It all started with maggots. That's right. Maggots. On December 31, 2015, it was my day to get up early with Banner and Quinn. Just like every morning, I had to go to pee before I could start my day, so I used the boys' hallway bathroom, and as my pregnant body slouched to the toilet, I noticed a white creeper on the tile immediately in front of my feet. I knew what it was immediately, but it baffled me because... well, what is a maggot doing in my boys' bathroom? But, I picked it up and flushed it, and once Sam was up, I told him what I had seen. He didn't believe me, said it must have been a different critter, and we moved on.
The next morning was January 1, 2016, and this is the day we KNEW we had maggots in our house. In the exact same spot as the previous morning, I saw another one. This time, I took a picture of it, showed it to Sam, and we both came back to the bathroom to see more of them. They were burrowing into the black bathmats. They were scattered throughout the bathroom floor. It nearly made me vomit. I knew this was an omen. Who starts their new year with maggots? It just had to be a sign that this year was going to be awful.
Turns out the maggots were in the attic, devouring a dead rat immediately above the boys' bathroom. The maggots probably got into the bathroom through the fan vent, although we never did really figure that out for certain. The exterminator told us we had other signs of rats in the attic - and squirrels, too. We put out traps around the attic and the perimeter of the house. Apparently, this was a common problem in the area, so we weren't alone. But, this was not the way I wanted to spend the first month of the new year - trying to rid my house of rodents! And all of this just a month before we would bring home a new baby. But, we paid quite a bit for rodent exclusion.
In addition to this problem, Sam's car was falling apart. On his first day back to work after the holiday break, his car wouldn't start. Once at the shop, we were told it would be $3,000 to fix it. Even though the car was only worth a small amount more than that, we fixed it. And, when he went to drive it after the fix, it still wasn't working properly. After another trip to the dealership to get it fixed, he finally had a working car.
On top of that, we were having some plumbing issues. A leaky faucet and a hissing toilet had me calling the plumber, but two days after he "repaired" these, the toilet overflowed as we were all trying to leave for work/school. The faucet started dripping again, too. Only our cleaning lady was able to repair the faucet that dripped for the entire weekend! It was one disaster after another.
Our luck seemed to be pretty awful, so my paranoia that something would go wrong with my delivery seemed justified when so many other things were going wrong around us. Luckily, everything went great, and I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby - my favorite delivery yet, in fact, since we were able to actually watch the doctor deliver Knox during the C-section. I thank God every day that this delivery went smoothly and that we have our healthy baby with us!
Two weeks later, Quinn had a cold. We were told it was RSV - he was only tested for Knox's sake. Because we knew how dangerous this cold could be for Knox, he went to stay at Grandma's house for two nights. But, after two nights, we felt like it wasn't fair to Grandma to have to do all the night feedings and care taking. So, Knox came home. That Friday, his snot grew thick and green. By Monday, he was at the doctor's office having a breathing treatment, and by Tuesday he was admitted to the hospital, exactly 3 weeks after he was born. Luckily, we were only there to prevent a horrible downfall, and the oxygen and breathing treatments provided were to keep him from getting worse. But, financially, this was another hit. Three big hospital bills (mine, Knox's birth, and the RSV stay) were piling up, and I kept thinking about those damn maggots. This was the WORST YEAR!
We made a decision to pay off all bills right away and not have them lingering the way Quinn's birth had (in fact, we hadn't paid off the total from his delivery at this point in the year). A day later, hail broke through all 5 skylights in our house and pelted Sam's car. Sam and I were devastated. We looked at each other, as our sky literally came crashing down, with a look of "When will we ever catch a break!?!" Panicked and not knowing what to do, we called our insurance company and tried to pick up the mess as the boys slept through the loudest, most devastating storm we'd ever experienced.
Two weeks later, each of our sons and I got pink eye in both eyes. It was a challenge managing four sets of eye drops, breathing treatments, reflux meds, feedings, and my own meds. Yes, my own meds. During all the healing from Knox's delivery and all the other shenanigans, it's no wonder I talked to my doctor about my "walking into a deep, dark tunnel" and the feelings of my family unraveling from all of my control. At 6 weeks postpartum, she said, I should be coming OUT of those feelings. I told her I was walking IN to them. We both agreed I was experiencing postpartum depression for the first time. I cried in the shower. I withdrew from my mom and from Sam... the two people I would share anything and everything with normally. I felt a rage inside me that I couldn't seem to tame, and I didn't want to be around my children. Knowing that was not normal and not being ashamed to discuss it but rather wanting help, I told my doctor all of this. I noticed a change pretty quickly after starting only half a dose. It took the edge off and lowered my anxiety. I was taking care of me, and I was able to start work 8 weeks postpartum not feeling like I lived in a horrible place.
We were still dealing with the aftermath of the storm with both the house and Sam's car. That storm would prove to be a mixed blessing. The money from the insurance helped us replace a roof that probably needed replacing anyway. It was the only thing standing in our way of selling our house. So, with that repaired, we could move forward with listing the house. A week after we listed, we had a contract. The selling part went so smoothly. But, when it was our turn to buy, we were up against a horrible human being who probably pocketed insurance money and refused to fix anything we requested. She was a bitch to worth with - a despicable realtor herself actually who wouldn't budge on anything. We were so in love with the house, though, we decided to stick with it despite its awful owner.
Moving out of Darion was a big deal to us; leaving the only home our boys had known and the place where Sam and I became a family was tough. And I couldn't help but wonder if this was the right choice. Would 2016 always be the "year of the maggot?" Would our decisions and choices made this year be cursed? Should we wait it out? Are we giving up the best place for us? But, again, we pushed forward, and we moved our family into this beautiful house that we have begun to feel "at home" in. We're settling in, and we are loving it! But, I still have a weary feeling that haunts me, a feeling that maybe we've bought a lemon. I keep waiting for the house to fall apart in some way.
About a week after we moved in, Sam's car was kaput again. Instead of investing even more money in it (a 2002 4Runner), we decided to get a new car. You know, spend MORE money we didn't really have. There were also unexpected problems - a plumbing issue that wasn't caught by the inspector, a garage door that suddenly stopped operating... all while trying to adjust to a new house, a new school for Banner, a new routine for Knox, and a new job position for me.
Yet, throughout the entire year, I've tried to keep things in perspective. 2016 has been great to us in so many ways, and definitely better to us personally than it has been to our world. This year brought the Dallas Police shootings, the Orlando shootings, the Nice attack, Brexit, horrible conflict in Syria, a heated election, the deaths of singers, songwriters, actors, directors, legendary icons, and the electoral vote for Trump. I've been in mourning over that whole disaster and what it will do to our country and to various groups of people. I'm hoping the worst part was his winning the election and that 2017 will bring a surprising breath of fresh air.
In 2016, we barely slept. Knox is a horrible sleeper, and on the rare occasion that he does sleep through the entire night without interruption, his brothers don't follow suit. One or both of them will be up with some problem or desire to sleep in our bed. Yet, throughout the year, I've learned how I can still function (even happily) on little sleep. I've learned to not sweat the small stuff and let those little nuggets in our bed so everyone can go to sleep... and a piece of me kind of likes the nightly cuddles with my boys who are growing way too fast.
In 2016, we spent more money than ever before -- money that I felt we didn't have! But, we also made more money than ever before. It's been a rocky road since Sam started his own firm, and every January 1 from 2013 until 2015, we had a tough conversation to try to figure out if continuing that firm was a good decision financially - and therefore maritally. We went back and forth for a while on whether I should go back to work and how much I should work if I did. We're finally in a place where we don't have those conversations anymore.
In 2016, we watched our boys hit big milestone. Of course we watched Knox do big things like smile, roll over, reach for us, sit up, crawl, cruise, blow kisses, clap, and walk. We watched him try new foods, explore new things, and grow more attached to us. Quinn potty trained, gave up naps, learned to go to school without Banner, and got his own new room. He has gotten quite independent! Banner finished PreK and learned to make new friends in Kindergarten. He's reading like a champ, enjoys Sunday School (but hates giving up part of his weekend), and is amazing with Knox.
In 2016, Sam and I managed to get away twice - a total of two nights! Whoohoo! :) A baby moon at the bed 'n breakfast in January, and the Billy Joel concert in December. With a bar that low, I'm sure we can manage to beat that in 2017!
In 2016, my nephew, Cole was born, I met my niece, Hayla, and my sister found out she's pregnant.
So, not everything about 2016 sucked! Parts of it were amazing! I am grateful for all the memories, the birthdays, the holidays, the gifts, the giving, the health that we all have. As horrible as it was, as exhausting and stressful as it's been, and as much "adulting" as we had to do, I kinda wouldn't change it. That's life. The push and pull, the ups and downs. But, I'm also kinda glad to see it go. And, so far, I haven't seen any maggots, so we're heading in the right direction!
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Friday, December 16, 2016
10-Month Newsletter: Knox
Dear Knox,
What a big month this was! The major accomplishment this month was definitely: walking! I'm still in a state of shock whenever I see you just get off the floor and walk around! I absolutely love that you are walking. You want so badly to keep up with your brothers and to be able to get where you want. I think you are impressed with your new skills and IT is the toy you want to enjoy right now. You like the feel of the floor on your feet, you like seeing how fast you can get somewhere, you like how proud of you we are, you like the ability to chase and play with how fast you can carry yourself toward or away from someone. Not only did you far surpass your brothers in meeting this milestone so early, you mastered getting off the floor completely by yourself long before they did. I figured that might take another month or so, but nope. You are quite skilled at perching yourself up and pushing off the floor. And, that run is coming soon! Your waddle is quite quick - and getting faster each day! Daddy and I are still floored by how quick you are and giggle in amazement at you just toddling down the hallway or turning the corner of the kitchen or following your loud brothers as you giggle right behind them.
So, what else have you been up to?
-Climbing the stairs... thank God for baby gates! But, as long as I'm behind you, I love watching you scale them like a pro. Going down - a totally different story. Since you are our first baby in a house with stairs, we have to figure out how to show you that, but so far, you learned on your own how to climb so fast! I love letting you do the whole flight right before a nap or bedtime. It kinda helps wear you out.
-We are nearing our end with baby food. Pouches are still okay, and morning oatmeal is still acceptable. But, pretty much any other baby food is out the window. You love being able to pick up pieces of your meal and savor them in your mouth. Your favorites are chicken, apple slices (which can be a huge choking hazard, and I'd rather not give you them, but you love to teeth on them), and bagel. You're not so keen on slippery foods, wet or slimy foods... mostly because once your fingers touch them, you turn your nose up at them and won't even attempt a bite. If I can sneak a piece of food in your mouth, you MIGHT decide you like it. You let us know you are done with a meal by dropping what's left on your tray to the floor - as if you're testing to see if there's a dog in the house we failed to introduce you to.
