Monday, April 14, 2014

30 Things in 30 Days (#12: Typical Day)

Day 12: Describe a Typical Day in Your Life

Every day is different around here, but for the most part, I guess this is what it looks like:

Around 5:30-6:00 we hear Quinn playing in his crib. He usually goes back to sleep within about 20 minutes or so. Then, Banner comes in our room any time between 6:00 and 7:00. We usually pull him into our bed to rest more (normally he just pops up every few minutes asking if it's morning yet and not resting at all!). Then, at 7:00, if Quinn is still sleeping, Banner is allowed to play on our phones watching YouTube videos about ice cream trucks, fire trucks, trains, or whatever else he's interested in these days or playing games. When Quinn starts to get fussy, one of us gets up to feed him (usually around 7:15-7:30). We typically feed him in our bed - so the whole fam is just hanging out in our bed - and then Sam gets ready for work.

If it's a school day for Banner, then I will get him fed, dressed, teeth brushed, hair combed, and lunch made while Sam gets ready for work. By 8:40, they leave for the day. If it's not a school day, then we get to just hang out and play. Either way, Quinn goes to down for his first nap around 9:00ish. Assuming I'm not already dressed and ready (because some days I am the one to take Banner to school), then I get ready while Quinn sleeps. Once he wakes up, anywhere from 9:45-10:30, he gets a bottle and some solids before we venture out for errands or play dates or fun activities or to Grandma's.

On school days, we have to get Banner around 12:45, so I've been trying to keep Quinn up til about 1:00. This is a challenge if we are in the car. It's awesomely helpful if he can nap at my mom's while I go get Banner on my own. If it's not a school day, Banner eats lunch around noon. He naps around 1:30, and I wake him by 3:15 if he's gone to bed on time. He could sleep until 4:00 if I let him, but then he has a horrible time going to sleep at night.

Quinn generally sleeps until 2:15-2:30, and when he gets up, he gets his third bottle. During the (usually short) time I have to myself while the boys are napping, I blog, plan, make dinner, clean up, shower, do laundry, watch General Hospital, or talk on the phone. If I'm lucky, I can do more than one of those!

Once the boys are up, we usually just play more - or start dinner or go on quick errands, and then Quinn eats his own little dinner around 5:00. Usually Sam gets home around 5:40 unless Banner has swim lessons, then he comes home earlier to be with Quinn. We eat dinner at 6:00ish. Quinn usually gets fussy around 6:15, but I try to hold him off until 6:30 for his bath so I can eat a little something. Sam usually holds Quinn during this time, eating dinner with one hand. :(

Then, the nightly routine begins: I give Quinn his bath, bottle and bed, while Sam starts to clean up from dinner and Banner plays. Then, they play a little bit or watch TV together while I finish with Quinn, usually around 7:00.  Around 7:10, Banner starts bath, we get him ready for bed, and we trade off who reads him three books. Then, we both lay with him for a few minutes, one of us tells a story, and then he says goodnight to one of us. The other tells Banner about his day, and that parent stays with him for a few minutes before leaving his room. Banner likes for us to sit just outside his bedroom door (against the wall, so he can't even see us, but we do it anyway!). After a few quiet minutes, that parent joins the "free" parent on the couch to finally catch up about each others' day. Usually, we watch a show, or I blog, or Sam works, or we just talk. Then, I try to head to bed around 10:30ish. . . usually failing miserably at meeting this curfew. Depending on how much work Sam has, he heads to bed when I do or way later. And, then, we hope (pray/beg/bargain) that everyone sleeps through the night and well past at least 6:30... and  do it all over again the following day!

*Past posts in this series can be found here: Day 1, Day 2Day 3Day 4, Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10, Day 11

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