Monday, June 25, 2012

New Adventures

Sam's new law firm is officially open for business, and we're hoping for LOTS of it! He's been wanting to start his own practice for several years now, but there never seemed to be a perfect time. I've always been supportive of this idea (except when he was right out of law school and we were newly engaged). We've talked about it for a long time, and as scary as it is for Sam to give up a steady salary, I want him to be happy, to dream big, to do what he wants, and to go for it! We both decided there was never going to be a "perfect" time - and this specific time, especially, seems entirely too crazy to actually start now, but at least I still have a couple months of paychecks still coming while we tread water on no other income. I told Sam in May that if he's going to do this, he has to do it NOW while we had a small cushion of money still coming in. Starting late August, I'm officially off payroll, so we're hoping we can make this work pretty quickly!

He's starting up with two other attorneys from the firm they just left. They mostly practice business law, both litigation and transactions, employment law, health care law, and transportation law - generally just commercial litigation. He has several clients that came with him to start, and each day he's hoping to add to that book of business. (So am I!)

When Sam talked about this before, I was really nervous. While I was supportive and encouraging, I was also tentative and weary because of the jeopardy our family could be in if he didn't succeed. I'm not a gambler. I like definitive answers and plans. I like predictability and reliability. So, leaving a job that paid a set salary each month so that we knew our income for the year, well, it just makes me a wee bit uneasy. Yet, I have a strong sense of calm about me. I have a faith in this business that I have never felt before, and I believe strongly that these three attorneys will make a great team and do great things for their clients. Out of blind faith, I feel a peaceful confidence that we will be okay, Sam will be happier, and we just might make a bit of money! So, please join me in congratulating my husband and his partners on starting up this business. Sam, I am so proud of you for chasing this dream and making it happen. I'm wishing you all the best as you embark on this new adventure. Thank you for taking me along with you. I know the road won't always be easy, but I'm right here next to you cheering you on and lifting you up. (But, if we are on welfare by the end of the year, I'll be asking you to stop "flying your own kite" and get a new job!) :)

**For more information about Sam's firm, please "Comment" below and I will forward his website to you!

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