Friday, April 11, 2014

30 Things in 30 Days (#9: Influences)

Day 9: List 10 People Who Have Influenced You & Describe How
Oh, now this is a tough question. Some were easy and came to mind right away. Others, I had to give more thought to - to being honest about, to going public with, to coming up with 10, to limiting to 10! But, here's what it boils down to:
  • Mom. She taught me everything I know about being a good person. She's an amazing mom, and she is my inspiration when I don't know what I'm doing as a mother - I think of what my own mother would do, and what I'd want as her daughter. She was my nurse, my counselor, my chef, my hair dresser, my lawyer, my teacher, my friend - and she still is all those things. She is, without a doubt, the number one person who has influenced me. She taught me to be strong, to speak up, to be patient, to be kind, to listen, to use my words (and how to have a way with words), to believe in myself. I am so blessed that I was born her daughter.
  • Dad. We don't have the best relationship at this point in my life, but he still has been a huge influence on the person I was and am today - and he continues to have an influence. He, like mom, taught me to value education, health, and family. He hasn't always put his family first, but I know he loves each of us deeply. His mistakes have taught me to be honest, to be committed, to be truthful and forthcoming. And, even the actions that have hurt me taught me something, even if it's what not to do. On a more positive note, he taught me how to drive like a maniac but to be safe while doing it. He taught me how to work extremely hard and to manage money efficiently. He's provided for me financially, and he's a part of some really great childhood memories. 
  • Sam. Well, the love of my life has certainly influenced me. He made me a wife and a mother. He's my best friend, and he makes me like myself more. This life is so much better with him by my side. 
  • Banner & Quinn: My kids have influenced me to be the best person I can be. They challenge me every single day - to be a better role model, a better person. I can't even begin to list all the life lessons they have taught me. Everything I do, I do for them and with them in mind. They amaze me daily, and the deep love I have for them brings me to tears almost as often. 
  • Brock & Kira: My first friends. My siblings have been there by my side every step of the way. There's nothing we wouldn't do for each other. They lift me up and encourage me. Having siblings is perhaps the best gift my parents gave me - teaching me how to be patient, share, cooperate, live with others peacefully! And it never hurts to have someone to laugh with - usually at all the wrong times!
  • Jeana: I wavered on whether or not to write about this, but I have to say, my therapist has greatly impacted my life and my outlook on it. I no longer see her regularly, but we do keep in touch with text messages every now and then. I started seeing her a couple years after my dad's divorce from my stepmom. The day after I made my appointment with her, my sister-in-law decided to separate and subsequently divorce my brother. The end of their marriage shook me - probably more than the shenanigans with my dad. I was, all of a sudden, scared and terrified about my future with Sam, about commitment, about how to trust others, about how unpredictable life is. Jeana taught me specific lessons throughout our work together. I learned how to better protect myself by knowing that I cannot control others, that I often just need to focus on how I react to others' actions. Not that I didn't know some of these things, but the help she gave me through it all was incredibly beneficial for me  - personally and professionally. She's the reason I could say "Yes!" when Sam proposed! And, I love that I got to text her on my wedding day and thank her for helping me get to that point. 
  • Farra: My cousin, Farra, committed suicide at the age of 19. Her death profoundly impacted my life - and perhaps my career choice. Why she couldn't talk to someone or find a way out of her darkness I will never know. Her death changed my extended family, and I will always wonder about her and what it would be like if she were still living. I'm angry at her. I don't understand. And, I would do anything to go back in time and change the way it all unfolded. 
  • Teachers: I could sit here and list everything I've learned from each one of them - and I DO remember all my teachers. But, a few stick out in my mind - for various reasons. Some of them were mean, strict, and downright scary sometimes! But, they turned out to be some of the best teachers and instilled life-long lessons. They demanded organization or superior writing. They  wouldn't accept 99% - it had to be everything or nothing. Some of them saw something in me that other teachers didn't - and got me on track for higher level classes. Some of them brought out the best in me, teaching me that I could, in fact, be a leader or head-of-the-class. Some of them taught me to believe in myself. All of them, though, influenced me in some way to become the person I am today - and for all of them I am grateful! So, here's to Ms. Moehle (1st), Mrs. Young (5th), Mrs. Hewitt (8th English), Mr. Phillips (9th math), Ms. Black (10th English), Ms. McFarland (11-12th Spanish), Mrs. Prater (12th English), Ms. Eisenmann (Chemistry), Ms. Wonderly (Biology), Dr. Bob (Psychology/Peer Helper), Mrs. Hodge (7th math), Mrs. Slaton (7th math), Mrs. Dixon (6th Reading/LA), Mrs. Quisenberry (Resource), Professor Singh (Motivation), Dr. Underwood (American English), Mrs. Beachum (supervising teacher in student teaching cohort), and Dr. Sherry (Graduate Advisor).
  • My bosses: Nicole and Staci were my two professional bosses/principals. I learned so much from both of them, and they certainly impacted my day-to-day while I was a teacher and school counselor. Together (because I am SO not about to delineate which one taught what!), they taught me how to stand my ground, how to have fun on the job, how to think on the spot, how to handle difficult situations, how to not take everything so personally, how to truly listen to all sides, how to "cover my ass!", how to stay patient when I really wanted to scream, or how to be ready for anything! These ladies are SO different from each other, but they were equally important in helping me grow professionally and personally. I learned life-lessons from them that I carry with me now!
  • Oprah: Go ahead - laugh at me at how cliche this response is. But, I grew up watching her shows and interviews, and I definitely learned a lot from her. So many of the shows she aired were about trusting your instincts, listening to the whisper before it becomes a brick wall in your face, to believe who someone is the first time, and so many other lessons. I often think back to her shows to learn vicariously through other people she interviewed. She had a way with taking their stories and presenting them so others could benefit. Whether it was her gratitude journals or her vision boards or advocating "the secret," I took those ideas very seriously and find that I think back to her shows often. I have to admit - I love Oprah radio - much to Sam's (and sometimes Banner's) frustration! :)
*Past posts in this series can be found here: Day 1, Day 2Day 3Day 4, Day 5Day 6Day 7, Day 8

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