Friday, September 21, 2012

15 Month Check-Up

Dear Banner,
In addition to all the fun stuff you are doing and learning now at 15 months old, we saw Dr. B today for your well check-up, and man, are we impressed by all the awesome stuff he said about you! You are one healthy, active, happy little guy - which we already knew - but it's always nice to hear the doctor confirm that!

Today's visit started with you wanting to run around the waiting room. You had no interest in sitting still and on our laps... do you ever? When the nurse called your name, Daddy scooped you up and you said, "Hi!!" to the sweet nurse who replied, "Hi! Well, that is so nice!" Then, she weighed and measured you:

Weight: 24 pounds, 10.5 ounces = 50th percentile (you gained a little over a pound since you turned one)
Height: 30.5 inches = 40th percentile*
Head: 47.25 cm = 50th percentile

(*Note that at your 12 month check up, you measured 30.75 inches tall - which means either you shrunk (ha!) or, more likely, they mismeasured you at the 12 month appointment. At 9 months, you were 27 3/4 inches tall which is in the 35th percentile, and then you were in the 75th percentile at 12 months. So, there was definitely a mismeasurement somewhere - maybe even today... who knows!? I don't really care, as long as you are healthy. There's really not a lot I can do to change your height, so it is what it is! When you are 18 months, we'll get yet another measurement, so until then - I'm fine with a healthy, growing boy!)

Then, we waited for Dr. B to come examine you. During that time, you entertained Daddy and me with your running in place moves, your silly giggles, and your desire to want in and out of Daddy's chair. (You're kind of into sitting in chairs these days - just sitting nicely for about 1 minute - looking all around and at things from a new perspective. You look so funny when you do this.) Daddy and I also answered some questions about you at this age so that Dr. B could give us feedback about how you are doing developmentally.

When Dr. B came in - you were pretty friendly, which changed throughout the visit as he examined you! He told us that you were developmentally between a 16 month old and a 19.5 month old. He was really impressed with how many words you know... which we couldn't give an exact answer right away but told him it was at least a dozen. Given that at 15 months, he would expect you to have 3 words (not including Mama, Dada, and family members' names), he said you were doing great! Daddy even asked me when we left if I thought Dr. B thinks we were making it up! (When we got in the car, we started counting all the words we could think of that we hear you say: car, shoes, cracker, waffle, banana, more, door, dog, baba (not sure if that counts), baby, ball, apple, hhh for "hot" and coco for "cold" (again, not sure if this counts), bubble... and I'm sure there are more we didn't think of. But, the point is, we were not making it up!)

By the way, on the questionnaire, the areas we circled "No" to were: eating with a spoon/fork without spilling, drinking from a cup without a lid/spout without spilling, and building a tower with 3+ cubes (you can do 2 but not 3 yet - or maybe it's just that you want to knock it over before you're patient enough to get a third cube up there!). So, you better believe we will be working on these skills pretty soon!

We told Dr. B that you have a new habit of trying to bite us... which he says is very typical of kids your age. But, he wants us to start giving you a time-out when this happens. I'm not sure how I feel about this. He says that even if you simply attempt to bite us, we should take our attention away from you and ignore you by putting you in your crib (a safe place we can leave you) for one minute. I'm all for ignoring you when you act like this, and I typically just put you down and walk away from you. I'm not sure if I agree with the crib time out, so I have some thinking to do on that. I don't want you to associate your bed with negativity at all - you really like your crib. Oh, Banner Boone, one day you will see how very difficult these parental decision are! I love you so much and just want to do the best/right thing for you, which is so hard with not knowing for sure what that is!

Anyway, Dr. B looked you over from head to toe, and he said you are a healthy, growing boy. Here are some other things we talked about at your appointment:
  • He said your bottom molars look like they are on their way up soon, but he still only sees 2 teeth on bottom and 6 on top. 
  • We have to keep your carseat rear-facing until you are 2, which is a bummer because your legs are slowly getting to long for that seat to be facing a barrier! 
  • We are allowed to up the DEET amount in your bug repellant to 30, which is good because you typically get lots of bites - you're too sweet! Speaking of, we asked Dr. B what to do when you get those nasty, swelling, hot bites. . . he says if you are not bothered by them we shouldn't be either. He said to just put some cortisone cream on it, and watch it over 24 hours or so. Hopefully, bug repellant will help ward off any of these nasty bites! 
  • He wants us to continue to avoid nuts/nut products and uncooked honey. 
  • We are still aiming for 16-24 ounces of whole milk a day (and he again encouraged me to drop all bottles - which we only have one of now at night).
Then it was time to go! But, first we had to get three shots: DTaP, Hep B/Hib combo, and a Flu shot. You were a champ! As usual, you cried when they gave you a shot in each leg, and when the third needle hit you you screamed even more. I hate having to hold my baby down for these, but I know the shots will keep you healthy and strong, and I'm all for that! I let you have your paci for these shots - a rare treat to have a pacifier out of your bedroom! And, afterward, the nurse let you get a fun, big, bouncy ball that you held tightly the whole way home!  As we speak, you are napping away, and I am one proud Mama at all your growth, development, healthiness, and bravery! Way to go, B!

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