-You just cut another tooth (top left) as of yesterday - bringing your total teeth count to 3. The fourth is nearly there, but not quite.
-Stats: size 4 diapers, size 6(!) overnights, level 3 nipple (but probably 4 starting this weekend), 12 month clothes, 18 month pajamas!, and shoe size coming soon!
-Separation anxiety - but more in the form of "stranger" anxiety. You do great when I leave you with Grandma or BeeBee; it's when a new person says hello, especially in a new place, you will "bottom lip it," and get weary quite quickly.
-If we'd let you, you would: eat the toilet bowl; destroy the pantry; line every inch of the kitchen with sippy cups/snack cups/kid plates/kid bowls that you unpack from the only drawers you are allowed into; break through the baby gates; slam your fingers in every door while you practice swinging it; drink mustard from the fridge; make out with any and every remote control, ruining it with caked saliva; pull every piece of folded laundry to the floor; lick the dirt off of every shoe in the house (truly, I think you have a shoe fetish); eat Legos; crawl into and slip all over the shower floor; attempt to fly off our mattress. (I'm sorry we don't let you do these things. We like you safe and healthy, even if it pisses you off.)
-Quinn has found an affection for you. (FINALLY!) He loves to give you hugs, loves to make sure you are safe. Both boys adore you and affectionately call you "Knoxipoo." Banner speaks so sweetly to you and tries to make you laugh.
Knox Morgan, less than 2 weeks ago, I gave you your last bath in the infant tub over the kitchen sink. I didn't know it was the last one. I don't even remember the date of it or when it actually happened. But, we tried a bath with your brothers one night and then again the next night when we were running late to get everyone ready for bed. It became a thing, and now it's your new routine to either shower or bathe with them. It requires more work on Daddy's part to get you ready for bed, especially because I'm not finished putting you to bed when the others are ready for me to help with book/story time. But, you love this time with Banner and Quinn. I miss your nightly tub time, and I'm sad that "baby" tub part of your life is over. It was always my favorite time of your day. Now, my favorite time is snuggling you during and after your last bottle of the day, just rocking in the glider and holding you close. It makes me sad that one day we won't even do that anymore, and I may not even know it's the last time - just like with your bath.
Time is marching quickly, Baby Love. You are heading out of infancy and are literally walking right into toddlerhood. I am so thrilled to watch you grow and learn. It's such a joy to have this front row seat to your life and to spend time with you each day. I just wish it would slow down a smidge. At this time in your life, you are so easy going. Our days with you are amazing. (Our nights not so much, but we're learning to let you figure that out on your own a little.) And, while you are definitely our most serious baby, you are learning to laugh more! I wish you'd laugh more. I just think you have SO much on your mind - so much "figuring" and interpreting going on in that brilliant mind of yours. When some of that settles, I have a feeling we will meet our little ham. You are certainly not done revealing yourself to us - I just know it. Each day, you continue to be a gift we get to open, full of surprises and lessons, love and affection.
Oh, Knoxy, I love you so very, very much!
Happy 10-months!
What a big month this was! The major accomplishment this month was definitely: walking! I'm still in a state of shock whenever I see you just get off the floor and walk around! I absolutely love that you are walking. You want so badly to keep up with your brothers and to be able to get where you want. I think you are impressed with your new skills and IT is the toy you want to enjoy right now. You like the feel of the floor on your feet, you like seeing how fast you can get somewhere, you like how proud of you we are, you like the ability to chase and play with how fast you can carry yourself toward or away from someone. Not only did you far surpass your brothers in meeting this milestone so early, you mastered getting off the floor completely by yourself long before they did. I figured that might take another month or so, but nope. You are quite skilled at perching yourself up and pushing off the floor. And, that run is coming soon! Your waddle is quite quick - and getting faster each day! Daddy and I are still floored by how quick you are and giggle in amazement at you just toddling down the hallway or turning the corner of the kitchen or following your loud brothers as you giggle right behind them.
So, what else have you been up to?
-Climbing the stairs... thank God for baby gates! But, as long as I'm behind you, I love watching you scale them like a pro. Going down - a totally different story. Since you are our first baby in a house with stairs, we have to figure out how to show you that, but so far, you learned on your own how to climb so fast! I love letting you do the whole flight right before a nap or bedtime. It kinda helps wear you out.
-We are nearing our end with baby food. Pouches are still okay, and morning oatmeal is still acceptable. But, pretty much any other baby food is out the window. You love being able to pick up pieces of your meal and savor them in your mouth. Your favorites are chicken, apple slices (which can be a huge choking hazard, and I'd rather not give you them, but you love to teeth on them), and bagel. You're not so keen on slippery foods, wet or slimy foods... mostly because once your fingers touch them, you turn your nose up at them and won't even attempt a bite. If I can sneak a piece of food in your mouth, you MIGHT decide you like it. You let us know you are done with a meal by dropping what's left on your tray to the floor - as if you're testing to see if there's a dog in the house we failed to introduce you to.
-You just cut another tooth (top left) as of yesterday - bringing your total teeth count to 3. The fourth is nearly there, but not quite.
-Stats: size 4 diapers, size 6(!) overnights, level 3 nipple (but probably 4 starting this weekend), 12 month clothes, 18 month pajamas!, and shoe size coming soon!
-Separation anxiety - but more in the form of "stranger" anxiety. You do great when I leave you with Grandma or BeeBee; it's when a new person says hello, especially in a new place, you will "bottom lip it," and get weary quite quickly.
-If we'd let you, you would: eat the toilet bowl; destroy the pantry; line every inch of the kitchen with sippy cups/snack cups/kid plates/kid bowls that you unpack from the only drawers you are allowed into; break through the baby gates; slam your fingers in every door while you practice swinging it; drink mustard from the fridge; make out with any and every remote control, ruining it with caked saliva; pull every piece of folded laundry to the floor; lick the dirt off of every shoe in the house (truly, I think you have a shoe fetish); eat Legos; crawl into and slip all over the shower floor; attempt to fly off our mattress. (I'm sorry we don't let you do these things. We like you safe and healthy, even if it pisses you off.)
-Quinn has found an affection for you. (FINALLY!) He loves to give you hugs, loves to make sure you are safe. Both boys adore you and affectionately call you "Knoxipoo." Banner speaks so sweetly to you and tries to make you laugh.
Knox Morgan, less than 2 weeks ago, I gave you your last bath in the infant tub over the kitchen sink. I didn't know it was the last one. I don't even remember the date of it or when it actually happened. But, we tried a bath with your brothers one night and then again the next night when we were running late to get everyone ready for bed. It became a thing, and now it's your new routine to either shower or bathe with them. It requires more work on Daddy's part to get you ready for bed, especially because I'm not finished putting you to bed when the others are ready for me to help with book/story time. But, you love this time with Banner and Quinn. I miss your nightly tub time, and I'm sad that "baby" tub part of your life is over. It was always my favorite time of your day. Now, my favorite time is snuggling you during and after your last bottle of the day, just rocking in the glider and holding you close. It makes me sad that one day we won't even do that anymore, and I may not even know it's the last time - just like with your bath.
Time is marching quickly, Baby Love. You are heading out of infancy and are literally walking right into toddlerhood. I am so thrilled to watch you grow and learn. It's such a joy to have this front row seat to your life and to spend time with you each day. I just wish it would slow down a smidge. At this time in your life, you are so easy going. Our days with you are amazing. (Our nights not so much, but we're learning to let you figure that out on your own a little.) And, while you are definitely our most serious baby, you are learning to laugh more! I wish you'd laugh more. I just think you have SO much on your mind - so much "figuring" and interpreting going on in that brilliant mind of yours. When some of that settles, I have a feeling we will meet our little ham. You are certainly not done revealing yourself to us - I just know it. Each day, you continue to be a gift we get to open, full of surprises and lessons, love and affection.
Oh, Knoxy, I love you so very, very much!
Happy 10-months!
You love walking toys - although ANYTHING is now a walking toy |
You met Aunt Kindle this month during Thanksgiving weekend |
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
9-Month Newsletter: Knox
Dear Knox,
It's weird to say how I feel this month. But, I'm being honest, and I have to say... it's about time you turned 9 months old! I don't mean that in a "rushing you to grow up" way - because, OH MY GOD I don't want you to stop being my bitty baby! I mean that in a totally different way. Surely, this whole last month you were older than 8 months, right? I mean, you are one of the most mature, advanced, and interactive little guys I've ever known. You just keep getting more and more developed, and it's hard to believe you were only 8 months old when SO many big things happened. Does that make sense? I just feel like 9-months old seems so young, yet you far exceed my expectations. I've learned as a mother I will always seem to rush Banner yet be so impressed with you and Quinn and how quickly you learn things. (Poor Banner. I know. I'm working on it. But lucky for you, I have like zero expectations... yet even if I had some, you'd exceed them.) Anyway, I'm making a mess of this explanation as I simply free write about you this month. I'm sorry. If I had more time to prepare what I am trying to say, I'd get my point across more clearly. But, alas, since you arrived and we have three active little boys, I have no time. So - as Ms. Whitten always says, "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit!"
So, what have you been up to this month?
-We just had your well check yesterday, and you are doing great! Dr. B says developmentally, you are scoring between 11 and 12 months old, and some of your milestones are more like 14-month-old kids. See? I told you you are advanced! You are rolling a ball with us, waving, clapping, even saying "buh-buh" for bye-bye and meaning it. You say "muh" when you want more bottle, or you say "bababa" when you want more bottle. You sign "more" when you want more food! You lean toward what you want, or you pull on us to be lifted up. You are trying to communicate with us, and you're doing great! You are cruising your way around the house - around the furniture, the walls, boxes, walking toys, rolling toys... you name it. You've stood on your own for a few seconds here and there, but I wouldn't say you're "standing" just yet. More importantly than any of that, though, is that you are one healthy boy! You got two shots today and a finger prick, and you hated both! But, hugs and a paci helped you calm down right away!
-This past month, we had your first Sukkot where we had lots of visitors and fun in the sukkah. We celebrated your first Halloween. It was so fun dressing you up - twice! The first part of the day, you and Isaac went to a play date at Skylar's house as girls! :) And, man, you make a pretty little girl! You're welcome - and I'm sorry. Later in the day, you were a part of our family Star Wars theme... as R2D2. You were curious about all the raucous and excitement.
It's weird to say how I feel this month. But, I'm being honest, and I have to say... it's about time you turned 9 months old! I don't mean that in a "rushing you to grow up" way - because, OH MY GOD I don't want you to stop being my bitty baby! I mean that in a totally different way. Surely, this whole last month you were older than 8 months, right? I mean, you are one of the most mature, advanced, and interactive little guys I've ever known. You just keep getting more and more developed, and it's hard to believe you were only 8 months old when SO many big things happened. Does that make sense? I just feel like 9-months old seems so young, yet you far exceed my expectations. I've learned as a mother I will always seem to rush Banner yet be so impressed with you and Quinn and how quickly you learn things. (Poor Banner. I know. I'm working on it. But lucky for you, I have like zero expectations... yet even if I had some, you'd exceed them.) Anyway, I'm making a mess of this explanation as I simply free write about you this month. I'm sorry. If I had more time to prepare what I am trying to say, I'd get my point across more clearly. But, alas, since you arrived and we have three active little boys, I have no time. So - as Ms. Whitten always says, "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit!"
