Wednesday, December 9, 2015

27-Month Newsletter: Quinn

Dear Quinn,
For the first two years of your life, I would write monthly updates about how you have grown and what new developments are taking place. During this third year of life, you'll get a quarterly update, and when you turn 3, we'll move to every 6 months. So, at 27-months, it's time for another update, My Love! I have to say that not much has changed since your second birthday except for your vast language and vocabulary development. There's nothing you can't say... and your sentence structure is complex and lengthy! Daddy and I have been trying to keep up with how many words you are now stringing together, and on average your sentences are about 6-7 words in length, but it's not uncommon to hear up to 12-13 words: "We played on the big playground at school today, not the little one." And, even your shorter sentences are filled with insight or big words. For instance, tonight, you said, "That's where the cars get washed, actually, Banner." Simply put, you are fully conversational and tell us all kinds of things. I love this because you can tell us what is on your mind and let us know what you need; I also love just hearing what goes on in that big mind of yours!

So, what else are you up to these days?

-You're jumping!

-You like to practice your yoga poses you learn at school.

-Speaking of school, you love your teachers and know all your classmates names. You like to look at the Shutterfly share site with me and tell me who's who and what you are doing in the pictures. Your teachers have nothing but amazing things to share with Daddy and me, and at your recent conference the word "perfect" was mentioned! While we know you aren't "perfect," we are glad that you are fitting in perfectly and have successfully adjusted to school this year!

-One thing that did come up at the conference was knowing your colors. We've been watching this for a while. You are so very smart, but colors are not your forte. It may take you one or two tries to get the right color, so we are on high alert for colorblindness. Given that Daddy is colorblind, it wouldn't be impossible or improbable for that to be the case for you, too. I hope we are wrong, but if that's the biggest problem we have - we are in good shape!

-You love to dance! The song that will always get you up and about: "Uptown Funk" or any version of it. Your current favorite songs are the Hanukkah songs the Maccabeats sing and "Uptown Passover" by Six13.

-It's been about a month in your new bedroom and in your new bunk bed you and Banner share. I think you like being part of the "big boy club!" Your first night in the bed was on your 26-month birthday, and a few days later, you took your last nap in your crib (until last week when you requested a nap in the crib, and I obliged). You're also doing great without your pacifiers in there. Two loveys and one hand-held-only paci help you feel secure.

-You started swim lessons with Ms. Patty. You really like the pool, you really like Ms. Patty, you even do well waiting your turn while Banner swims before you. But, because another little boy in your class cries the minute he's brought into the pool, you start crying too. You've even told me that you don't like him and that's the reason you cry. I let Ms. Patty know this is the reason for your crying (and it's so blatantly obvious because you are silly and funny and in great spirits, ready to swim until that boy gets in the pool!), and we are working on helping you calm down and stop the tears. She's been great with helping you develop a bond with that boy... having you high five him when he does a good job, letting you play in the pool with toys together, and after the last lesson - you actually said you like him now! I hope that continues! I hate seeing you so upset. Personally, I think you are either over-stimulated by all the commotion of the crying OR you are genuinely empathetic to his crying and don't want him sad - or both. Either way, I think we are heading in the right direction to get you over this hump, and hopefully the little boy will stop his crying soon! :) Otherwise, you are doing great - learning to blow bubbles, learning to kick your legs, putting your head under, monkey crawling along the side of the pool, and getting more comfortable with how to stay safe in the water.

-You've been using the potty more and more. I'm not pushing this right now AT ALL. I am in no hurry to deal with potty training, but I like that you at least know how to use the toilet. You usually go successfully right before bath, and if you ask to go during other times, you usually can get some pee out. If not, you are too impatient and will tell me, "It's not working." :)

