Wednesday, April 30, 2014

30 Things in 30 Days (#28: Quality in Spouse)

Day 28: What is Your Favorite Quality in Your Spouse?

It goes without saying that I love Sam very much. There are many reasons why I love him, as I discussed back here. So, choosing my favorite thing about him is a little challenging for me - to narrow it down to just one thing? Hmm... I'd have to say it's his character. Vague, I know. But, really, he's one of the most genuinely honest, committed, caring, hard-working men I know.

I have issues with trusting that someone is being honest with me - if you know anything about my past you get that and would feel similarly. So, it's hard for me to "put it out there" and say that I 100% trust my husband and feel that he is honest with me - but I do and he is!  Sam and I were just talking last night about honesty and trust. Every night since about January, Banner has been asking us to sit outside his bedroom door after we say goodnight to him. We sit where he can't see us, just on the other side of the wall of his room. As we leave his room for the evening, he will sometimes say, "You'll sit outside the wall?"  Of course, we tell him we will be there, but there are times when we just want to skip it - because there's so much to be done, or it's finally time to rest and do what WE want. It would be so easy to just go sit on the couch or go start cleaning the kitchen or do anything else but sit there outside his room. But every night, one of us sits. We just can't bear to lie to our baby. And, the night Fontina came to take Banner's paci to the babies in the hospital, Sam and I were experiencing all kinds of guilt. We both felt like we had lied to Banner. Not about Fontina, not about his surprise that was waiting for him the next day - but about what truly happened to his paci. In addition, we couldn't bear to throw it away - something that Banner loved so much. It's sitting on top of the large furniture piece in our dining room where Banner could never see. Sam, especially, was adamant that it never get thrown away. Just like he didn't want me to throw out any of Banner's artwork. One day when I was trying to clean up around here, I took a picture of each of Banner's artworks then put some of the more "minor works" in the trash. When I told Sam what I had done, he was so upset with me. "He made those! He worked hard on those!" I insisted that we can't keep every little thing he makes, and Sam said, "As long as you didn't throw out the Earth painting." I knew which one he was talking about - although it wasn't "Earth" per se - it was green and blue paint mixed together. Sam saw Earth. He said that because he and Banner had been talking about space and Earth, so this just had to be Banner's version of Earth. I said I had thrown it away, but I told him that that garbage bag was sitting in the garage, so I went to salvage it for him. I was relieved to be able to rescue it for Sam, and I have never thrown a piece of art away (without permission) since.

These examples are just a mere sliver of insight into the kind of honest, committed, caring man he is - who just can't bear to lie to or betray someone, especially someone he loves. You can trust that if Sam tells you something, he's being truthful, that if he says he will do something, he will (although it might take months to get accomplished since he is more than a procrastinator - one of my not-so-favorite qualities!). He's just a good, down-to-earth, decent man who cares very deeply for those in his circle, especially when it comes to me, to Banner, and to Quinn.

He's also incredibly hard-working. I consider myself to be pretty lazy. Even if I push myself to do something I'd rather not do, I still feel like I'm dreading the activity the whole time. Sam is so not like that. He takes on a challenge with dedication and persistence. He doesn't mind completing a long list of chores around the house, he enjoys yard work, he willingly fixes or constructs whatever needs to be done, and he rarely complains about it. (He may cuss or throw things on occasion, but I've learned to not let that part bother me, as long as the kids aren't around and he's willing to fix whatever he dents/breaks from his tantrum.) Sam has always been a committed employee, too, sometimes to a fault - where he won't say no even though he should. He's always been loyal to his bosses and worked really hard. Starting his own firm has given our family more flexibility with time, but Sam still works an incredible number of hours for his clients and for the firm, ensuring that the business side of it is being handled proficiently. He balances his time with his family and his work well - often neglecting his own sleep needs.

Of course there are a million other things I love about my husband, but his character and what he stands for are at the top of the list. It's what makes him one of my favorite people and my best friend.

*Past posts in this series can be found here: Day 1, Day 2Day 3Day 4, Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10Day 11Day 12Day 13Day 14Day 15Day 16Day 17Day 18Day 19Day 20,Day 21Day 22Day 23Day 24Day 25Day 26, Day 27

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