So, what have you been up to this month?
-We just had your well check yesterday, and you are doing great! Dr. B says developmentally, you are scoring between 11 and 12 months old, and some of your milestones are more like 14-month-old kids. See? I told you you are advanced! You are rolling a ball with us, waving, clapping, even saying "buh-buh" for bye-bye and meaning it. You say "muh" when you want more bottle, or you say "bababa" when you want more bottle. You sign "more" when you want more food! You lean toward what you want, or you pull on us to be lifted up. You are trying to communicate with us, and you're doing great! You are cruising your way around the house - around the furniture, the walls, boxes, walking toys, rolling toys... you name it. You've stood on your own for a few seconds here and there, but I wouldn't say you're "standing" just yet. More importantly than any of that, though, is that you are one healthy boy! You got two shots today and a finger prick, and you hated both! But, hugs and a paci helped you calm down right away!
- Weight: 19 pounds, 15.5 ounces = 50th percentile
- Height: 29 inches = 75th percentile
- Head: 44.7 cm = 45th percentile
- You are one tall boy! You outgrew most of your 9 month clothing long ago. 12-months fit you much better.
- Size 4 diapers, 5 overnight
- Level 3 nipple - we tried to switch to 4s but you spit up so much with those and very little with the 3s
- Bedtime is around 7:00, and you wake around 6:15ish. Every night is hit or miss on whether you will sleep the entire night through. In any given week, we probably get one or two nights of straight sleep. I like those nights. A lot. We're tired. Please sleep. ;)
-We get to start meats this month. Last night, we started chicken, and you seemed to like it! We started yogurt a few days ago. You liked that, too! You aren't a big fan of baby food right now. You much prefer the carbs that come in the form of Puffs, Cheerios, Mum Mum, pancake bits, bagel bits, and Gerber Wheels. I keep introducing small pieces of fruits and veggies, but you don't seem to like the texture. You'll eat fruits in the little nets you can hold, but I'm personally getting bored with those. I wish you'd eat better - but soon, Little Man. Soon. I know.
-YOU HAVE TWO TEETH! (I know I wrote a little about this last month when the first one was starting to erupt, but this warrants more attention because...) Oh man, are you a horrible teether! Those were the worst two weeks! TWO WEEKS before we saw them both. And jeez! We have 18 more teeth to go!! I don't know if I can manage that. I may have to move out until you are 2 or so. You did not sleep for those two weeks. So we didn't either. And, oh my GOD did they take forever to come in!! Here's to hoping the next 18 aren't nearly as awful as that! (Who am I kidding? Molars?!)
-This past month, we had your first Sukkot where we had lots of visitors and fun in the sukkah. We celebrated your first Halloween. It was so fun dressing you up - twice! The first part of the day, you and Isaac went to a play date at Skylar's house as girls! :) And, man, you make a pretty little girl! You're welcome - and I'm sorry. Later in the day, you were a part of our family Star Wars theme... as R2D2. You were curious about all the raucous and excitement.
Knox Morgan, you still love to dance, love to be sung to, are more tolerant of car rides, adore your big brothers and want to copy everything they do - including screaming like them!, enjoy swinging, like to hang upside down, are into every cabinet and drawer you can get your hands into, love to be held, have the most gorgeous smile, and light up our lives with those beautiful blue eyes. I know SO soon you will be walking and taking off wherever you want to go! You are delighted by your ability to already move about the house so freely - squealing with joy when you can walk through the house with your little push walker. And, oh my goodness, do I get a kick out of watching your little tush waddle across the floor as those little legs take off as you grin ear to ear!
My favorite times of day with you are bathing you and then rocking you to sleep each night (but only the FIRST time each night!). We cuddle and relax together in those sweet, quiet moments just the two of us. With each passing month, I know the nearness of those nights ending is getting closer, and that pains me. But, I also can't wait to see you play more with your brothers and watch you become "one of them" a little more. But for now, I embrace this special time with you, Knox. My infant. My baby. My sweet Baby Love. I love you so very, very much!
Happy 9 Months!
Monday, October 31, 2016
Dear Leslie (5)
Dear Leslie,
5 years. Feels like we could have just spoken yesterday, but it's been 5 whole years. Five whole years of you missing birthday parties, holidays, dinners, pictures, phone calls, movies, and now TWO grandsons you never got to meet. We welcomed Knox Morgan this year, and you missed it. You missed football games and soccer games. You missed helping us move into our new home. You missed entertaining the kids and sleepless nights, helping cook dinner, and watching the kids while Sam and I work. There are times I am so angry about all that, and there are times my heart breaks for you. But, mostly, it breaks for Sam and my boys who wonder what life would be like if you were still around.
The questions and curiosity that come from Banner are increasing. The other night, I overheard Banner asking Sam all about you - how he found out about your death, the last night you two had been together - and all about West Side Story :). I absolutely love when you come up in conversation. You aren't far from our minds, but when your name is mentioned and we talk about you, I feel like you aren't far from our lives. I love that Banner wants to know about you and bring you along with him through life. And, I know Sam loves it, too.
When we were leaving our house on Darion, you were very much on our minds. First of all, as we took down little "chotchkies" around the house, we thought of you: the little figurines, the pictures you are in, the dishes, the gifts... and then the little shelf you made for Banner before he was born. Sam took that off the wall and found a note you had written on the back of it - to your then-unborn grandson. It was like you were speaking to him again. And later, as Sam and I stood in the doorway of the entryway, we hugged our last hug in that house. I could tell he was emotional, and we both just teared up. He let go a little, and I knew exactly what was on his mind. It was powerful, as if you really were with us in that moment, and we realized we would lose a piece of you all over again by not living in the house where your memory is so very alive: the night you came speeding to the house to help me when Sam fainted after wisdom teeth surgery, the way you laughed (and it pissed us off!) when Banner wouldn't stop crying as we changed his first diaper after his circumcision, the time you brought Miles over to visit Banner and showed up with various trinkets and a poster Miles made, the night you stayed awake all night long making sure Sam was okay after his accident, helping me bake challah on the icy day your heat went out, answering Caden's questions about smoking while standing in the backyard during Sam's party after he passed the bar exam, watching you walk in to the surprise party we hosted for your 30th anniversary celebration..."Your mom?" I knowingly asked. And he nodded. "She's with us. She knows where we're going," I told him. And whether you are here in spirit at our new home or not, you are definitely a part of it. You'd love our sukkah we built. You'd love the boys' rooms. You'd love watching Banner play on the playground during recess from our backyard. (In fact, I'm pretty sure you'd be annoyingly interested in watching him play!) You'd probably be bringing over wall hangings or small pieces of furniture to put around our house, saying we needed this or that and to stop being such "minimalists," and I'd get frustrated because our tastes are so different.
5 years later, I'm still so sure of how things would be with you around. And, we still wish we could talk to you about our crazy, busy lives. There are still so many times we want to share something with you but can't. And, you'd still be so proud of your boy. Sam is the best husband to me. He is the best father to our sons. He has a temper I know you helped contribute to, but he's learning to be more patient. He's a hard worker and so good to his clients. He treats everyone he meets with the utmost respect, and he is a man of his word. He's fun and affectionate and interested and devoted... I could go on and on. You know these things, I know. But, I don't get to tell you or show you how great he is, so I feel like saying it. If a wife could give her husband a report card that he could run and show his Mommy, his would have A's all over it! You really would be so very impressed with him. Your little guy grew up, and he's one hell of a grown up!
And his children adore him. They light up when he walks in from work. Knox can't even finish eating without needing Daddy to pick him up. He at least needs to see him the minute he hears his voice come in the door. Quinn wants to dress just like him, and Banner wants to show off anything he learned to Daddy. And, you would just EAT UP how much everyone says Quinn looks like Sam. To be honest, though, I don't see Sam. I see you. I always have. Bits of you shine through those eyes, even though they are bluer than blue. The expressions he makes, he is so your little grandson. And you would have ADORED this. I have a feeling he might have been your favorite because of that. But, you'd tell each of them that they are your best friend, and you'd whisper it so no one hears your dirty little secret that you say this to all 5 of your grandsons.
I know you, Leslie. A gazillion hours on the phone with you throughout college and on helped with that. The 15 years that I knew you and shared in your family helped with that. You were a talker, and I am a listener, and I have no doubt I'm right about how things would be if you were still alive. You should know you are a huge contributing factor to why I write every little thing. I want my kids to know me, know my memories of them, and have as much of me as I can give to them after I am gone. You taught me how short life can be and how unexpectedly life can change. I often look at your death through Sam's eyes and never want my children to have to lose me - at all, really - but definitely not as suddenly as we all lost you. And, I'd love for them to know me as well as I know you, so they will never question what I would have told them or how I would respond to something. Rest assured, we got you - and you are still so very much with us.
Missing you today and always,
5 years. Feels like we could have just spoken yesterday, but it's been 5 whole years. Five whole years of you missing birthday parties, holidays, dinners, pictures, phone calls, movies, and now TWO grandsons you never got to meet. We welcomed Knox Morgan this year, and you missed it. You missed football games and soccer games. You missed helping us move into our new home. You missed entertaining the kids and sleepless nights, helping cook dinner, and watching the kids while Sam and I work. There are times I am so angry about all that, and there are times my heart breaks for you. But, mostly, it breaks for Sam and my boys who wonder what life would be like if you were still around.
The questions and curiosity that come from Banner are increasing. The other night, I overheard Banner asking Sam all about you - how he found out about your death, the last night you two had been together - and all about West Side Story :). I absolutely love when you come up in conversation. You aren't far from our minds, but when your name is mentioned and we talk about you, I feel like you aren't far from our lives. I love that Banner wants to know about you and bring you along with him through life. And, I know Sam loves it, too.
