Sunday, April 27, 2014

30 Things in 30 Days (#25: Dinner)

Day 25: If You Could Have Dinner With Anyone in History, Who Would it Be and What Would You Eat?

Easy. Hands down, I'd pick Anne Frank. And, as long as there is plenty of food, I think Anne would be happy since food was in short supply during the last years of her life.

This evening marks the beginning of Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day. I think it's fitting that today's prompt landed on this day, and my answer is and always has been Anne. I have always been inspired by her - her writing, her maturity at such a young age, her tenacity to believing "people are really good at heart," and her bravery during such a difficult time in our history. She lived through a nightmarish few years - cooped up in a hidden annex for 2 years. And, once arrested, she lived her final days in concentration camps, only to die of typhus not even a month before the camp was liberated. After reading her diary as a freshman in high school, I always wanted to go back in time just to tell her to hang in there - hang on, the end is near, don't give up, don't die. She was so close to making it out of the hell she was living in, and if she had lived, she would have done so much good. And, for herself, she would have been able to see that her diary was published. She would have been able to see that she is one of the most famous authors of our time - and at only 14 years old. Her story is so tragic, yet so hopeful. I'd want to hear more about her thoughts, goals, dreams, ideas. If more kids had her outlook - even when there is no hope - this planet would be a much better place!

Sam's idea was Jesus. I like that idea, too. So, I think I'd invite Sam and Jesus to dinner with Anne and me. That would make for a very interesting dinner discussion.

*Past posts in this series can be found here: Day 1, Day 2Day 3Day 4, Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10Day 11Day 12Day 13Day 14Day 15Day 16Day 17Day 18Day 19Day 20,Day 21Day 22, Day 23, Day 24

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