Saturday, November 21, 2015

Fontina Returns - Again ... Again!

Just like Banner, Quinn has had a pacifier since his earliest days. With Banner, we held off on giving a pacifier until he was about two weeks old. With Quinn, I think it was 2 days old. We had six Gumdrop pacifiers that we kept up with to make sure we had some with us at all times - 2 blues, 2 purples, and 2 oranges. It was easy then when he wasn't attached to any particular color. We lost some along the way (one fell out in the parking lot at a grocery store around 4 months, for instance, and I even went back to try to find it later, but no luck). We would replace them when they got icky or torn up, but for the most part, we always had about 6 of them until he was 1, and then we decided to just let nature take its course and not replace them anymore. Quinn was left with 3 (an orange and two purples) for quite a while. Then, the orange one had some tears in it, so we had to say goodbye to that one. He would ask about it for a while - and still does from time to time - but he never cried or got upset without it. For the past several months, Quinn has been down to those lone purples. They would go with him to Grandma & Papa's when he naps there, and he had them for every nap & night time. If we ever forgot them (which only happened once or twice), he was not thrilled about any different color replacement he might borrow from Levi... it had to be purple. But, a little over a week and a half ago, I took him to the dermatologist when a constant rash around his mouth nagged at me.

At the doctor, we talked about what might be causing the rash, and the pacifier was discussed - not so much as a culprit but as an irritant that wouldn't help with the healing process. The doctor suggested letting go of the pacifier, but when I told her (a mother of 3 kids exactly the same distance apart as my 3 are/will be) about the transition to the big boy bed that week, she completely agreed that now might not be the best time to take his pacifiers away from him.  A week later, when we went back to the doctor because the rash had gotten worse, she was exceptionally proud of us and congratulatory when we told her that we'd nixed the pacifiers over the weekend. I explained to her that the rash had gotten so bad that my gut told me to just bite the bullet and go cold turkey! So, how did all that happen?

Well, we had told Quinn that a) his pacifiers were starting to tear and get little holes in them - making them unsafe and "broken," and b) his pacifiers were making it harder for his mouth to get better; they were hurting his mouth. He asked if we could fix them. Specifically, he asked if we could "take them to Grandma's house and fix them at her house?" But, we explained that even Grandma can't fix them! Later that morning, Quinn and I went to My Gym and then to the grocery store. At the store, I took him to the baby aisle and let him pick out any pacifier he wanted. I told him that he could sleep with it instead of the purple pacis. I know this sounds crazy because I wanted to get him to not sleep with a pacifier at all... BUT... my main goal was to get him off of the Gumdrop, which is made of a rubber that rubs his mouth and perhaps irritates the rash. The plastic choices in front of us didn't bother me. My goal was NOT to get rid of the pacifiers altogether - it was to get rid of the specific one we'd used all his life. I was okay if he had a different one, especially during this big time of transition to a bed and new bedroom with a room mate!

Quinn picked out a pack of 2 soccer Nuk pacifiers. Later that day, although Mommy was anxious, Quinn slept just fine for nap! He took a little longer than usual to fall asleep, but he did - and he took a good nap! He never once put the pacifiers in his mouth but just held them both with his lovey. He did the same at night, and then the next day at nap, he told me he didn't want the "soccer pacis." I told him he didn't have to sleep with them at all. I asked if he wanted me to put them away, but he said he just wanted to hold them. And, that's what he's done for the past week. He plays with them in his hands, but he never puts them in his mouth. Mission accomplished! These new ones don't feel right, they don't twist and turn the way the "purple ones" did, but they sure do comfort him to have them in his hands. And, I'm perfectly fine with that!

Now, I'm not saying he has been a model sleeper! These past two weeks in his big boy bunk have been rough. He either takes a long time to fall asleep, crying for us to sit with him, or he wakes in the middle of the night, or he wakes up super early - or all of the above! But, never once has he cried for the old pacifiers, never has he used the new ones in his mouth, and he has pretty much stopped asking about them at all.

SO, this morning, we had a special visitor! Someone rang the doorbell today, and when the boys went to the door, there was a present sitting on our front porch! They immediately wanted to open it, but Daddy explained that we needed to see who it was from first - and who it was for! They read this special note together:

For those of you who don't know, our Paci Fairy, Fontina, has made a few trips to our house in the past. Quinn was excited to get his own visit this time! Fontina must have been spying on my boys when they see a commercial for PopOut Pets on Nick, Jr. because every.single.time Quinn says he wants that. Well, Fontina made this little boy's wish come true this morning when that's exactly what he got (along with her famous chocolate coins she always leaves in their gifts):

Thank you, Fontina, for making this boy of ours so happy! He's currently napping in his bunk bed with his frog friend (who can easily change into a monkey or a parrot). And, to these three pacis that kept my boy feeling safe, secure, and asleep... thank you for all your hard work!

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