When we were leaving our house on Darion, you were very much on our minds. First of all, as we took down little "chotchkies" around the house, we thought of you: the little figurines, the pictures you are in, the dishes, the gifts... and then the little shelf you made for Banner before he was born. Sam took that off the wall and found a note you had written on the back of it - to your then-unborn grandson. It was like you were speaking to him again. And later, as Sam and I stood in the doorway of the entryway, we hugged our last hug in that house. I could tell he was emotional, and we both just teared up. He let go a little, and I knew exactly what was on his mind. It was powerful, as if you really were with us in that moment, and we realized we would lose a piece of you all over again by not living in the house where your memory is so very alive: the night you came speeding to the house to help me when Sam fainted after wisdom teeth surgery, the way you laughed (and it pissed us off!) when Banner wouldn't stop crying as we changed his first diaper after his circumcision, the time you brought Miles over to visit Banner and showed up with various trinkets and a poster Miles made, the night you stayed awake all night long making sure Sam was okay after his accident, helping me bake challah on the icy day your heat went out, answering Caden's questions about smoking while standing in the backyard during Sam's party after he passed the bar exam, watching you walk in to the surprise party we hosted for your 30th anniversary celebration..."Your mom?" I knowingly asked. And he nodded. "She's with us. She knows where we're going," I told him. And whether you are here in spirit at our new home or not, you are definitely a part of it. You'd love our sukkah we built. You'd love the boys' rooms. You'd love watching Banner play on the playground during recess from our backyard. (In fact, I'm pretty sure you'd be annoyingly interested in watching him play!) You'd probably be bringing over wall hangings or small pieces of furniture to put around our house, saying we needed this or that and to stop being such "minimalists," and I'd get frustrated because our tastes are so different.
5 years later, I'm still so sure of how things would be with you around. And, we still wish we could talk to you about our crazy, busy lives. There are still so many times we want to share something with you but can't. And, you'd still be so proud of your boy. Sam is the best husband to me. He is the best father to our sons. He has a temper I know you helped contribute to, but he's learning to be more patient. He's a hard worker and so good to his clients. He treats everyone he meets with the utmost respect, and he is a man of his word. He's fun and affectionate and interested and devoted... I could go on and on. You know these things, I know. But, I don't get to tell you or show you how great he is, so I feel like saying it. If a wife could give her husband a report card that he could run and show his Mommy, his would have A's all over it! You really would be so very impressed with him. Your little guy grew up, and he's one hell of a grown up!
And his children adore him. They light up when he walks in from work. Knox can't even finish eating without needing Daddy to pick him up. He at least needs to see him the minute he hears his voice come in the door. Quinn wants to dress just like him, and Banner wants to show off anything he learned to Daddy. And, you would just EAT UP how much everyone says Quinn looks like Sam. To be honest, though, I don't see Sam. I see you. I always have. Bits of you shine through those eyes, even though they are bluer than blue. The expressions he makes, he is so your little grandson. And you would have ADORED this. I have a feeling he might have been your favorite because of that. But, you'd tell each of them that they are your best friend, and you'd whisper it so no one hears your dirty little secret that you say this to all 5 of your grandsons.
I know you, Leslie. A gazillion hours on the phone with you throughout college and on helped with that. The 15 years that I knew you and shared in your family helped with that. You were a talker, and I am a listener, and I have no doubt I'm right about how things would be if you were still alive. You should know you are a huge contributing factor to why I write every little thing. I want my kids to know me, know my memories of them, and have as much of me as I can give to them after I am gone. You taught me how short life can be and how unexpectedly life can change. I often look at your death through Sam's eyes and never want my children to have to lose me - at all, really - but definitely not as suddenly as we all lost you. And, I'd love for them to know me as well as I know you, so they will never question what I would have told them or how I would respond to something. Rest assured, we got you - and you are still so very much with us.
Missing you today and always,
Sunday, October 16, 2016
8-Month Newsletter: Knox
Dear Knox,
Instead of boring you with lots of prose, I'm going to just cut to the chase for this month's update! Let's call this update: 8 FAVES at EIGHT! These are my favorite things about you as you turn 8 months old:
1. Dancing: You love to rock back and forth on all fours if a song comes on and you are mid-crawl. Or, if you are pulled up on something and hear music, you will bounce a bit.
2. Humming: Along those same lines of loving music, if I sing a song to you, you will start trying to hum along! I love it! It's very recent that we've even noticed that you do this, but Daddy and I both have noticed when Quinn watches Daniel Tiger or if anyone is singing, you seem to want to join in and will hum with us. Last night, I was singing Lechi Lach with Banner in the kitchen, and you were humming with us. As I noticed you were doing that, I started swaying a little with you on my hip, and you put your head back and closed your eyes, almost as if you were embracing the music! And, I'm not positive, but I also think you're trying to match pitch! I can't wait to see if this love of music continues!
3. Eating: You've gotten so great at feeding yourself Cheerios, Mum Mums, and Puffs, munching on the little nets with bits of banana or peach or avocado in them, drinking water from your sippy or straw cups, or sucking on apple slices. You much prefer independent eating to the baby food I spoon feed you, but you take everything well for now. There were a couple of weeks that you significantly dropped ounces in your bottle, but we're getting back on track slowly! I think you just weren't as hungry for a bottle with so much loving of food!
4. Cruising: You're all over the place, buddy! A speed crawler who has become quite quick to pull-up on anything and everything, you now know how to navigate around objects - the kitchen cabinets, the coffee table, the couch, me! While every now and then, you can take a tumble backwards and bonk your head on the wood floor, you are quick to calm and generally ready to go again a few minutes later after some TLC. You've even learned how to take that brave step from the couch to the coffee table and back again. You are one courageous little guy... but as I was reminded by pulling up Quinn's 8-month post, this is the time when bumps and bruises make a strong debut. You fell standing at the side of the couch last week and made a head dive into the window sill. A big forehead bruise appeared moments later. Oh, do be careful, Baby Love. So so scary all this risk-taking! The stairs are a huge interest for you, too... and just in the past few days, we've seen you pull yourself up on the steps - just ready to climb up those boogers. We have an estimate from the baby proofer about all these areas that you are drawn to (fire place is another biggie), but we haven't scheduled yet! It should have happened right when we moved in, but - well, life.
5.You're starting to really comprehend what we're saying to you. You turn to your name, and just the other day, you crawled away from your bottle, and when I said, "Do you want more?" you turned around and came toward me to snuggle in for more of its contents.
6. A TOOTH! The teeniest, tiniest little bit of a bottom right tooth is making its first appearance just this weekend! After a week of horrible sleep and pooping up a storm so badly you have a red rashy tush, we figured this may be the case. Swollen gums told us this might be the issue, but after nights of endless hours of crying and nothing we did soothed you, we had to let you cry it out. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But, geez, those nights were/are AWFUL! It was/is during those nights - and ONLY during those nights - that I was seriously wishing there was a return policy for infants.
7. Splashing: One evening last week you discovered that the water in your tub pops up if you hit it. Daddy and I watched with such joy as you enjoyed your new ability to splash! We let the kitchen floor get sopping wet, as Daddy and I looked at each other knowing we would have NEVER let your older brothers make such a mess! But, it was so fun to watch you experiment playfully with the water.
8.Tag-Along: You LOVE your brothers and copy them on anything you can. If they are singing, you will try to hum the tune. If they are yelling and chasing, you are right behind them trying to keep up and making your own sweet yell. You LOVE for me to pick you up and hold you out in front of me to "chase" them around the house. You'll giggle up a storm when you "get" them or they "get" you. You adore their attention, and they like helping you. Banner, especially, is quite a helper with you - making sure you don't fall down, redirecting you, playing with you, and being silly just to get a smile from you. Quinn is still unsure of your permanence in our household, but he loves to give you kisses and TRY to play with you. (Soon you two will be best buds, and you don't even know the difference or seem to mind at all, but for now, he's a little too rough with you for my liking!)
Knox Morgan, I love you with all my heart. I wish you would sleep better, Little Dude, but otherwise, you are one easy-going baby. Lately, you have grown so attached to us. Daddy is definitely your person of choice lately - you are very enthralled with him. When he gets home from work and you hear his voice, you will no longer pay attention to your dinner I'm feeding you - you must see him right away and have him pick you up! This is just one example of how you long for his attention and affection. But, you're still a mama's boy, and I love that you love me and know that I love you. You're giving kisses and waving; you're interested in your friends at play dates (with Wyatt, with Elan, with Skylar), you're drawn to a screen; you hate the changing table (but a paci helps a lot), you love your days with BeeBee and with Grandma, you are babbling quite a bit ("mamamama" is my favorite of course!), and you hate getting dressed. I love learning about you and seeing each day bring a new trick or talent. These next few months will bring great change, I already know. Walking is the next big step ... no pun intended. :) Take your time, Baby Love. Your brothers will wait for you, and I will, too.
I love you so very much!
Happy 8 Months!
Instead of boring you with lots of prose, I'm going to just cut to the chase for this month's update! Let's call this update: 8 FAVES at EIGHT! These are my favorite things about you as you turn 8 months old:
1. Dancing: You love to rock back and forth on all fours if a song comes on and you are mid-crawl. Or, if you are pulled up on something and hear music, you will bounce a bit.
2. Humming: Along those same lines of loving music, if I sing a song to you, you will start trying to hum along! I love it! It's very recent that we've even noticed that you do this, but Daddy and I both have noticed when Quinn watches Daniel Tiger or if anyone is singing, you seem to want to join in and will hum with us. Last night, I was singing Lechi Lach with Banner in the kitchen, and you were humming with us. As I noticed you were doing that, I started swaying a little with you on my hip, and you put your head back and closed your eyes, almost as if you were embracing the music! And, I'm not positive, but I also think you're trying to match pitch! I can't wait to see if this love of music continues!
3. Eating: You've gotten so great at feeding yourself Cheerios, Mum Mums, and Puffs, munching on the little nets with bits of banana or peach or avocado in them, drinking water from your sippy or straw cups, or sucking on apple slices. You much prefer independent eating to the baby food I spoon feed you, but you take everything well for now. There were a couple of weeks that you significantly dropped ounces in your bottle, but we're getting back on track slowly! I think you just weren't as hungry for a bottle with so much loving of food!
4. Cruising: You're all over the place, buddy! A speed crawler who has become quite quick to pull-up on anything and everything, you now know how to navigate around objects - the kitchen cabinets, the coffee table, the couch, me! While every now and then, you can take a tumble backwards and bonk your head on the wood floor, you are quick to calm and generally ready to go again a few minutes later after some TLC. You've even learned how to take that brave step from the couch to the coffee table and back again. You are one courageous little guy... but as I was reminded by pulling up Quinn's 8-month post, this is the time when bumps and bruises make a strong debut. You fell standing at the side of the couch last week and made a head dive into the window sill. A big forehead bruise appeared moments later. Oh, do be careful, Baby Love. So so scary all this risk-taking! The stairs are a huge interest for you, too... and just in the past few days, we've seen you pull yourself up on the steps - just ready to climb up those boogers. We have an estimate from the baby proofer about all these areas that you are drawn to (fire place is another biggie), but we haven't scheduled yet! It should have happened right when we moved in, but - well, life.
5.You're starting to really comprehend what we're saying to you. You turn to your name, and just the other day, you crawled away from your bottle, and when I said, "Do you want more?" you turned around and came toward me to snuggle in for more of its contents.
