Friday, November 6, 2009

Monthiversary Number 2

(Bear with me; I have no idea if this blog makes sense!)

A Friday evening approaches, and all day I've been reminded of the date - two month-anniversary, what Sam and I call our "monthiversary." It's crazy that it's been 2 months since the wedding date. Why crazy? Because, well, honestly - I can't believe it's been ONLY 2 months. It feels like forever ago! No, not because Sam is impossible to live with or so boring that time drags. I believe it feels that way because when planning the wedding, it seemed like time was flying too fast to plan and get things done. Then, all of a sudden, the wedding happened, I'm married, and it's over. So, time has crept by since then. My friend got married 2 weeks ago, and it feels longer ago than that, too. So, it's not just MY wedding that feels like that. I think mainly it's because you plan and plan for a long time, a time that flies too fast to accomplish everything you wanted to in that time period. Then, it's said and done, over and finished. I think this is because once it's over, you miss it and want it back. That day and night passed way too quickly, and when you compare that speed to everything else, it just seems like everything else/every other day is way too slow! It's like driving my 4Runner and then getting in Sam's dad's truck; I thought my car was tall until I got in the truck and realized how "squatty" my SUV is. Time flew by for a year and especially on our wedding day, yet now I realize, in reality, how time does not fly by that fast.

I miss my wedding everyday and wish I had the chance to do it all again (minus the money and the "plus, plus!"). I guess another reason time seems to pass so slowly is waiting for the honeymoon that we delayed. Or, waiting for the school year to pass so I can enjoy more time as a wife. Or, waiting for time to pass before we have children. Or, waiting for the years to pass to see what the future holds - if we move out of this house, if we get a new car, if Sam gets a new job, if we can afford our lifestyle, etc. I feel like there's so much I'm waiting for still and it's not coming fast enough. Hence the reason I blogged earlier about our generation's "need" to rush into everything. Why do I need to know NOW? Why do I need time to pass so quickly? Why can't we all just enjoy the here & now without worry or concern for the future? Why can't I just be in the moment?

Which is why I think I love my weekends. . .

I LOVE THE WEEKEND! More than the fact that I get to sleep in (and this is saying a LOT!), I love being able to spend time with Sam. I feel like each weekend is waiting for us to be able to spend time together, to reconnect, to hibernate from the world - back together with no cares except each other. Which, of course, only makes Sundays harder than ever - to go back to reality and let work interfere with my personal life once more. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, I love my job and the people I work with. But, I love my husband more! I love our time together - the coziness of cuddling up together, the talks, the tasks accomplished, the time with friends. I may not have loved working the past 2 months or the wedding-related errands and the aftermath, but I have absolutely loved every weekend, every evening, and every moment that Sam and I get to spend together. So, HAPPY 2 MONTHIVERSARY, SAM!! I LOVE YOU!

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