nap, and 7-8 ounces before bed). You are also drinking a lot of water (only in a sippy cup) which keeps you hydrated and less constipated. :) You're welcome!

-You probably really need the bottle still. You are not ready to give up that "sucking" time. And, I've decided I'm not in any hurry for you to give it up. You are still very young, and I'm okay with a bottle still (even if your doctor isn't). We'll wean eventually... I have no doubt that you will start Kindergarten bottle-free! Speaking of sucking, you also use your paci but it is not allowed to leave your room. You have them (yes, all 4) in your crib and on your changing table, but that's it. Again, I'm okay with this and know you won't go to college with pacis!

-Physically, you are still strong as ever! You are now CLIMBING! Mostly, you climb up on the fireplace hearth, but you also climb on couches, stairs, and tables. It won't be long before those little legs are helping you hoist yourself up onto any other number of dangerous places. . . . giving Mommy small heart attacks!

-You are getting better at letting me brush your teeth!

-Since Daddy works at home now, you are pretty confused! He's here in the house with us, but he can't play with you! He often will come out of his "office" for a restroom break, for a cup of coffee, or maybe to have lunch with you. But, when he goes back to his room, you are pretty pissed about it. I wish I could explain it to you, but usually a good distraction helps ease your disappointment. This whole new arrangement is significantly different than a couple months ago! Mommy now stays at home? Daddy works in the room next to yours? We aren't rushing to get to Grandma's every weekday? What is going on? I'm sure you are a bit baffled, but this will become our new norm, and then when Daddy gets his own real office, we'll miss him terribly! It is nice having him give you breakfast or help cook dinner, right? And, most days he gets you up from at least one nap.  I know I, for one, am loving that he's here and soaking up this special time together!

-You love going outside, even in this awful heat! You love playing in water, swimming, and riding your new tricycle! You often "ask" for the back door to be open so you can look outside. Sometimes you want to go out, but it's just too hot and you get upset. We try to go outside at least once to play, though.

-You celebrated another Father's Day with Daddy, my 32nd birthday, and Independence Day!

-You love dancing to any music, and you often look at me right away for a response or a reaction of some kind. I usually start bouncing right along with you, which puts a huge smile on your face! You just love music!!

-You are still wearing size 4 diapers, and we put you in size 5 Overnights at night. You mostly wear 12 month clothing, but some outfits are 18 months.

-You had your first busted lip this month. You had a sippy cup in your mouth as you were walking to Aunt Kira's room. Theo jumped over you but missed a bit, and you were on the ground and crying within seconds. The straw from the cup cut your bottom lip, bruised the area above your top lip, and caused a small bloody nose, too. It was scary for both of us, but you healed within a couple days. You also had quite a reaction to something that bit your foot. Your foot swelled up, turned red, and got hot. You didn't seem to mind it at all, which is the only reason I was calmer about it than I normally would have been, and the only reason we never took you to the doctor (we called, but never took you in).

-You're starting to run. Yes, run. Ohhhh, Crap.

Big changes, huh?! Well, I think so! You have Daddy and me wrapped around your finger, running in circles, chasing after you, constantly amazed, and at your mercy! We just love you, Sweet Boy! 12 months has gone, and now you are my big 13 month old! I hope you had a great first birthday month. I hope you know how loved you are! I hope you keep learning and growing and developing, but I hope time will slow down just a bit. I know you aren't slowing down any time soon - just be careful, Love. You mean more to me than you could ever know, and all this going, moving, climbing, running is awesome yet terrifying at the same time. This past month brought lots of new skills and new insight. I can't wait to see what this month will bring! I love you, my Angel. Happy 13 Months!!


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