6. A TOOTH! The teeniest, tiniest little bit of a bottom right tooth is making its first appearance just this weekend! After a week of horrible sleep and pooping up a storm so badly you have a red rashy tush, we figured this may be the case. Swollen gums told us this might be the issue, but after nights of endless hours of crying and nothing we did soothed you, we had to let you cry it out. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But, geez, those nights were/are AWFUL! It was/is during those nights - and ONLY during those nights - that I was seriously wishing there was a return policy for infants.
7. Splashing: One evening last week you discovered that the water in your tub pops up if you hit it. Daddy and I watched with such joy as you enjoyed your new ability to splash! We let the kitchen floor get sopping wet, as Daddy and I looked at each other knowing we would have NEVER let your older brothers make such a mess! But, it was so fun to watch you experiment playfully with the water.
8.Tag-Along: You LOVE your brothers and copy them on anything you can. If they are singing, you will try to hum the tune. If they are yelling and chasing, you are right behind them trying to keep up and making your own sweet yell. You LOVE for me to pick you up and hold you out in front of me to "chase" them around the house. You'll giggle up a storm when you "get" them or they "get" you. You adore their attention, and they like helping you. Banner, especially, is quite a helper with you - making sure you don't fall down, redirecting you, playing with you, and being silly just to get a smile from you. Quinn is still unsure of your permanence in our household, but he loves to give you kisses and TRY to play with you. (Soon you two will be best buds, and you don't even know the difference or seem to mind at all, but for now, he's a little too rough with you for my liking!)
Knox Morgan, I love you with all my heart. I wish you would sleep better, Little Dude, but otherwise, you are one easy-going baby. Lately, you have grown so attached to us. Daddy is definitely your person of choice lately - you are very enthralled with him. When he gets home from work and you hear his voice, you will no longer pay attention to your dinner I'm feeding you - you must see him right away and have him pick you up! This is just one example of how you long for his attention and affection. But, you're still a mama's boy, and I love that you love me and know that I love you. You're giving kisses and waving; you're interested in your friends at play dates (with Wyatt, with Elan, with Skylar), you're drawn to a screen; you hate the changing table (but a paci helps a lot), you love your days with BeeBee and with Grandma, you are babbling quite a bit ("mamamama" is my favorite of course!), and you hate getting dressed. I love learning about you and seeing each day bring a new trick or talent. These next few months will bring great change, I already know. Walking is the next big step ... no pun intended. :) Take your time, Baby Love. Your brothers will wait for you, and I will, too.
I love you so very much!
Happy 8 Months!
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Leaving Darion
We've lived at our new house for about 2 and a half months already! I've been meaning to publish this final post about our last few days and nights on Darion Lane, but time and life -- it just keeps going too quickly for me to settle for a minute to breathe and reflect. And, perhaps there is a part of me that keeps putting off the reality of saying goodbye to a home I loved so much. It's true I wanted to move for years! But, the timing was never right, or we were waiting for the market to be what we wanted, or the idea of having to "show" our house was exhausting. And, then suddenly, time fell into place and circumstances became perfect. We had certainly outgrown our cozy home, and with three boys who continue to acquire more things, take up more space, and want some elbow room, we knew it was time. The hail storm in March was a blessing in disguise; we were able to get a new roof, new gutters, paint some, etc, and it would (mostly) all be done in perfect time to list the house and get Banner situated before he started Kindergarten. It was "now or never," so to speak!
In addition, the more memories I made on Darion, the more connected I became, and the less likely I would be to ever move. I love that all three of my boys were brought home from the hospital there and spent those endless days and nights of newbornhood in that quaint set-up. I love that I rocked all of those babies in the same nursery. I love the memories we all created, and that I have countless images in my head of my little ones so small in every room and space of that house. But, I'm also glad I still have a baby in my new house, that my boys are still in the thick of their youth with myriad of memories still to be made in a new home.
And, I LOVE our new house. I do. At first, I was tentative and reluctant to like it - especially when, upon closing and showing the boys their new home, we had an A/C leak that marked up the downstairs kitchen ceiling WHILE we were there - only hours after signing the papers! What a horrible welcome it was; but I've come to see it as the house's way of saying, "Whatcha gonna do about THIS?!" as a test of how committed we are to taking care of this new part of our family. Our home. Yet, it isn't home just yet. There are days when I long for my home only four minutes away. There are days I feel like I'm just visiting someone else's house, and I'm ready to go back to my own place. But, with time and updates and energy spent on fixing up this awesome house, I think we are settling in quite nicely, and one day, hopefully soon, it will feel like home.
So, as I go ahead and make this a formal goodbye, I want to reflect on our goodbye to our home:
Banner and Quinn had been counting down the days - for better or worse - til the move. We were packing endlessly, and eventually when it came down to the wire, random items were being tossed in unorganized boxes just to get the job done already! Our garage was full of boxes and furniture ready for movers. Our clothes were ready to be lifted off the closet rods and schlepped over to the new house with the help of several amazing friends.
Closing day, a Friday, went very well. Banner and Quinn were in camp, and Knox was with my mom, so Sam and I were able to go to closing all by ourselves. The bittersweetness of the whole meeting was the joy and pride I felt in selling my own home, the house I had bought all on my own while simultaneously fearing we were making a huge mistake. What if the new house was a dud? What if our happiest days are behind us in the only home we've ever known as a family?
Those feelings quickly went away as we got back home and tried to get ready to move (we had the weekend to complete the move and had to fully be out by Monday). We picked Banner up from camp and went to our new house to show the kids around. It was awesome. They loved it - the stairs were a favorite! They liked the big open rooms, seeing their bedrooms for the first time, having their own bathrooms, and being able to see Banner's school on the other side of our alley. Other than the A/C leaking (which I shouldn't down play; it was a HUGE problem for me and continued to be a problem as the dripping water that made a mess on the ceiling also wreaked havoc on the brand new carpet the following morning! I'm not sure I've cried like that in a long time!), things were great.
The move went very smoothly - even with high temps at the very end of July! I was a trooper in the heat I hate so much! :) The last night at the house was Saturday night. I measured the boys one last time in their nursery closet. We bathed the boys altogether in their bathtub. There were tears as I put Knox down to bed (actually at nap, too, earlier in the day). It would be the last night I put a baby to sleep in that room, in that house. I sat between Banner & Quinn's beds shortly after that, holding each of their hands in mine, wanting to soak in that moment forever. Both my big boys in the same room, in the room they learned to sleep in big boy beds, in the room they learned to be room mates in - room mates they may never have again. Sam and I weren't overly emotional that night really - - that would come later.
Sunday was moving day. It was chaotic but structured. It was fast but long! It came and went, and later that night after the kids were asleep at Grandma & Papa's house, Sam and I went back to clean up. I've never cleaned that house so well. Completely empty, it was easy to vacuum and sweep. And, I felt like I wanted every last bit of dust and dirt to be captured, like it was the last mitzvah I could do for this house, to let her shine the way I knew she could and had been wanting to since my kids were born! I remember vacuuming feeling like I couldn't clean enough. In each room, I reflected as the vacuum hummed loudly. I could recall the voices, the smiles, the laughter, the hugs, the hand prints, the tantrums, the love making, the stories told, the kisses, the tempers, the lengthy talks, the shows watched, the friends over, the mistakes, the arguments... the stories that lived in those rooms were ingrained in my head. I was sweating while I wiped down cabinets and counter tops, cleaned toilets and faucets... But I felt like I couldn't leave anything untouched.
On Monday, again, we picked Banner up from camp and went back to Darion to say our final goodbye. We prepared a letter for the new owner, arranged some colorful flowers for her and her boys, left a welcome gift for her (a mezuzah) and for her boys (an art project), and set out the keys, remotes, and manuals for the house and appliances. Then, we asked the boys to walk through the house with us to make sure we didn't leave anything. I wanted them to see that we had taken ALL of their things with us (at least so if we ever lost anything during the move, they wouldn't think we forgot it at Darion). We checked every last cabinet and closet. And then, I took a few pictures of them in their empty rooms. That's when I started to tear up a little. I walked in to my bedroom one last time, and the boys followed Sam and me. Sam and I hugged silently, and that's when Banner asked to take a picture of us in our room. And he did. Quinn wanted to know why I was crying, and he made silly faces to try to cheer me up. Sam and I were both teary, and we told the boys that we were going to miss that house, that we loved it there and that's where we became a family so it would be hard to leave.
Then, Banner and I walked Sam, Quinn, and Knox to the front door because his car was waiting out front, and we were going to lock ourselves out of the house. We stood in the entryway just hugging for a while. I could tell Sam was pretty emotional, and I knew exactly why. "Your mom?" He nodded. "She's with us. She knows where we're going," I reassured him. He nodded. We cried. And, with that, he walked away from the house.
Banner and I locked the door, and then Banner and I hugged in the den. In between the play room and the den, Banner teared up as we rocked. He said, "Mommy, I'm going to miss living here so much." I just held him and told him how I would too, but that we had a lot of new memories to make in our new house. And, just like a 5-year-old boy - he was over it pretty quickly! We were leaving the garage moments later for the last time. As I reversed into the alley, I could only feel that we were leaving something behind, like we had forgotten something. But, I knew we hadn't. It was just that we were leaving Darion.
In addition, the more memories I made on Darion, the more connected I became, and the less likely I would be to ever move. I love that all three of my boys were brought home from the hospital there and spent those endless days and nights of newbornhood in that quaint set-up. I love that I rocked all of those babies in the same nursery. I love the memories we all created, and that I have countless images in my head of my little ones so small in every room and space of that house. But, I'm also glad I still have a baby in my new house, that my boys are still in the thick of their youth with myriad of memories still to be made in a new home.
And, I LOVE our new house. I do. At first, I was tentative and reluctant to like it - especially when, upon closing and showing the boys their new home, we had an A/C leak that marked up the downstairs kitchen ceiling WHILE we were there - only hours after signing the papers! What a horrible welcome it was; but I've come to see it as the house's way of saying, "Whatcha gonna do about THIS?!" as a test of how committed we are to taking care of this new part of our family. Our home. Yet, it isn't home just yet. There are days when I long for my home only four minutes away. There are days I feel like I'm just visiting someone else's house, and I'm ready to go back to my own place. But, with time and updates and energy spent on fixing up this awesome house, I think we are settling in quite nicely, and one day, hopefully soon, it will feel like home.
So, as I go ahead and make this a formal goodbye, I want to reflect on our goodbye to our home:
Banner and Quinn had been counting down the days - for better or worse - til the move. We were packing endlessly, and eventually when it came down to the wire, random items were being tossed in unorganized boxes just to get the job done already! Our garage was full of boxes and furniture ready for movers. Our clothes were ready to be lifted off the closet rods and schlepped over to the new house with the help of several amazing friends.
