Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Today is Election Day, and honestly, I hate the hype, the news, the political debates, the chaos that surrounds such an event. Mostly, I can't stand this time of year because I'm sick of dirty campaigns that attack the opponent while steering clear of actually telling the voters what the candidate is actually going to DO, what he/she believes in, and HOW he/she will get the job done. I hate how ugly the campaigns get when we're really all on the same team. But, I digress... Today is Election Day... and as a woman, I've always thought about the women before me who fought so hard to have the right to vote, and it makes no sense for me not to exercise such a right. SO, even though I get frustrated with all the media, I do strongly believe in exercising your civic duty and responsibility in both getting the information you need to make a good choice and in casting an educated vote.

I have wanted to vote early all along, but Sam insisted on voting on Election Day. I decided to wait and vote with him, and even though it was a long wait, I am glad we did it this way. Sam took the morning off, and around 9:30, we headed out the door for a long but beautiful walk to the local rec center. Banner enjoyed his snack in his stroller, and Sam and I talked about the elections and whom we may or may not be voting for (Sam hadn't decided yet whom he was voting for). About 35 minutes later, we arrived at the rec center to see the line of voters wrapped around the outside of the building. We waited in line for maybe 45 minutes to an hour. Banner was such a trooper! Once the entrance to the building was in sight, Sam took Banner to walk around a bit before we were actually IN the building, and as we both signed in to vote, Sam held Banner while he said, "Maaama! Maaama!" gleefully as if he were really saying, "Mommy, look at me! I'm voting!" Sam kept reminding him to stay quiet at the polls, but he just kept saying "Maaama! Maaama!" in his singsong voice to get my attention. His voice was so sweet, and it reminded me that what we were doing in that moment mattered way more than who actually wins the presidency. It matters because we are showing Banner how to participate, how to stand up and let your voice be heard - even if the candidate you choose has no chance in hell of winning your state's support.

I couldn't help but get a wee bit emotional standing in line with all those other Americans who want their voices heard. We may not agree on the issues or who can lead this country in the best direction, but we are all there together, wanting a say. And, for so many of us, there have been crusaders ahead of our time who would give ANYTHING to have had a vote, or at least to have won that right easily and without a fight. One of my favorite TV movies is HBO's "Iron Jawed Angels," starring Hilary Swank as Alice Paul and Frances O'Connor as Lucy Burns. If you haven't seen it, check out the trailer here on YouTube. And, you can also watch the whole movie on YouTube, although in different segments. Great movie... telling the (mostly) true story about how the 19th Amendment came to finally be - giving women the right to vote. The fact that this amendment was drafted 40 years before it was finally submitted for ratification is outrageous. The fact that women (and people of all races) were not allowed to vote in the first place is also outrageous. I'm so glad America eventually got it right; I just wish all those against gay marriages would learn a lesson from our past and start living in the present - but don't get me started on that one.

Tonight, we'll be celebrating whomever won this election - in support of our incoming president. We'll be celebrating America, our faith in our leader, and our commitment to this country. We hope no matter who wins, he will lead us well. We are thankful for having a say, a right to a vote, and for being able to show our little boy how special America is. And, we'll be watching the news come in with a fun American-themed dark chocolate fondue! :)

Love this link, too: http://www.scarymommy.com/i-voted-today/

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