Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Another Moment In the Quiet Nursery

Before Banner turned one, I wrote this post, just enjoying a moment to think in the quiet of his room with him. Sitting in that same glider, in that same room, next to that same crib, I had another amazing moment this morning - this time with Quinn. Of course these moments happen often, but certain moments will stick in my mind forever, and today was one of them.

Banner left with Sam to go to school, and around 9:00, I put Quinn down for his nap. He fell asleep pretty quickly after resting his head on my shoulder, which he has been doing this past month or so, and I LOVE it! Around 9:40, he was stirring and then wide awake. I let him fuss for a couple minutes to see if he could get himself back to sleep, but when he became more awake than not, I headed in there to get him, mostly annoyed that he didn't nap long and would hardly be able to make it to school and back home without falling asleep in the car during Banner's pick-up time. When I picked Quinn up, he laid his head down on me. I thought I'd just try out putting him back to sleep to see what would happen (usually, when he's up, he's up, so we haven't done this before). I started his play list over again, and as soon as Kenny Loggins started singing about Pooh's Corner, I could feel Quinn's body relax more. His eyes were still open, but he was resting. I figured I'd let him just rest on me as long as possible so he'd conserve some energy and be able to stay awake until 1:00 (his second nap time).

Soon, he was dozing on me. I sat in the glider with him fast asleep on my shoulder. His arm was tucked   underneath my neck, his paci was bouncing up and down with each audible suck, and his breathing was even and deep. I could feel his belly pressed against mine with each inhale, and in that moment, he was my little newborn all over again. His dark eyelashes and sweet smell just got to me, and soon I was in tears. We were both in our favorite place together - him on me all cuddled up in Mommy's safe arms, and I was savoring each minute with my sweet 7-month-old embracing me.

He turned his head at one point, and I could see the imprints of lines from my shirt running down his eyebrow and cheek. He was sleeping so soundly and so beautifully, I didn't want to wake him by moving at all. Two fingers of my left hand were falling asleep and tingling, and I was dying to go get my cell phone to take a picture, but I didn't want to chance waking him. That moment was WAY more important. I wanted it to last as long as possible. I had no idea how long we were sitting there, but I figured it was coming up on 30 minutes or so. Finally, I decided to inch out of the glider to go get my phone on the couch in the den. He stirred briefly, so I froze. He dozed back, I tiptoed with him to the den, saw the clock - it was 11:05! (I'd been in there for way over an hour!), and then his eyes opened. I kept on - and I made it back to his room without him raising his head. As he heard the sound machine "raining" again and felt the cool breeze of the fan, he closed his eyes again. I made it! I got back in the glider as quietly as possible, and he rested again. I got one quick picture (not the best, but at least something to document this memory and help me lock it in my head forever). Then, he opened his eyes. This time, he stared at me and then grinned.

I smiled back at him, and I cried. I thanked him as I pulled him in for a hug. I told him how much I loved him and that I would remember this moment forever. He just laid in my hug and let me love on him. I'm telling you, this kid is such a lover! Then I held him on my lap talking to him a bit - we laughed, smiled, tickled, and squealed together. Then, we hugged some more before I decided we better move on with our day. But, I could have stayed in that moment forever. Luckily, I get to write about it - and look at these pictures - and remember it forever - and maybe he'll let me snuggle with him again soon!

Sleeping on me - you can ignore my large nose here! :)
When he woke up, we were both all smiles (even with paci in his mouth)

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