Closing day, a Friday, went very well. Banner and Quinn were in camp, and Knox was with my mom, so Sam and I were able to go to closing all by ourselves. The bittersweetness of the whole meeting was the joy and pride I felt in selling my own home, the house I had bought all on my own while simultaneously fearing we were making a huge mistake. What if the new house was a dud? What if our happiest days are behind us in the only home we've ever known as a family?
Those feelings quickly went away as we got back home and tried to get ready to move (we had the weekend to complete the move and had to fully be out by Monday). We picked Banner up from camp and went to our new house to show the kids around. It was awesome. They loved it - the stairs were a favorite! They liked the big open rooms, seeing their bedrooms for the first time, having their own bathrooms, and being able to see Banner's school on the other side of our alley. Other than the A/C leaking (which I shouldn't down play; it was a HUGE problem for me and continued to be a problem as the dripping water that made a mess on the ceiling also wreaked havoc on the brand new carpet the following morning! I'm not sure I've cried like that in a long time!), things were great.
The move went very smoothly - even with high temps at the very end of July! I was a trooper in the heat I hate so much! :) The last night at the house was Saturday night. I measured the boys one last time in their nursery closet. We bathed the boys altogether in their bathtub. There were tears as I put Knox down to bed (actually at nap, too, earlier in the day). It would be the last night I put a baby to sleep in that room, in that house. I sat between Banner & Quinn's beds shortly after that, holding each of their hands in mine, wanting to soak in that moment forever. Both my big boys in the same room, in the room they learned to sleep in big boy beds, in the room they learned to be room mates in - room mates they may never have again. Sam and I weren't overly emotional that night really - - that would come later.
Sunday was moving day. It was chaotic but structured. It was fast but long! It came and went, and later that night after the kids were asleep at Grandma & Papa's house, Sam and I went back to clean up. I've never cleaned that house so well. Completely empty, it was easy to vacuum and sweep. And, I felt like I wanted every last bit of dust and dirt to be captured, like it was the last mitzvah I could do for this house, to let her shine the way I knew she could and had been wanting to since my kids were born! I remember vacuuming feeling like I couldn't clean enough. In each room, I reflected as the vacuum hummed loudly. I could recall the voices, the smiles, the laughter, the hugs, the hand prints, the tantrums, the love making, the stories told, the kisses, the tempers, the lengthy talks, the shows watched, the friends over, the mistakes, the arguments... the stories that lived in those rooms were ingrained in my head. I was sweating while I wiped down cabinets and counter tops, cleaned toilets and faucets... But I felt like I couldn't leave anything untouched.
On Monday, again, we picked Banner up from camp and went back to Darion to say our final goodbye. We prepared a letter for the new owner, arranged some colorful flowers for her and her boys, left a welcome gift for her (a mezuzah) and for her boys (an art project), and set out the keys, remotes, and manuals for the house and appliances. Then, we asked the boys to walk through the house with us to make sure we didn't leave anything. I wanted them to see that we had taken ALL of their things with us (at least so if we ever lost anything during the move, they wouldn't think we forgot it at Darion). We checked every last cabinet and closet. And then, I took a few pictures of them in their empty rooms. That's when I started to tear up a little. I walked in to my bedroom one last time, and the boys followed Sam and me. Sam and I hugged silently, and that's when Banner asked to take a picture of us in our room. And he did. Quinn wanted to know why I was crying, and he made silly faces to try to cheer me up. Sam and I were both teary, and we told the boys that we were going to miss that house, that we loved it there and that's where we became a family so it would be hard to leave.
Then, Banner and I walked Sam, Quinn, and Knox to the front door because his car was waiting out front, and we were going to lock ourselves out of the house. We stood in the entryway just hugging for a while. I could tell Sam was pretty emotional, and I knew exactly why. "Your mom?" He nodded. "She's with us. She knows where we're going," I reassured him. He nodded. We cried. And, with that, he walked away from the house.
Banner and I locked the door, and then Banner and I hugged in the den. In between the play room and the den, Banner teared up as we rocked. He said, "Mommy, I'm going to miss living here so much." I just held him and told him how I would too, but that we had a lot of new memories to make in our new house. And, just like a 5-year-old boy - he was over it pretty quickly! We were leaving the garage moments later for the last time. As I reversed into the alley, I could only feel that we were leaving something behind, like we had forgotten something. But, I knew we hadn't. It was just that we were leaving Darion.
Last bath |
Look how big this first baby has gotten! In Banner's first room! |
In Quinn's first room! |
In Knox's first room... love the way you can see the crib slats on the wall |
First picture outside our new house! |
I love this one. One day we'll look back at this picture and think, "Look how little they were!!" |
Favorite 3rd Year Memories: Quinn
-Your Lego party was a blast! The cake, the chalk favors, the decor that Daddy and Banner put so much effort and love into, the company and the fun in the pool.
-My Gym classes with you all year. SO much fun. I loved watching your development - from not being able to jump very well to being the best jumper; playing with Bailey (a friend we only knew from our My Gym classes) and watching you two "grow up" throughout the months you spent there; your confidence and ability growing with each class.
-Your "glad dance" when I picked you up from school in September last year - finally happy and not crying
-How you SO want to be like Banner, copying every little thing he does
-Our day at the Fair and how you said, "Daddy keep me safe?" when you saw a big roller coaster you thought we were going on (which we totally wouldn't anyway!)
-Harmonizing peek a boo at dinner as an entire family - yes, weirdos! (October)
-Your Thanksgiving program last year ("There's a turkey on my head on my head.")
-Dancing silly and doing our own little dances to the French cancan
-The way you danced from one room to the next at Legoland
-Introducing you to Knox and how curious you were about him
-Your face in the midnight moonlight as you looked out my bathroom window and said, "Mommy, I see the moon!" after a bathroom visit
-Dancing and singing to "super trouper" ("shoo bop bop, shoo bop bop!")
-The sweet things you have said this year: "Mommy, you win the crown for beautiful mommy," or "Banner I'm going to miss you so much. I don't want you to spend the night out."
-How you run to me at the end of your school day saying, "Mommy!!!!" with a little skip in your step.
-The hay maze at Big Orange Pumpkin Farm
-My Gym classes with you all year. SO much fun. I loved watching your development - from not being able to jump very well to being the best jumper; playing with Bailey (a friend we only knew from our My Gym classes) and watching you two "grow up" throughout the months you spent there; your confidence and ability growing with each class.
-Your "glad dance" when I picked you up from school in September last year - finally happy and not crying
-How you SO want to be like Banner, copying every little thing he does
-Our day at the Fair and how you said, "Daddy keep me safe?" when you saw a big roller coaster you thought we were going on (which we totally wouldn't anyway!)
-Harmonizing peek a boo at dinner as an entire family - yes, weirdos! (October)
-Your Thanksgiving program last year ("There's a turkey on my head on my head.")
-Dancing silly and doing our own little dances to the French cancan
-The way you danced from one room to the next at Legoland
-Introducing you to Knox and how curious you were about him
-Your face in the midnight moonlight as you looked out my bathroom window and said, "Mommy, I see the moon!" after a bathroom visit
-Dancing and singing to "super trouper" ("shoo bop bop, shoo bop bop!")
-The sweet things you have said this year: "Mommy, you win the crown for beautiful mommy," or "Banner I'm going to miss you so much. I don't want you to spend the night out."
-How you run to me at the end of your school day saying, "Mommy!!!!" with a little skip in your step.
-The hay maze at Big Orange Pumpkin Farm
Friday, September 16, 2016
7-Month Newsletter: Knox
Dear Knox,
How did this last month already come and go so quickly? Truly, this month was THE fastest. You are taking off in every possible way, and so is time! You are officially crawling. Up on all fours, getting faster and faster by the day. You're even starting to make your way UP things! Slowly pulling up and wanting to stand! SLOW DOWN!!!!! We are not baby proofed yet! You entirely skipped the "just sitting" phase. . . you know, my favorite infant stage. Thanks, Buddy. Thanks a lot! :) Just kidding - kinda. I just love that stage when you can reach what you want, see what you want, and sit independently without moving from the safe cushion that surrounds you. Now, you are "redding" up those knees and toes by constantly crawling everywhere. I love that you can get any where you want, but we have to watch you closely! And, you're putting EVERYTHING in your mouth. As your fine motor skills have improved, you are now able to rake up anything you want from the floor. Your big brothers are both the biggest problem and the biggest help in this area. While they know it's their toys you want, they are very watchful in making sure you don't eat them - or their crumbs, their clothes, their dirt, their shoes, etc. You've sucked on a few too many shoes before we can stop you, and I'm sorry for that. It's kind of disgusting, but hey, not the worst thing that could happen.
So, what else are you up to this month?
-Trying out more fruits and vegetables: broccoli, pumpkin, pineapple, mango, apricots. You're really liking everything you've tried - except green beans still, but I'm still offering them every now and then in the hopes that you'll like them. You love sucking on real food though: banana and peach are favorites. We'll probably add in watermelon and other melons this month, along with more grains. You also like MumMum. You are not a fan of Cheerios or Puffs yet. We've tried them several times, and that substance is just such a foreign feeling, you aren't quite sure and spit it out with a look of disgust.
-You had a cold this month. You're just getting over it now - after about a week of Dimetapp at night, VapoRub, Tylenol, NoseFrida, saline drops, and a raw nose. Snot and more snot and a TON of drainage. Thank goodness you are on the mend. But, I'm weary of the ear infection that could be on the horizon after such a cold. Hoping I'm anxious for no reason.
-You're continuing to babble up a storm. LOVE this!
-You're starting to really have FUN with your play. A couple nights ago, I rolled a ball down the "ramp" of the sink bath tub, and that had you giggling. You like to be bounced - that gets a laugh, too. Peek-a-boo is always a hit, especially if a brother plays it with you!
-Stranger danger. The minute you can't see me or Grandma or Daddy - tears. You are weary of visitors and why they might be at our house or near you. You are becoming quite dependent on your routine and won't really eat for a new person. You also reach for who you want, so if someone new is holding you and you want me, you will let that be known with a slight lean and a reach.
-Still no teeth, but those bottom gums appear to be swelling a little bit. Drool and more drool, but no sign of pearly whites yet!
-You're kind of in the midst of dropping your third nap. Each day depends on how the earlier two naps have gone, or at least how late you sleep at the second nap (which is often interrupted with having to wake you to go get Banner from school). I'm ready for you to drop that nap altogether, but you can't make it from 2:00 to 7:00 or even 6:00 just yet. So, depending on when you wake up, we decide if you need a third nap or not. You usually get pretty fussy after 2-2.5 hours of awake time, so we try to use that to gauge how long you can last until bath time. I think you sleep better at night on days you haven't had a third nap, but the evenings are grueling without one if needed. By next month, I bet it will have disappeared.
