Saturday, June 2, 2012

He Looks Like ____

I admit it. I'm guilty of looking at a baby or a child and trying to determine whom he or she looks like: Mommy or Daddy - or any other person in the family. That was one thing I couldn't wait for when I was pregnant, to see who Banner most resembled. I also knew that he would change drastically in his first year of life, so the answer to that question was always changing this year. At first, Banner reminded me very much of my father-in-law. Sam and I agreed that Banner was like a little Richard with those eyebrows and forehead. Other than that, Banner seemed to look like my side of the family at that time. I remember Sam's mom, Leslie, saying, "When a baby is born, everyone wants the baby to look like them." She said this because she was bummed that Banner really didn't look like her or her side of the family. Sam and I are sad that she did not live long enough to see Banner grow and change to resemble his Bubbie more and more each day. There are so many facial expressions that Banner makes that look like Bubbie, and his mouth shape and movements remind me so much of her.

Most people say Banner looks so much like Sam. Banner does have his daddy's hair color and texture, and his lighter eyes are much more similar to Sam's eye color. Given the darkness of my eyes and especially my hair, looking in the mirror with Banner right next to me begs the question: how could this baby be my child? His coloring is so different than mine. So, I understand when even my closest friends will tell me that Banner looks like Sam and barely resembles me at all. The problem with this, though, is that when Banner smiles, he reminds me of my mother. I see her in his beaming eyes and bright smile. I've felt this way for months; the "light up the room" effect Banner has is so Mom. And people tell me that she and I look alike. So, I pulled some pictures of me when I was a baby to prove that maybe, just maybe, this baby of mine is, in fact, really mine.

So, you be the judge. If you cover my hair and pretend my eyes are blue, you can see Banner, right? It might just be that this boy is his mother's son!

18 months
I think this is at a year old
And now, here's for some of Banner next to my baby pics:

1 year old
No matter who he looks like, I just love this kid. He's a great mix of both of us, if you ask me. What I love more than anything, though, is that he's his own person. Oh, Banner Boone. . . I just love you, son, with those blue eyes, light brown hair, dimples, squeezable cheeks, soft eyebrows, delicate skin, button nose, long lashes, and kissable lips!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely your kiddo! I see it in the dimples, eye shape, nose, mouth and brow shape! If you count sweetness as genetic throw that in too :) Coloring isn't everything, you for sure look like his Mama!
