Monday, May 28, 2012

Summer Begins!

Today feels like the official first day of summer, even though I know we have a few weeks before the season starts. School's not even out yet, but this weekend felt like a good time to say "Happy Summer!" While Friday was a rough day, the rest of the weekend was spent with family and friends which warmed my heart and did a lot of good for my soul. Sam even told me tonight that he felt like this weekend was one of the best weekends he's ever had. I feel a little weird saying that given that we buried my grandfather only a few days ago, but a little bit of family and fun goes a long way. It's what Grandpa would have wanted, anyway, so maybe it's fitting. Here's a quick review:

Friday late afternoon/evening was spent with Sam & Banner at my aunt/uncle's house, and so many of my out of town family got to meet Banner for the first time. Saturday, I tried to sleep in while Sam got up with Banner, but the damn dog next door woke me by 7:15. So, we had a little extra family time before heading to my nephew's 2nd birthday party. After that was over, Banner & I headed to my dad's house which was 30 minutes away from the birthday party. I hauled a$$ there so I could try to make the most of Banner's "awake" time. At Dad's, more family got to see and play with (and follow) Banner. Then, all too quickly, I had to get Banner home to start his nap - already an hour late. After a great 2 hour nap, Banner woke up in time for Sam & I to do some very quick Babies 'R Us shopping and then head to my aunt/uncle's house again for a memorial service with the rabbi. More memories were shared about Grandpa, and more time for my family to see Banner before Sam snuck out with him to get Banner to bed, again, already an hour late. Sunday was more of a lazy day. It was my day up early with Banner, and when Sam got up he quickly left to go donate blood - something he does once a month. When he returned home, after Banner's first nap, Sam took Banner to Sam's best friend's parents' house for a bit. Then, Banner napped again before we headed to my cousin's 1st birthday party! The party was fun, creative, and a chance to see more family and friends. Then, Mom, Bob, Sam, Banner, and I went out to eat for a quick bite. It was nice to eat dinner with them - and to be out with Banner, too. Then, we went home, put Banner to bed, and watched a movie. After a rough sleep for Banner, Monday morning, Sam and I both got up with him. By 8:15 we were getting gas, grocery shopping, and stopping for donuts on our way home. Banner went down for nap at 9:30, and when he woke up, we went to my mom's house where we spent the rest of the day swimming and eating!

And this is where my favorite part starts! After we fed Banner lunch, we got him ready for his first swim. I had wanted to take Banner swimming last summer when he was itty-bitty, but his umbilical cord took a month to fall off completely(!), the doctor advised against being in the heat, and with his eczema flaring up right at the end of summer and then it getting too cold to get in the pool, a first swim just never happened. So, I've been waiting for the weather to get nice enough to finally take Banner in the pool. It was also important to me that Sam be with us during Banner's first swim experience, which has made me pass up other opportunities in the recent few weeks. Anyway, the water was pretty chilly when I first stepped in. I put Banner's feet on the first step, and he didn't seem to mind as much as I did! I stayed a step lower than he did, and I was freezing, so I was worried he was going to want out or start crying. Much to my surprise and delight, Banner beamed and squealed with excitement. It was like he's been waiting for this day all his life! He loved the water. He wanted to keep getting that little body deeper in the pool. He never cried the whole time we were there, and he also let me scoop him under water a handful of times. Sam and I were both very pleased with this whole experience. Banner gladly went back and forth to us, and he even seemed to want to let go of us - if only we would have let him! He walked along the long second step/ledge and patted the wall of the pool. He loved to smack and splash the water.

Since he was so happy in the water, I worried he'd cry when we took him in for his nap. In luck again, Sam and I rinsed and dried Banner and easily got him down for a nap. I couldn't help give him another dip in the pool after his nap! Again, he was so excited to be in the pool.

The rest of the afternoon/evening, we talked, played, and ate dinner with the family. Mom and Sam grilled dinner for all of us.  As we sat down to dinner, Kira said, "Now THIS is summer!" I so agree, and I think Banner's gonna like his first "conscious" summer! ;) If today is any hint of what is to come this season, I can't wait!

These 18month swim shorts are a little too big but they'll do!
On his way up from an underwater dip
Pretending to surf
Uncle Brock, Brycen, Mommy, Banner, Daddy, Mara, & Caden

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