Friday, August 21, 2015

First First Day: Quinn

Dear Quinn,
This morning, you walked into your very first classroom and met your very first official teachers. I know you had no choice in the matter, but I am still feeling very proud of you for this big step. While I have no idea - okay, I think I have a good idea - how Monday morning will play out when Mommy and Daddy say goodbye to you at your first day of school, I am proud of you for showing up today to Meet the Teacher with a relaxed, laid back attitude! You said hello with a smile on your face, you didn't hide or cry or say no. You played and explored and even let your new teachers, Ms. Tali and Ms. Alison hold you for a picture. You asked for what you wanted, you noticed things around your classroom, you found your cubby, you got excited to wear your kipah... it was great! You even got to explore Banner's classroom a little.

I fully expect Monday to be horrible for all of us, but that's me - plan for the worst, hope for the best. You may very well surprise us, but I think it will be a rough day (at least in the beginning). You've never been away from a family member - except with Paige, although Grandma was usually around, and even if she wasn't, Papa was nearby, or you were familiar with the surroundings being at Grandma & Papa's house. So, Monday will be a brand new experience, and I'm praying you handle it well.

Quinn, you are SO ready for school. You have been for a while! I have no doubt this year will be great for you. I have no doubt you will be quite the little mensch and make good friends. I know you will play well, you will share, you will help, you will enjoy yourself. I am so very excited for you to start this big adventure of yours. But, at the same time, it's hard to let you go. I don't want to see you upset being left at school, and it's hard to "set you free" into a new world without the security of Mommy's (or Daddy's, or Grandma's or Aunt Kira's or NaNa's or Aunt Gayle's or Zaide's...) watchful eyes and protective arms. But, like I said before, I am really proud of you. I know you will make the most of this school experience, because that's who you are! You are an incredible little boy - so sweet, caring, thoughtful, polite, helpful. I feel horrible that the only school you have come to know so far is NOT the school you will attend this year. Every time we pass Levine, where we did a semester of Toddler & Me, where you came to love Banner's teachers, where you know you'd see Aunt Kira (and Levi), you say, "School! Me. Go. In there." And, yet, that is not where you will be. I'm so sorry. But soon enough, this new school will be a second home to you, and you will be just fine - I know.

This evening, as I rocked you before putting you in your crib, it just kind of hit me. My sweet baby is growing up and ready to embark on a new path, and it won't be "just us" anymore. We'll still have a special day for just us each week, and you'll have a day with Grandma each week, as well. But, there will be a lot of letting go this year. Both of us will handle it with flying colors; I just have to acknowledge that it's a new phase we are heading into. And, I want to wish you the best first year of school! Be you, Quinn. Don't be intimidated or afraid. Be brave and daring and curious. Explore, learn, befriend, embrace, participate. Include and share and invite. Take chances and risks, but be safe and mindful. Be a leader, but sometimes a follower, but all the time - be yourself! Oh My Goodness, be excited to learn new things. Your "formal" education starts now, and I cannot wait to see what lies ahead for you, My Love. I'm so very happy to be the one who gets to have a front row seat to this adventure of yours.

Happy First First Day of School, Quinn Redding!
I love you more than you will ever know.
Ready to meet your teachers!
With Ms. Tali & Ms. Alison

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