Sunday, April 13, 2014

30 Things in 30 Days (#11: Pet Peeves)

Day 11: Describe 10 Pet Peeves You Have

This might be one of the easier topics to have fun with since starting this series. However, it was kind of difficult to come up with these. The first couple were easy, but then it got more difficult! I guess if you catch me on the wrong day, these things will really tick me off:
  1. Putting laundry away. I don't mind doing laundry, and I've even gotten over the frustration of actually folding it. But sometimes I'd pay someone JUST to put my laundry away. It often ends up on my bathroom counter - if it even makes it off the couch where I folded it. Or, it's just piled up against my bedroom wall. Unfortunately, Sam doesn't enjoy the "putting away" part either, so our room can get cluttered with clean clothes pretty easily! Similarly, unpacking after a trip is a pet peeve as well - so my bags may still be packed for weeks after a trip. Embarrassingly, my hospital "toiletry bag" from when Quinn was born is still packed and on my bathroom counter. Since it was mostly just sample sizes and extras of things I didn't really need, it's just sitting there. Yeah, it's been 7 months. I realize it would take all of 5 minutes to unpack it, but I just can't stand unpacking.
  2. Drying my hair. My hair is wavy, and more than that - it's ridiculously thick. It's neither terribly curly or very straight, and no matter what it is, it's always big. So, everyday, I have to decide what to do with it. I can either curl it, and have it go frizzy and be uncontrollable. Or, I can straighten it and have it be a little more predictable. Personally, I like it better straight, and it's a little less "big" that way. But, that requires a lot of time and effort, and it is one of the things I cannot stand. It's a 25-30 minute process, and it's hot and boring. (And if you read my day one post (#20), you know I don't like to be hot.) :)
  3. PowerPoint presentations. I hate going to a meeting or conference, and the speaker only uses a PowerPoint presentation. Worse than that, is when they give you a handout of the presentation and read it word-for-word to you. It bores me to no end. Unfortunately, I'm guilty of presenting them to my coworkers for training purposes, but I try to use them as references rather than my entire presentation. 
  4. When my order is wrong. And this happens to me all the time! It's so frustrating; I order very simple meals - where everything is always plain and dry. You'd think is would be simple. Apparently not. 
  5. Flakers. When people cancel plans or don't show up, it can be so annoying. More and more, my friends with kids flake on me/us. I get it - the kids are sick, it's hard to get out with them, maybe you feel like staying in your pjs, or your sitter canceled. I'm not saying I haven't done it before. But, I try really hard not to! I wish more people would as well.
  6. Phone numbers at the end of a long message. Especially if they slurred the number or said it really fast - then I have to repeat the whole long-winded message. This happened so often when parents used to call me at work; I learned pretty quickly not to do this to people; I leave my phone number at the beginning of a message and/or repeat it again so the listener doesn't have to repeat my message.
  7. Not RSVPing. I need a count, I need to know how many to get food/favors/materials for, so I need to know if you're coming or not. Again, I know I've forgotten to RSVP a time or two, but when it's my event I'm planning, I'm easily reminded that I need to RSVP in a timely fashion, the way I hope others will to our parties. 
  8. Facebook posts that don't tell the whole story. "He makes me so mad," "I am shocked!," "On our way to the ER," or "So thankful that's over!" - just a few made-up examples of what I'm talking about. Usually, these people just need attention, and it definitely makes me not want to give it to them, no matter how curious I am!
  9. Splitting the bill with a large group of people. I realize it's easier for the waiter, and maybe even for the group, but Sam and I don't usually order appetizers or drinks with the rest of a big group. It can be frustrating to pay for food we didn't order and end up spending lots more in the end.
  10. Not turning right on red. The main intersection that I use almost everyday on the way home has only two lanes (plus a left turn lane). More often than not, when I need to turn right to get home, the car(s) in front of me are going straight. This is so annoying. Get out of my way! Usually, I'm on my way home when my kids are needing to eat or sleep, and I'm in a rush to get them there... and those drivers frustrate me! The MOST annoying part is when they are the only car at the intersection. Did it not occur to them to get over in the left lane to allow other drivers the chance to turn right at a red light? It always occurs to me, and I will do everything I can to NOT be in that right turn lane when I'm not turning.  If I can't make that happen, I spend the entire light feeling horrible and guilty. 
And with that, I will step off my soap box and stop complaining. But, hey, I answered the prompt! :)

*Past posts in this series can be found here: Day 1, Day 2Day 3Day 4, Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 9, Day 10 

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