Thursday, April 24, 2014

30 Things in 30 Days (#22: Future)

Day 22: Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years? 10 Years? 15 Years?

This is a much easier question to answer than the previous few! I am a planner, so of course I have a tentative answer for this kind of question! Sam and I even made a 5-year plan a few years ago. As it turns out, that 5-year plan was almost complete in about 2 years: start own law firm, have second child, resign... it was all mapped out, but we kinda did a lot of that faster than we originally planned. Regardless, it's always good to think ahead and have a plan, because I tend to get anxious without one!

5 Years:
-We will be living in a nearby neighborhood in the same city but not this same house. I would really like to not still be living here when Banner starts Kindergarten. We'll see. If we are, I'm okay with that, but I'd really like to NOT be.
-Banner will be almost 8 years old, and Quinn will be 5 and a half! That means, we will more than likely have a third little toddler running around.
-Sam's firm will be doing great, and perhaps we won't be living paycheck to paycheck. They will have hired associates by then.... or at least a legal assistant.
-We'll still be making ghastly tuition payments to the preschool of our choice - for our third child.
-I will have submitted a manuscript for a children's book. (Yes, Mom, I promise.)

10 Years:
-We'll have 3 kids (maybe 4 if I haven't lost my mind and we're not on welfare). They'll will all be school age.
-We will be planning Banner's Bar Mitzvah, and Quinn will be finishing fourth grade!
-I will have a housekeeper! :) God-willing, I will have a housekeeper!
-I will be working as a school counselor again, or at the very least be volunteering at the kids' schools.
-Sam would like to be able to be vacationing annually by now (if not way earlier).

15 Years:
-Banner will be graduating from high school, and we'll be in over our heads with college preparations!
-I'll be a wreck about my little boy leaving home.
-Quinn will be eagerly awaiting to be the oldest kid in the house! But, he'll be sad his best friend big brother won't be around to play with and get in trouble with. He'll want to borrow our car soon, and he'll want us to let him practice driving every chance he gets.
-Sam and I will be ready to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. Maybe we'll take a trip - and be happy to get away from our teenage sons who are eating us out of house and home anyway!

*Past posts in this series can be found here: Day 1, Day 2Day 3Day 4, Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10Day 11Day 12Day 13Day 14Day 15Day 16Day 17Day 18Day 19Day 20, Day 21

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