Sunday, April 6, 2014

30 Things in 30 Days (#4: 16-Year Me)

Day 4: List 10 Things You Would Tell Your 16-Year-Old Self

I don't have many regrets at all from years past. I wish I hadn't been so hard on myself in my preteen and teenage years. But, I had some amazing teenage years - especially starting at 16. But, I guess there are always a few things I can come up with that I would tell myself looking back. And, quite honestly, many of these things I could tell my 30-something self, too! 
  1. You're skinny. You are SO far from fat.
  2. You don't need to be someone's girlfriend just because he likes you. Make sure you like him, too.
  3. When you go to Israel, really listen to what the tour guides are saying. Stop flirting and caring about the most recent gossip. This is a once-in-a-lifetime trip to spend 6 weeks here - so listen, take it all in.
  4. Life's going to get a lot harder soon, so just enjoy sleeping when you want, having someone else pay for your gas/rent/bills/books/groceries! Show Mom and Dad a little more appreciation, even though you won't understand all they do for you until you're a parent yourself.
  5. Spend more time with your grandparents. Ask them anything and everything.
  6. It's okay to spend time in the sun and at the pool with your friends. The chats and the music and the fresh summer air are totally worth it - but go easy on the Baby Oil... no need to fry!
  7. That Sam kid - you marry him. It's going to be a long, winding journey, but it's so worth it. Stop losing sleep over him - he loves you, and you love him. 
  8. You are going to go far. Chill out a little and live in the moment. Stop planning so much and worrying about all the "what-ifs."
  9. People aren't always trustworthy. Some of the people in your life who you love most will hurt you as a byproduct of their selfishness. This is not a reason to fear loving other people. It's still okay to trust and have faith in others. 
  10. These next few years are going to fly by, but you will remember them as if they were yesterday for the rest of your life. Make them count.
*Past posts in this series can be found here: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

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