Wednesday, April 9, 2014

7-Month Newsletter: Quinn

Dear Quinn,
You, my love, are one fun little boy! You are definitely one happy baby, but I want to tell you something that's been on my mind a lot lately. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you don't get the kind of undivided attention that your big brother received when he was your age. I'm sorry that sometimes you have to wait your turn - to eat, to get a nap, to start your bath and bedtime routine, to play, to get you out of your crib. I'm sorry you don't get every ounce of our attention all the time. A good deal of the day, you are either having to wait your turn OR you are getting the attention you need while Banner bellyaches in the background (for a snack, for a favor, for me to play, for me to stop doing whatever I'm doing with you). While I, too, am a second-born, I never really understood how divided my parents' attention had to be to take care of two kids (and later, three). Like me, you don't really seem to notice or care much - of course because you don't know any different. But, I do. I do, my love. I know that Banner never had to be as patient as you. He never had to sit for long periods of time at someone's swim lesson; he never had to wait for someone else to finish a meal before getting his bath; he never had to wait for his bottle because I was putting his older sibling to bed; he never had to wait for his nap because I couldn't leave an older child alone to finish lunch by himself. We're making this work - and it's working really well! But, I just wanted you to know that I appreciate you being so understanding, patient, and laid back. I love our mornings when Banner is at school, and you get ALL the attention for a change. You crave attention, and I love being able to give you my best, my all.

That's not to say that I don't love watching you and Banner play together. More and more, you two are developing your own relationship that is a joy to watch grow. You idolize that boy. If he comes near you, kindly or otherwise, you light up - even if your head is the road for his firetruck or if you are his patient and the doctor is poking and prodding you. More often than not, though, Banner wants to kiss and cuddle you. I can't wait til you two can play together . . . although I am kind of dreading when sharing becomes an issue. Our rule right now is that Banner has to give you a toy before he takes one from you. It works for everyone right now - but I'm sure once you demand your toy back or you want one HE has, that will be another story. Til then, we are in great shape because you don't really care about your toys. What you really want is Banner near you, giving you ANY kind of attention.

In other news:
  • You are eating so many new foods! Every three days, we introduce a new food to you, and you have loved everything! New this month: you're eating zucchini, mango, spinach, apricot, pumpkin, butternut squash, blueberry, peaches, broccoli, and corn.
  • We offered you the little teething nets this past week. We put a pear or apple in it for you to chew on, and you are in heaven. This is perfect while we are eating dinner - you can "participate" in eating with us while you are happily going to town on biting all over your little treat.
  • You are slowly getting up on all fours. While you are making your way around a play area pretty well with turning, pivoting, rolling, and tiny scoots, you are nowhere near crawling yet. I'm perfectly fine with this! Stay put as long as possible! :) 
  • You are most happy sitting and playing with your toys. Some favorite toys are: your FisherPrice puppy piano (that Aunt Mischelle is letting us borrow), Playskool Poppin' Pals, vibrating zebra pull-toy, your crinkle book, and teething rings are getting more attention these days
  • Perhaps your favorite place to be is on Daddy's shoulders, often pulling on what little hair he has left! :) 
  • You enjoy playing in your crib - just hanging out and putting your feet up on the slats of the crib watching the fan. 
  • Your schedule looks a bit like this now... (we said goodbye to your third nap this month!)
    • 5:30-6:00ish in the morning - you wake up and play in your crib, toss around a bit, experiment with your voice, and then go back to sleep
    • 7:00-7:30 wake up and have first bottle (7.5 ounces usually)
    • 9:00-9:15ish nap (sometimes earlier if you woke up around 7)
    • 9:45-10:30 you wake up sometime in here... then I try to hold you off on getting next bottle til closer to 11
    • 11:00ish - 2nd bottle (usually around 6 oz) and cereal and/or fruit
    • 1:00ish - 2nd nap
    • 2:15ish - 3rd bottle (usually around 5-6 oz, your mid-day bottles are much harder for you to finish than the first and last bottles)
    • 5:00 - dinner (whatever new food you're trying and maybe a rice or a barley if you didn't get oatmeal earlier in the day)
    • 6:00 - Daddy, Banner, and I eat dinner, and you sit at the table with us in the high chair enjoying picking at some Puffs or Cheerios or sucking on pear/apple
    • 6:30 - we start your bath, you get your meds (Zyrtec and Gripe Water)
    • 7:00ish - your 4th bottle (7.5 ounces) and I rock with you til you're very drowsy - usually right away!
  • You're reaching for us. I.LOVE.THIS! You are still big on wanting to be held, especially as nap time approaches and you are getting more tired. You much prefer to reach for and lean toward us instead of your toys as you get more and more exhausted. I just feel badly when you reach for us and we can't lift you at that time (like when I'm cooking dinner or trying to help Banner with something). 
  • Still no teeth - but lots of drooling, lots of stuff in your mouth. I don't really see any signs of them approaching yet either. Banner didn't get his first tooth until 8 months, so we'll see how similar you might be to him or not. I am just enjoying your gummy grin (and inability to bite me!) while it lasts!
  • Still level 3 nipple, size 3 diapers, size 4 Overnite diapers, and mostly 9 month clothes. 
  • The hair right on top of your head is still very much there. It's getting curlier, so it looks like a little curly mohawk. My favorite is this tiny little curl you have right behind your right ear. Sticks out so cute!
  • Nicknames that are surfacing: "Mr. Quinn" has become a popular one for me and Banner to call you, as has "QuinnQuinn," and Daddy has taken to "Quinston." Others have called you "Quinny" - which isn't my favorite, but maybe it will grow on me. And just the other day, Papa and I teased Grandma for making your name two syllables: "Qui-en"
Mr. Quinn, we are just so in love with you! You are such a little love - liking tight hugs and giving them in return. I hope I always remember the feel of your tight squeeze as you burrow in to my neck and press your head against mine with the sweetest grin on your face (if only you wound't pull my hair while you're doing this!). I love your belly laugh when we tickle you and how your face just lights up when we talk and play with you. You're so easy to please - just wanting US. And, in general, you are such a happy little boy. 

I love you so much, Cuddlebug! 
Happy 7 Months!

This is your "Mom, I'm getting tired!" face. Taken today at Banner's school seder.
So ready to take off soon!

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