Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015: Year in Review

I always hate saying goodbye to a great year. 2015 was one of those years - and while I'm so excited to welcome 2016 as we prepare to meet our littlest son (in less than 7 weeks!), the "not knowing what's coming" can always be a little frightening. So, I'm tentative about this new year and leaving my old friend 2015.

2015 was a big year. Not one of the milestone ones where I got married or welcomed a child or moved or anything like that - but so much happened this year that will always hold a special place in my heart:

-My boys turned 4 and 2, great ages for both of them.
-I started a part-time job that I am loving.
-Sam's business got really busy.
-We took our first family trip.
-Banner had his first plane ride and enjoyed a big role at Michael & Bre's wedding.
-Zaide and Bee Bee got married, Kindle graduated UT, Colby started Kindergarten, and Sari was born.
-Sam's first short story got accepted for publication (coming April 2016)!
-We found out we were pregnant!
-Quinn started school, and both boys started a new school program at which they are thriving!
-We paid off our car!
-Levi, Graham, & Greenley all turned one!
-We found out we will have a new nephew in April and another niece or nephew in June!
-We went new places and tried out some really fun things this summer.
-Quinn started swim lessons and is doing great, and Banner is becoming quite the little fish, too!
-Sam and I celebrated our 6th anniversary.
-Banner started soccer.
-We said goodbye to pacis and hello to a big boy bunk.

And in addition to these "isolated" events, we learned to balance family and work and friends as we fell into a great routine for our family of four. We loved each other so well, and we became more comfortable and confident in our parenting skills. We shared so many amazing times just savoring our little boys while they are just that - little.

As we welcome a new year with so much potential and so much to look forward to, I am hopeful that 2016 will not disappoint. We survived this year of sleep deprivation with two boys who rarely have a perfect night at the same time... but I know what's coming, and we are totally in for it with a newborn being thrown into the night-time/early morning insanity. We are ready to brace ourselves for whatever comes our way... explosive, blow-out diapers, potty-training accidents, the mental anguish that comes with no sleep, crying and regression and jealousy and sharing even more, more medical bills and insurance crap, starting "real school" in August, feeling even more crowded in an already-too-small home, more laundry and dishes and bottles and formula... the list goes on. BUT, I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. 2015 was a good year for us, and I'm so grateful for all the memories and the blessings we have had. I'll carry all of that with us into this new year ahead and await more joy, more silliness, more learning, more love, because OHMYGOODNESS I love my little family and my big family and my friends and this life.

Happy New Year to All!
May 2016 bring health, happiness, and lots of love your way!

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