Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year: 2013!

Happy New Year, Everyone! This year, Banner got to spend another fun night at Grandma & Papa's house to ring in the new year. He got to enjoy a yummy meal, great company, and a fun sleepover to celebrate his last night of 2012. Knowing he was in great, safe hands, Sam and I headed out to meet our friends for dinner. After our meal, everyone headed back to our house to just hang out, get comfy in pajamas, chat, eat cookies, and play poker. It was a pretty low-key evening, but it was fun.

The Ladies
The Gents
The Gang
Silly Pose!
Gretchen & Avi
Cherie & Jed
Logan & Alan
Am & Sam
Logan doing her "Elf Yourself" dance
The girls just hanging while the guys played poker
This morning, New Year's Day, we went to my Aunt Jacque & Uncle Freddy's house for their annual New Year's Day brunch. We met Banner there to say our official "Happy New Year!"' to him!

Banner hugging Marin

An attempt at a family photo

Playing on Aunt Jacque & Uncle Freddy's bed
Watching Uncle Barry be silly
Uncle Barry, Logan, and the kiddos
He was doing his fake laugh here
Walking on the treadmill
Letting the treadmill take him for a ride
Grandma and Banner playing chase in Aunt Jacque's bathroom

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