Tuesday, November 17, 2015

65% Baked: BBJ #3

It's been a while since I posted about my pregnancy with this third baby of ours, so I thought it would be a good idea to catch up on how it's been going. Today, I'm 26 weeks pregnant, and overall I'm feeling great! My only current complaint is that it sure would be awesome if the pharmacy would go ahead and fill my reflux prescription - as I've been without my meds for over 4 days, and if it continues, an ulcer is certainly in my future. I've been dealing with reflux since 11 weeks, and I started taking prescription meds at 12 weeks They helped for a bit, and then we had to up the dosage to keep me comfortable. Now that I'm out of the meds and the pharmacy is "waiting to hear back from the insurance company," I'm frustrated and burning again! (Damn insurance companies.)

But, let's move on from that... or try to... it's just hard when I feel it in my chest and throat nearly every minute of writing this post (and throughout the day and night!). And, yes, I've gone back to Tums, OTC meds, and other remedies, but it's not the same. At least I can say my prescription works, right?!

Okay, let's try again to move on...

Things are going very well. I'm feeling this little boy move all over the place. My placenta is posterior, which is a first for me. With Banner & Quinn, it was anterior, so their movement was a little more "muffled." I've been feeling this little guy since 16 weeks - maybe because of the placenta, maybe because it's a third pregnancy and I know better what to feel for, maybe because he's more active? Could be lots of things, but definitely earlier than the big brothers. I don't really notice his movement until I'm still. He wakes up when I'm not lulling him to sleep - and I notice him when the older boys aren't around - night time, at work, in the car. Last week, Sam and I were watching Grey's Anatomy, and we felt him moving the ENTIRE hour. I never mind this activity. It's my absolute favorite part of being pregnant, even if he is on my bladder or about to punch through  my cervix. (TMI? Sorry.) Sam (and Banner) began feeling the baby move around 21-22 weeks - somewhere in there. And now that he's really rolling all over the place, it's more fun for them to feel him. My skin is feeling stretched more and more, and the left side of my lower back hurts toward the end of the night when I'm putting the boys to bed. Some days I carry higher than others, but mostly, this belly is getting heavy, and I find myself pulling up on it to get some relief from time to time. Quinn was way lower than this baby by now, so I'm hopeful that he will stay up or move up as he grows. I'm feeling Braxton Hicks contractions from time to time, and while they are annoying and can even take my breath away, they are not painful.

I'm not as hungry as I was a few weeks ago. But, if I don't graze just a little, I'll feel faint or need to eat a couple of peanut butter & honey sandwiches to satisfy a neglected appetite. I don't necessarily "crave" a particular food, but those sandwiches sure are good! And, I've had to pry myself away from the Hostess cupcakes when I go down that aisle at the grocery store. There were a couple weeks when those were my most prized possession, but I've been much better in the last 3-4 weeks. Not gonna lie; I sure do miss them. I just feel like they're not the best option. :)

I had my glucose test two weeks ago at my 24 week check-up. So grateful I passed. I don't know why I was nervous since I've never had an issue in the past, but I think I just fear more as this body ages. And, I know that every pregnancy is different, so I was anxious about it. At that same appointment, my weight showed I had gained 8 pounds total. I was pleased with that for now. But, I also know the weight is about to pile on, so I am trying to be very careful in the next 13 weeks.

Most exciting, we got to schedule my C-section date: February 16th. I will be 39 weeks that day, and I like the sound of that: 2/16/16. Exactly one week earlier is February 9th - and that would have been very cool to have all of my boys born on the 9th of their birth months, but 38 weeks is a little too early.  We will see, though. This long boy has been measuring slightly ahead of his due date. At each scan, he's been about 3-7 days older than my date. The MFM doctor, at 20 weeks, predicted a pretty tall baby, but not a "big" baby. His arms and legs were very long compared to the rest of his measurements at that time.

And, finally, a name. Not much progress there, unfortunately. There are a few we are mulling over, and one day I might love the ideas, and the next day have a change of heart. Sam likes some names, and I like others, so we are not in agreement yet. I have a gut feeling about what his name will be, but I'm not 100% sure. That's not unusual for me, though. I was tentative about sharing Banner's name with everyone, even though we loved it. And, I was very unsure about Quinn's name UNTIL we started sharing it! It was the only thing I was terribly anxious about on the OR table as they started my C-section with him. "What if his name's not Quinn? What if he's not Quinn??" I asked Sam several times. I think naming your children is one of the hardest things. Other than making healthy choices while they are in utero, it's the first decision you make for your child without even knowing him or her. So, we want it to be a good name, one they like, one that suits them, one that gives them permission to be that name - to be great and good and so many other qualities. I believe our names often provide the script of our lives, so I want it to be amazing. No pressure, right?!

That about sums up the last 14 weeks since I last posted about my pregnancy. The big brothers are super-excited to meet their baby brother. Banner, especially, really seems to understand what is going on. Quinn "gets it" as much as he can right now. He knows there is a baby in my belly, and we talk about babies a lot. But, Banner knows more about what's coming. He is inquisitive, curious, and protective. He is concerned about the baby and what he's doing in there right now. "Is he walking around in there?" "Mommy, I'm sorry I bumped your tummy. Did I hurt the baby?" "Mommy, you're pregnant. That means you are going to have a baby." "When's it going to be time to go to the hospital to meet him?" "How do they get the baby out of your tummy?" "I'm really happy we are going to have a new baby, but I'm disappointed that you have to stay at the hospital for so long." "I'm sorry it's going to hurt you when they take the baby out." And, the newest thing on his mind (and never far from mine!): "We need a bigger house now for our baby."

The boys are making adjustments to prepare for the arrival. A new, shared bedroom and bunk bed; learning how to do things on their own so they can be helpful when the baby comes (like putting on their own shoes or buckling themselves in their car seats or doing more chores around the house, for example); practicing playing with and holding a baby or doll.

Just 13 more weeks before February 16th! We know that will fly by, too! Still lots to do and lots to think about before we meet our baby, but I'm just grateful for my health, for his health and development, and for excited big brothers!  Here's to an uneventful ending to my 2nd trimester and to an equally uneventful, easy third one!

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