-Physically, you are my smallest - yet tallest - baby. Your eyes remain a beautiful bright blue. Your hair is still light brown, with flecks of blonde depending on the light. I absolutely love holding your itty bitty hands. They are soft and tender and gentle and I love them! You have the faintest little birthmark on the outside of your upper arm near your left elbow. (It's one of those marks that only a mommy notices and everyone else would have to really look for it.) You still look like both of your brothers to me - a genuine mix of both of them as if they had you for a baby. And, you still have "peyos" (Jewish sidelocks) growing longer than the rest of your hair that you had at birth. I bet you'd appreciate if we would cut those off, but . . . .well, Daddy won't let me! So, yes, in most every picture, you will see those long "Pippy Longstocking" tufts of hair sticking out behind either ear.
Well, that about covers it. Seriously. Big BIG changes in our lives right now with all your mobility so much sooner than we anticipated. Rolling, sitting, creeping, crawling, and the beginnings of pulling up all in the same few weeks. While you are keeping up with your big brothers by meeting milestones on the early side of normal, it still impresses me given how little time you are/were able to practice these skills with our crazy schedule and always being held or in the car seat for so long. (I suppose that's why rolling over took so long, but once you met it, you literally took off!) One of my favorite nights this past month was when we went to celebrate the first day of school at IHOP (Banner's choice) and you sat like a big boy in the high chair eating bits of banana and drinking water out of your sippy cup. You are getting so mature and have truly taken your place in our family.
Knox Morgan, we couldn't love you more. I love love love you!!! I love bathing you, cuddling you, rocking you, and getting to know that sweet personality even more each day. Please be safe as we continue to wrangle you in and try our best to keep you out of harm's way. It's okay to just be an infant and not try to be the big boy with your brothers. Plenty of time for that! Let's just slow it down a notch and enjoy the rest of your infancy, huh? What do you say? :) I love you, Knoxipoo!
Happy 7th!!
How did this last month already come and go so quickly? Truly, this month was THE fastest. You are taking off in every possible way, and so is time! You are officially crawling. Up on all fours, getting faster and faster by the day. You're even starting to make your way UP things! Slowly pulling up and wanting to stand! SLOW DOWN!!!!! We are not baby proofed yet! You entirely skipped the "just sitting" phase. . . you know, my favorite infant stage. Thanks, Buddy. Thanks a lot! :) Just kidding - kinda. I just love that stage when you can reach what you want, see what you want, and sit independently without moving from the safe cushion that surrounds you. Now, you are "redding" up those knees and toes by constantly crawling everywhere. I love that you can get any where you want, but we have to watch you closely! And, you're putting EVERYTHING in your mouth. As your fine motor skills have improved, you are now able to rake up anything you want from the floor. Your big brothers are both the biggest problem and the biggest help in this area. While they know it's their toys you want, they are very watchful in making sure you don't eat them - or their crumbs, their clothes, their dirt, their shoes, etc. You've sucked on a few too many shoes before we can stop you, and I'm sorry for that. It's kind of disgusting, but hey, not the worst thing that could happen.
So, what else are you up to this month?
-Trying out more fruits and vegetables: broccoli, pumpkin, pineapple, mango, apricots. You're really liking everything you've tried - except green beans still, but I'm still offering them every now and then in the hopes that you'll like them. You love sucking on real food though: banana and peach are favorites. We'll probably add in watermelon and other melons this month, along with more grains. You also like MumMum. You are not a fan of Cheerios or Puffs yet. We've tried them several times, and that substance is just such a foreign feeling, you aren't quite sure and spit it out with a look of disgust.
-You had a cold this month. You're just getting over it now - after about a week of Dimetapp at night, VapoRub, Tylenol, NoseFrida, saline drops, and a raw nose. Snot and more snot and a TON of drainage. Thank goodness you are on the mend. But, I'm weary of the ear infection that could be on the horizon after such a cold. Hoping I'm anxious for no reason.
-You're continuing to babble up a storm. LOVE this!
-You're starting to really have FUN with your play. A couple nights ago, I rolled a ball down the "ramp" of the sink bath tub, and that had you giggling. You like to be bounced - that gets a laugh, too. Peek-a-boo is always a hit, especially if a brother plays it with you!
-Stranger danger. The minute you can't see me or Grandma or Daddy - tears. You are weary of visitors and why they might be at our house or near you. You are becoming quite dependent on your routine and won't really eat for a new person. You also reach for who you want, so if someone new is holding you and you want me, you will let that be known with a slight lean and a reach.
-Still no teeth, but those bottom gums appear to be swelling a little bit. Drool and more drool, but no sign of pearly whites yet!
-You're kind of in the midst of dropping your third nap. Each day depends on how the earlier two naps have gone, or at least how late you sleep at the second nap (which is often interrupted with having to wake you to go get Banner from school). I'm ready for you to drop that nap altogether, but you can't make it from 2:00 to 7:00 or even 6:00 just yet. So, depending on when you wake up, we decide if you need a third nap or not. You usually get pretty fussy after 2-2.5 hours of awake time, so we try to use that to gauge how long you can last until bath time. I think you sleep better at night on days you haven't had a third nap, but the evenings are grueling without one if needed. By next month, I bet it will have disappeared.
-Physically, you are my smallest - yet tallest - baby. Your eyes remain a beautiful bright blue. Your hair is still light brown, with flecks of blonde depending on the light. I absolutely love holding your itty bitty hands. They are soft and tender and gentle and I love them! You have the faintest little birthmark on the outside of your upper arm near your left elbow. (It's one of those marks that only a mommy notices and everyone else would have to really look for it.) You still look like both of your brothers to me - a genuine mix of both of them as if they had you for a baby. And, you still have "peyos" (Jewish sidelocks) growing longer than the rest of your hair that you had at birth. I bet you'd appreciate if we would cut those off, but . . . .well, Daddy won't let me! So, yes, in most every picture, you will see those long "Pippy Longstocking" tufts of hair sticking out behind either ear.
Well, that about covers it. Seriously. Big BIG changes in our lives right now with all your mobility so much sooner than we anticipated. Rolling, sitting, creeping, crawling, and the beginnings of pulling up all in the same few weeks. While you are keeping up with your big brothers by meeting milestones on the early side of normal, it still impresses me given how little time you are/were able to practice these skills with our crazy schedule and always being held or in the car seat for so long. (I suppose that's why rolling over took so long, but once you met it, you literally took off!) One of my favorite nights this past month was when we went to celebrate the first day of school at IHOP (Banner's choice) and you sat like a big boy in the high chair eating bits of banana and drinking water out of your sippy cup. You are getting so mature and have truly taken your place in our family.
Knox Morgan, we couldn't love you more. I love love love you!!! I love bathing you, cuddling you, rocking you, and getting to know that sweet personality even more each day. Please be safe as we continue to wrangle you in and try our best to keep you out of harm's way. It's okay to just be an infant and not try to be the big boy with your brothers. Plenty of time for that! Let's just slow it down a notch and enjoy the rest of your infancy, huh? What do you say? :) I love you, Knoxipoo!
Happy 7th!!
Friday, September 9, 2016
Quinn Turns THREE!: Newsletter
Dear Quinn,
What a difference a year makes, My Love! This time last year, you were sleeping in a crib, had pacifiers you were attached to, took a nap, and wore diapers. Now, none of that is the same! You have made some big strides and accomplished some big things in these last 12 months! You've become a big brother, learned to use the potty (even over night!), made new friends, learned to be a student, and swim like a little fishy! I am so very proud of you and your accomplishments, but more than that I've just adored your sweetness, affection, generosity, and pure compassion! I'm going to miss the year you were 2, because you were anything but terrible! I've never been around a two-year-old as wise, intuitive, and sweet as you. As you've neared three, you've become a little feisty, slightly aggressive with your brothers, and daring. But, underneath your desire to test our limits and our patience, you are simply the most cooperative, sensitive, joyful little boy. In fact, you went through a little stint towards the middle of your Toddlers class when Ms. Tali and Ms. Alison would tell us that you'd been going around telling everyone what we often heard at home: "I'm a bad guy!" in a gruff voice. The funny thing is, you desperately wanted to be but just couldn't ever fulfill the meanness you had hoped for. Your smile and endearing ways just never really matched that "bad guy" persona you were trying on.
My biggest fear for you is that you will be "run over" by more powerful personalities (like your big brother's). True to the "middle child" stereotype, you often get the raw end of the deal. It often just seems to be your luck that you don't get what you want all the time, and it breaks my heart to watch it happen all too often. For instance, we were at Graham and Greenley's birthday party a couple weeks ago, and you noticed too late that there were water balloons the other kids had been playing with. Once you realized it, you wanted some too, and of course then there weren't any left. Then, you wanted to go decorate a cookie like everyone else, but lo and behold, as we went to choose your cookie, big brother got the last one. Tears ensued and my heart broke again for you. There was a God that morning, and Banner decided to break his cookie in half for you to have some. But, that's the kind of thing I see over and over again, and I just feel so protective of that for you. You're often too sweet to get your way - letting others get what they want without much thought of yourself and how that impacts you. Another example is how Banner will hardly ever share with you, and he will assume that you'll never share with him - but when I tell him to just ask you, you of course oblige and share anything you have - a turn with a toy, a piece of your candy, the rest of your slurpee... you name it. You are typically so cooperative and only get upset when someone has taken advantage of you or threatens to (like Banner coming to take something from you or Levi grabbing what you have). It would never occur to you (at least not yet!) to hit or punch or grab back.
Instead, you immediately go to whining or screaming or crying - or all of the above. Sometimes you just shut down and cry for me over and over without explaining what happened or what is wrong. The easiest way to get you to calm down is to have you look in my eyes, have me tell you that you are okay, and have you use your words to explain what you want. Sometimes, it's the littlest thing - like last night you were angry and crying incessantly until we realized what was wrong - that Banner took your cup holder in the car and you wanted to put YOUR cup there. Once handled, you were all better.
Those tantrums are happening more and more as you headed towards this birthday. And, man alive, it's testing my patience. Most often, though, a hug or a cuddle or some TLC does the trick. Sometimes you just need mommy or daddy. Sometimes you just need to be acknowledged. In the thick of raising three active boys, we have to remember how you need and adore that affection you've always loved so much. And, oh my goodness, do I love that about you! It drives me nuts when I'm trying to cook dinner or bathe Knox or get Banner ready for school - but that neediness won't always be there, and I know I'll miss it when my hug can't make it all better!
Another one of my absolute favorite things is the way you talk. On every level. The vocabulary you have, the intriguing ideas and thoughts you have, and of course, your "New York accent." You say "togevah" instead of "together," or "heyah" instead of "here." You say "Bayonnuh" instead of "Banner." Your little voice and sweet pronunciation, I just want to bottle it all up! "We had a fieuh dweel at school tuhday, and Aiden Gween cwied because he was scayud. I didn't see Bayonnuh; I only sawed my fwends. Daniel cwied too because he was afwaid of the fieuh dweel alahm."
