Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What I Did About the "Bitch-uation"

If you have been reading my blog for several months or more, you may remember me posting this about my neighbor's dog. Honestly after I thought it may have been getting better after Sam talked to one  of the neighbors (there are actually two neighbors with obnoxiously loud dogs), I got fed up when we've been woken up by the dog(s) several mornings this week and again during nap time (PRECIOUS nap time!). So, here's what I decided to do about the "bitch-uation!" Banner and I tiptoed our way over to two different neighbors' houses and left this note for each of them. :) I'm hopeful that peace will be restored soon!

Dear Neighbor,

Is it your dog who barks repeatedly throughout the day? Not sure? Perhaps you are at work, in the shower, or otherwise unable to hear that it may be your dog waking the neighborhood first thing in the morning (before sunrise) and disturbing the peace throughout the day. Please consider letting your dog in the house after he/she barks/yelps for more than a minute or so. Even that minute can seem like a long time for a house that would otherwise be quiet, peaceful, and well-rested until your dog (and another in the neighborhood) creates a ruckus.

If you are unable to quiet your dog or take action to help maintain the serenity of our neighborhood, we will be forced to contact authorities. We are more than happy to provide a log of the disturbances we hear throughout the day and night.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Your Neighbor

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