-Some of my favorite expressions: "I'm gonna DO it!" in a sing-song voice (usually aggravates me in the moment, but it is SO damn cute. . . . like when you are about to throw some food to the floor or throw a toy across the room after I've told you not to, you'll say this in a high-pitched voice with a smile on your face and a tilt of your head); "Oh. my. goodness," or "!" usually followed by something like, "That is so silly." You're in to saying "Quinn to the rescue!" or "Super Quinn!" I love each morning when you come in our room, "I waked up, Mommy!" or how you tell us "I'm happy!" And, from time to time when we try to distract you from your upsets, you will say, "But, I'm crying!" as if to tell us to back off and let you finish your cry. I love the way you say certain words with a seemingly thick Texas accent: "towoys" (toys), "bowoy" (boy), "ipayad" (iPad) for instance, and the way you say "girl" -- "goyal" - your "pancake" is "mancake" which I love, "tomorrow" is "tomario," and your "yellow" is "wellow." You also know Mommy and Daddy's names, although you add in "Name" at the end of our full names ("Amber P_ Name" or "Sam J_ Name," and you are "Quinn Redding _ Name"). You say "mines" instead of "mine," which makes perfect sense to me! You also have great manners and will say "Excuse me" or follow up requests with "Please?"

-Speaking of manners, you like to have permission to do things before you do it - many times over. You will say, "Can I dance?" And even after I've said, "Of course, yes!" You will say, "Can I? Can I dance?" or "Can I touch that?" May I? May I touch that?" And, you might keep asking after I've given permission every time!

-Although I've mentioned how awesome your speech is, we are concerned about the reappearance of final sound stuttering, when you repeat the sounds at the end of words many times: "pink-k-k-k" or "made-d-d-d-d" for instance. You had stopped doing this for a while, but it's back after a few months. We're hoping it's just regression while dealing with so many other changes - a new bedroom, new bed, no pacis, baby on the way.

-Speaking of baby, you are convinced there are two babies in Mommy's tummy. Whenever I correct you, you just say, "No, two babies." Oy!

-Sharing is tricky with you and Banner. Both of you always want what the other has, and you both just like to walk up to each other and take what the other has. Crisis is generally averted when you guys use your words and ask first, and you are usually more than willing to give him what he wants if he's kind to you first. But, in general, you are a pretty pleasant kid - sharing nicely with your friends, taking good turns, waiting for your turn, etc.

-You still adore your time at My Gym, and I have loved this one-on-one time with you each week. I hope we can continue it the rest of this school year - even after Baby comes. You are learning so much there - and it's been so cool to watch you grow and develop - and even find security in the routines we have with Ms. Megan and Ms. Ariel or Ms. Addie.

-I'm pretty sure you have all of your teeth - except for your last back molars. You had your first check-up with Dr. Rubin at 24-months. You did amazingly well and almost seemed to enjoy it. You let us brush your teeth even better now after going to him - as if you respect what he told us and want to follow his rules. If you ever have a problem with us brushing your teeth, I usually just say, "Remember what Dr. Rubin said?" and then you open right up!

-You have some kind of aversion to my hair. Whenever I'm rocking you or holding you before bed/nap, you insist I move my hair completely away from you. "I don't like your hair," you will tell me. Even one little strand upsets you!

-You've had an awful rash around your mouth for several months now - since before your birthday even. I took you to the dermatologist when it wasn't going away after a couple months, and it actually got worse after our visit. It was just bumps that would flare from time to time, but then it became red and never really stopped being red. The derm thought it was/is dermatitis, but an allergist thought it was eczema (which I suspected as well). You definitely respond better to the steroid cream than the antibiotic cream, but it's taking it's sweet time to disappear.

-We are in the midst of Hanukkah right now, and you are loving getting presents! I love to watch your excitement as you open a new gift. A couple nights ago, you opened a gift from Daddy and me, Marble Run, and you yelled, "A towoy, a towoy!" with the biggest smile across your face.

Quinn Redding, you are still one of the sweetest boys I've ever known. You are still a great helper, so very kind and caring in how you treat others around you, and so snuggly and affectionate. You adore your big brother and copy nearly EVERYthing he does - for better or for worse! While you are more of a Daddy's boy, you do love your Mommy so much.  And, man, do I love you back big! There are times I can't get enough of you and just want to snuggle you. We have always, always enjoyed our snuggles, haven't we!? And, so many times I just want to bottle you up - my "little big boy" as you call yourself. I am so proud of the little independent person you are becoming, and I am ready for the next adventure in your life when you become a big brother. But, don't go rushing the growing up part!

I love you SO very much, My Love!
Happy Quarter-Birthday, Quinn-Quinn!

After Banner blew out his "1/2 birthday" candle, you wanted a turn this morning.

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