Sunday, September 9, 2012

Leather Anniversary

Last year, Sam and I celebrated our cotton anniversary, and the year before that, our paper anniversary. This year, we had our leather anniversary, and what a fabulous time we have had celebrating the birth of our marriage! Our actual anniversary was this past Thursday, September 6th. That night, my sister (the newlywed - which I will post about in the next day or so!), came over to babysit Banner while Sam and I went to dinner. When Kira got here, she presented us with a thoughtful anniversary gift - mostly for Banner - but we'll take it! :) We had a very nice time getting out of the house - and we used a gift card, so we didn't have to spend a penny... what a treat!
Aunt Kira gave Banner a cow toy - get it? Leather?

We decided to really celebrate during the weekend. So, on Saturday night, Sam and I took Banner over to spend the night at my mom's house.
Family pic before our night out
Banner & Grandma's date begins
Mommy & Daddy's date begins

Our first stop was at a local restaurant that I just love - and my former colleagues had given me a gift card to this restaurant several months before - so again, we didn't have to spend any money. We both ate everything on our plates, it was so, so delicious! Full and completely satisfied, we drove towards the hotel where we were married. In the shopping center literally down the street, we bought some ice cream and sat by the pond enjoying some down time just the two of us. We took a look around the hotel reminiscing, and then we headed over to the theater down the street and saw the worst movie ever! We were really hoping to see a different film, but we missed that showing by about 10 minutes (even before we got ice cream and had to wait for another movie). We ended up seeing Bachelorette, a movie we thought looked okay - maybe even a little funny. I thought it was the worst movie I've ever seen. I was glad it wasn't terribly long, and after trying to peel my eyelids open on the ride home (around 11:30pm...way past my bedtime!), Sam and I exchanged gifts. He gave me a beautiful card that made me laugh and cry all at once. His note inside perfectly reflected our past year together. Then, I opened my gift, a leather back/neck massager, which I haven't tried yet. It is perfect to help me relax a bit more!! Next, he opened the gift I gave him, a leather desk set, which he can use as he builds his new business.

Our evening concluded with a viewing of "Our Third Year," a DVD slideshow I made for Sam which documents our past year. This "tradition" started on our first anniversary, and I've continued it now for the third time. While it takes a lot of work and time, and it requires me taking notes throughout the year in my calendar(s), it's so worth it! It helps us reflect back on what we've accomplished, survived, witnessed, been a part of - and how we've grown as a couple. It will be a nice gift we can pass along to our children one day too - so they can see what all their parents have been up to for years and years! The rest of our family appreciates this "tradition" too - as they get to reflect on the events of the past year through our eyes, and they get to see how much we love them and celebrate them, as well. In fact, just tonight, we had a "viewing" at my mom's house, and Kira turned to me and said how much she loves that I do this. It's a good reminder for everyone just how much we need each other. We couldn't make it through this journey without each other - without our friends and our family.

Oh, what a challenging, painful, glorious year it was - all in one. Banner's first birthday, Brycen was born, Kira's wedding, Shelby's wedding, we lost my grandpa, and most shocking and painful was losing Sam's mom. We celebrated Sam's 30th, I resigned, he started a new firm, and we saw a lot of Banner's firsts!

Each year, the traditional anniversary gifts represent more and more durable items. First paper, then cotton, now leather. Leather is soft, though, and it still needs a lot of care and protection - just like our young marriage. Sometimes I still can't believe that we're only 3 years in; it feels like so much more - especially given our long history. When I tuck Banner in before he is another month older, I want to slow down time. I cry as I long for my newborn and hold my toddler close - knowing these early days are fleeting. But, on the eve of our anniversary, I hugged Sam tightly and said, "I can't wait until tomorrow." Each anniversary feels like confirmation that we did a great thing. I look forward to our anniversaries, even our "monthiversaries," as our love gets "older." I am so lucky to have this wonderful man in my life who treats me so well, who loves our son so well, who provides for us, who respects me, who laughs with me, who loves spending time with me and everyone else he loves. I married my very best friend, and I love him with all my heart. I can't imagine my life without him, and I hope I never have to find out what that feels like. I am beyond grateful for each day we have together, and I hope I spend the rest of my life making a yearly anniversary video for him. Sam, I love you, love you, love you! Happy Leather Anniversary!

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