Monday, April 7, 2014

30 Things in 30 Days (#5: Happy)

Already day 5 in this series of 30 Things in 30 Days! I'm really enjoying this writing series, and I'm also hopeful that each post will give my kids more insight into my life (when/if they ever decide to read these some day). Today's topic is:
Day 5: What Are the 5 Things that Make Me Most Happy Right Now
  1. Sam.
  2. My precious boys. Their health and happiness make me beyond happy. I LOVE watching them grow and develop and become the people they were meant to be. Watching young children figure out the world is so awesome. Hearing the funny, poignant things that come out of Banner's mouth make me so giddy with pride and happiness. Watching Quinn figure out his body and how he fits in to this family and this big world - it's truly uplifting to watch it all unfold. 
  3. The relationships I have with my mom, my sister, my brother and extended family. I could go on and on about the amazing family I was lucky enough to be born into. I just love my family. And, I love that it's a big one. There's never a dull moment, there's never a lonely time. To be surrounded by loving and supportive aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, and even more brothers and sisters makes me feel incredibly blessed. That there is such a big village to help me raise my family, to support me when I need it, to goof off with, to lean on, to celebrate with.... this makes me happy.
  4. My friends. Oh.My.Goodness do these people make me laugh! Whether it's my best friends I've had since I was very little to the moms I've become friends with since Banner was born, I have some of the most amazing ladies in my circle. I just love getting together with them and having people that truly "get" me and care about me as much as I do them. I love coming home from a night (or a weekend) out with them and feeling reconnected to other women. I think that's really important. Even Sam is grateful for them. After a great phone conversation or a nice dinner out or a great play date, Sam will say how much more relaxed I am or how he's so glad I got to have such great times with awesome friends.
  5. All the little joys in life: chocolate, writing, swimming, a night on the couch watching our shows and eating cookies, baking, a clean house, a long shower, sleeping in, vacationing, giving a really cool gift, money in the bank account! :)
*Past posts in this series can be found here: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4

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