Saturday, April 12, 2014

30 Things in 30 Days (#10:Embarrassed)

Day 10: Describe Your Most Embarrassing Moment

I don't have a most embarrassing moment. Perhaps there are 2 memories that stand out more than other embarrassing times, though:

-the time I fell down the last two stairs trying to hurry to my 9th grade English class at my junior high. Luckily, because it was only a few seconds before the bell, there weren't many students in the hallway to see it - maybe 2 or 3 people only. But, I twisted my ankle and felt like a complete klutz!

-when I got caught with my 10th grade boyfriend breaking curfew in the park. We had been making out (just kissing), and when we were trying to leave the park, my boyfriend's car wouldn't start. He called his mother to come help us... so embarrassing. When he saw (what he thought was) her coming, he flashed his lights to signal where we were. Unfortunately, it was a police officer. We got warnings, and then when my boyfriend's mother showed up, she found us with the police. She had to drive me home, and it was very awkward. When I got home, I was honest about what had happened with my own mother. Luckily, she was understanding, and I received no further punishment since I was just so humiliated already.

*Past posts in this series can be found here: Day 1, Day 2Day 3Day 4, Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8, Day 9

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