Tuesday, April 8, 2014

30 Things in 30 Days (#6: Wishes)

Day 6: If You Could Have 3 Wishes, What Would you Wish For?
  1. I've always thought it would be a good idea to wish for more wishes. Then, if I make a mistake or if I think of something that would be awesome later down the line, I'd have a wish at my disposal. 
  2. A LOT of money. Like unlimited amounts of money. It's a shame that money is at the top of my priority list here, but it's really a means to an end. I'd love to buy a home that has all the amenities and space to keep my family clutter-free and to entertain our guests in. I wouldn't go nuts and buy a crazy huge million dollar home - I still believe "love grows best in little houses." But, it would be nice to have all the things I want under one relatively large roof. I'd also like to know that I could afford to send my kids to any college and graduate program of their choice, to vacation together, to enroll them in any activity they wanted... just anything that would help them get the most out of their lives and keep them (and us) debt-free through it all. I'd also be able to help others in need - or even just to give really nice gifts! And, it would be really nice to not have Sam's (hefty!) student loan payment anymore! 
  3. Safety for my family and friends. This would include safety from illness, car accidents, and crime. Imagine a life where no one gets sick or gets hurt. Imagine a world where no one gets raped, murdered, robbed, or assaulted. Imagine a place where car accidents don't hurt anyone. Imagine living in a world where planes don't crash, shootings don't happen, explosions and fires don't kill, kidnappings aren't possible, diseases weren't lingering... how much more could we get out of life if all these things didn't threaten us or even occur as a possibility in our minds? 
*Past posts in this series can be found here: Day 1, Day 2Day 3Day 4, Day 5

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