Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy Birthday to MY Mommy!

Yesterday, my mother celebrated a big birthday. It's not up to me to disclose how old she is, but it was a milestone birthday, and we celebrated it in a pretty big way this year. My mom is the most amazing person I know. I admire her more than anyone could ever know, and I love that we got a chance to celebrate her and her extraordinary life on more than one occasion. She deserves so much more than that, though. My mom has been to hell and back a few times in her life, and she has always managed to bounce back with a beaming smile and a heart full of love and warmth. She's such a giving person, and I hope that we were able to show her some of that love back, even if it was a tiny morsel in comparison to her daily gifts.

In the card I gave to her yesterday, I wrote that since I've become a mother, I want to thank her and show her appreciation in a way I never could have before. I now know more about what she went through, and I have no idea how she raised us the way she did (most of the time) as a single mother. I thanked her for all the times I peed on her, pooped on her, spit-up on her, vomited on her, ruined her hair, her clothes, her make-up, her purse, invaded her personal space and time, pitted out her car, her house, ruined her favorite things, talked her ear off, made her late, kept her from sleeping, cried to her, and pretty much did anything that annoyed or frustrated her! And, not only did she let me do all of those things to her, but now she's letting MY baby do them to her, too! She watches Banner every weekday while I'm working, and he is doing all those same things to her, too.

My mom is a warrior. She's a survivor, a fighter, and a true example of inner and outer beauty. She stands for what she believes in, she loves with her whole heart, and she embraces her family unconditionally. She's a good friend, an amazing cook, and a wise teacher. I love her more every day, and I cannot imagine my life without her. After losing Sam's mom a few months ago, I know how lucky I am to have my mom in my life. I never take her for granted, and I cherish all the lessons she continues to teach me. I feel so blessed that Banner gets to learn from her, too, and I feel like she's the best gift I could ever give to him.

Mom, I love you so much! I hope you enjoyed your party, your birthday dinner, your surprises, your gifts, your slideshow video, and all the love that surrounded you on your special birthday. Here's to many, many more birthdays, but mostly, here's to YOU and you feeling the love that you so deserve!

For all those times you stood by me, 
for all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life, 
for all the wrong that you made right,
For every dream you made come true, 
for all the love I found in you, I'll be forever thankful!
You're the one who held me up, never let me fall. 
You're the one who saw me through, through it all.
You were my strength when I was weak, 
you were my voice when I couldn't speak,
 You were my eyes when I couldn't see, 
you saw the best there was in me,
 Lifted me up when I couldn't reach, 
you gave me faith 'cause you believed
 I'm everything I am because you loved me.
You gave me wings and made me fly. 
You touched my hand, I could touch the sky.
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me. 
You said no star was out of reach.
You stood by me, and I stood tall. I had your love, I had it all.
I'm grateful for each day you gave me.
Maybe I don't know that much, but I know this much is true.
I was blessed because I was loved by you.

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