Your sentences are long and fluent and insightful. At the end of Aiden G's party in February, his mom (a speech/language pathologist) commented on how she loves to listen to you speak because it's so unusual to hear a 2 year old speak with such long sentences. You have been fully conversational for well over a year, but it's really picked up with amazing diction and vocabulary. Your teachers always comment on the unique things you say, especially loving your manners and how you won't leave the lunch table without saying, "May I be excused, please?" In fact, Ms. Ilene told us this summer that you don't "eat" lunch, you "dine." Your teachers have told us what a "perfect student" you are. Ms. Heather once told me this summer, "Quinn is a model student. He's a Hebrew scholar." And last week, Ms. Randi told me she can't get over the words she hears you use. You'll say, "No, but thank you for offering," or "I don't prefer that." One day last school year, we got in the car and the music was getting too loud for me to hear you. I went to turn it down as I said, "That's too loud." You said, "It's crescendo." You went on to explain, "The music got louder; it's crescendo." I texted Aunt Kira who agreed you were right and "lol'ed" at your usage.
We conquered word pronunciation this year as best we could. "Wello" is now correctly, "yellow." "Canpakes" (which was "mancakes" before you were 2), is now correctly "pancakes."
You have a heart of gold, My Love. You never want anyone to be left out; even if that person may have been terribly rude to you a moment ago, you're concerned if it looks like I might leave him behind or shut the garage before he has entered the house. "But wait, Mommy!! Wait," you will demand as you begin to cry or whine loudly. When Banner spent the night out with Brycen and Nami, we FaceTime'd him and you told him, "But, Banner, I want you to come home. I miss you." (And I'm sure somewhere deep inside, he wanted to tell you the same thing - but didn't.) When Knox went to the doctor, you were worried he would get shots and were so relieved when you learned he didn't have to have one. When I get home from work, you give big hugs with a smile on your face and say, "Mommy, I missed you!" or "Mommy, I was missing you!" When I pick you up from camp or school, you run to me, "Mommy!!!" or "Mommy, you said I would have a good time. And, I did!"
It makes you so happy to: do art projects (no matter how big or small or complicated), to clean messes by yourself, to go to Chuck E Cheese, to eat donuts for breakfast, to go to Grandma & Papa's house, to swim, to watch Daniel Tiger or Team Umizoomi, to big tickled or chased or tossed in the air, to get a lollipop ("lullipop"), to have a "snack" of any kind, to have milk first thing in the morning, for Daddy or me to stay for Shabbat, to play a game.
You are snoring less these days, probably thanks to your Flonase medicine we started back up again. After a visit to Dr. P (ENT), we tried Nasocort, but we didn't have much luck. Once we switched to Flonase, we saw a difference for you. Dr. P thinks it may do the trick in shrinking your adenoids so we have been trying that out to avoid surgery. The snoring was pretty bad, but now it's better. You stick your tongue out or bite on the tip of it when you get nervous/embarrassed/anxious. Once your shyness subsides and you warm up to your environment, LOOK OUT! You, my friend, are one loud little guy. In fact, I'm thinking about asking Dr. B about your hearing because you are so damn loud! But, I am 99% sure it's behavioral and that you just can't control your excitement! *Added 9/16/16: We just returned from your well-check with Dr. B. Here are your stats:
-Weight: 31.6 pounds = 50th percentile
-Height: 36.25 inches = 25th percentile
-BMI: 16.9 = 75th percentile
-Developmentally: 3 years, 10 months! Wowza! Dr. B was super-impressed with your speech and vocabulary. In fact, we kept answering with "Yes"es and when he finally asked, "Can he write his own name yet?" we got to a "no" much to Dr. B's relief that we weren't just making all this up! He pointed to colors on the wall, and you knew each one. He pointed to the white part of the animated character's eye on the wall, and when you said, "White and black" (because the eye part was black), impressed, he said, "Well, okay!" You are one smart cookie, my little lovey.
What else, Quinn? What can I tell you about you at this age? This beautiful age you are - and how I hope it stays beautiful! I'm anxious as we head into this threenage year... when little angels are known to become quite devious. I'm hoping we can maintain our relationship with each other and not push each other away during the trying times of growing independence. You so badly want to do everything yourself, but then want my help when you get frustrated. You so badly want to show me you're not a baby: "No, I wanna do it" you'll whine. But, putting your own seat belt on or wiping your own bottom or brushing your own teeth - it's just a little difficult to do. I have no doubt that in a year, you will have fully mastered these tasks. But, for now, it's a challenge. You're making big strides, but you are only 3... and you've gotta let me help you. At the same time, you gotta TRY to do some other easy tasks. This is where we both get frustrated. You know how to put your underwear on. You know how to get down the stairs on your own. You don't need me to watch you do every little step.
But, I have to say, I fully expected a regression as we moved into this new house, as Knox became mobile, as the new school year began. And, so far so good. I know that ship hasn't sailed yet, and anything is possible, but I'm so proud of how you've handled yourself. Yes, there are times you are draining and whiny and so dramatically needy. And, yes, especially after dropping your nap, your late afternoons and evenings are even harder. But, mostly, you're holding your own and growing up so quickly!
We celebrated your birthday at a special birthday party last Sunday. It was one of the best parties I've ever been to, and I had SO much fun celebrating you with some of your favorite people at one of your favorite places. The party couldn't have gone better - and couldn't have been any easier to plan and implement. One of the highlights was when Daddy and one of the teachers helped you ride a motorcycle around your friends at the end of the party. Although Banner was pretty upset he didn't get a turn (and cried because he was feeling so jealous), the motorcycle was a hit, and I kinda teared up watching how happy you were and how you got to be the center of attention! You looked like Mr. Cool riding around on that thing. You also got to swing while everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to you, and you were loving this attention you aren't used to getting all to yourself.
We continued the celebration this morning - with traditional balloons upon waking up, donuts for breakfast, birthday pictures in the recliner, Daddy joining you at school for Shabbat, Mommy coming up to school when you shared the cake you baked there with your friends, and Chuck E Cheese for dinner and games. Sugar, sugar, and more sugar all day! And the whole day, I've pretty much reflected on our first day together - 3 years ago in the hospital just cuddling away. A memory I often reflect on each night as we cuddle, those same days were greatly on my mind as we held hands in your bed and I sang you to sleep tonight - this first night as a three-year-old.
Quinn Redding, I love you love you love you! I hope you know how special you are to me - to all of us. Everyone who meets you praises you and immediately notices what a sweet, sweet boy you are. I'm so very fortunate to be your Mommy. Thank you for being you and for loving me. And thank you for letting me love you right back!
Happy, happy third birthday, My Love!
I love you with every piece of my heart!
What a difference a year makes, My Love! This time last year, you were sleeping in a crib, had pacifiers you were attached to, took a nap, and wore diapers. Now, none of that is the same! You have made some big strides and accomplished some big things in these last 12 months! You've become a big brother, learned to use the potty (even over night!), made new friends, learned to be a student, and swim like a little fishy! I am so very proud of you and your accomplishments, but more than that I've just adored your sweetness, affection, generosity, and pure compassion! I'm going to miss the year you were 2, because you were anything but terrible! I've never been around a two-year-old as wise, intuitive, and sweet as you. As you've neared three, you've become a little feisty, slightly aggressive with your brothers, and daring. But, underneath your desire to test our limits and our patience, you are simply the most cooperative, sensitive, joyful little boy. In fact, you went through a little stint towards the middle of your Toddlers class when Ms. Tali and Ms. Alison would tell us that you'd been going around telling everyone what we often heard at home: "I'm a bad guy!" in a gruff voice. The funny thing is, you desperately wanted to be but just couldn't ever fulfill the meanness you had hoped for. Your smile and endearing ways just never really matched that "bad guy" persona you were trying on.
My biggest fear for you is that you will be "run over" by more powerful personalities (like your big brother's). True to the "middle child" stereotype, you often get the raw end of the deal. It often just seems to be your luck that you don't get what you want all the time, and it breaks my heart to watch it happen all too often. For instance, we were at Graham and Greenley's birthday party a couple weeks ago, and you noticed too late that there were water balloons the other kids had been playing with. Once you realized it, you wanted some too, and of course then there weren't any left. Then, you wanted to go decorate a cookie like everyone else, but lo and behold, as we went to choose your cookie, big brother got the last one. Tears ensued and my heart broke again for you. There was a God that morning, and Banner decided to break his cookie in half for you to have some. But, that's the kind of thing I see over and over again, and I just feel so protective of that for you. You're often too sweet to get your way - letting others get what they want without much thought of yourself and how that impacts you. Another example is how Banner will hardly ever share with you, and he will assume that you'll never share with him - but when I tell him to just ask you, you of course oblige and share anything you have - a turn with a toy, a piece of your candy, the rest of your slurpee... you name it. You are typically so cooperative and only get upset when someone has taken advantage of you or threatens to (like Banner coming to take something from you or Levi grabbing what you have). It would never occur to you (at least not yet!) to hit or punch or grab back.
Instead, you immediately go to whining or screaming or crying - or all of the above. Sometimes you just shut down and cry for me over and over without explaining what happened or what is wrong. The easiest way to get you to calm down is to have you look in my eyes, have me tell you that you are okay, and have you use your words to explain what you want. Sometimes, it's the littlest thing - like last night you were angry and crying incessantly until we realized what was wrong - that Banner took your cup holder in the car and you wanted to put YOUR cup there. Once handled, you were all better.
Those tantrums are happening more and more as you headed towards this birthday. And, man alive, it's testing my patience. Most often, though, a hug or a cuddle or some TLC does the trick. Sometimes you just need mommy or daddy. Sometimes you just need to be acknowledged. In the thick of raising three active boys, we have to remember how you need and adore that affection you've always loved so much. And, oh my goodness, do I love that about you! It drives me nuts when I'm trying to cook dinner or bathe Knox or get Banner ready for school - but that neediness won't always be there, and I know I'll miss it when my hug can't make it all better!
Another one of my absolute favorite things is the way you talk. On every level. The vocabulary you have, the intriguing ideas and thoughts you have, and of course, your "New York accent." You say "togevah" instead of "together," or "heyah" instead of "here." You say "Bayonnuh" instead of "Banner." Your little voice and sweet pronunciation, I just want to bottle it all up! "We had a fieuh dweel at school tuhday, and Aiden Gween cwied because he was scayud. I didn't see Bayonnuh; I only sawed my fwends. Daniel cwied too because he was afwaid of the fieuh dweel alahm."
Your sentences are long and fluent and insightful. At the end of Aiden G's party in February, his mom (a speech/language pathologist) commented on how she loves to listen to you speak because it's so unusual to hear a 2 year old speak with such long sentences. You have been fully conversational for well over a year, but it's really picked up with amazing diction and vocabulary. Your teachers always comment on the unique things you say, especially loving your manners and how you won't leave the lunch table without saying, "May I be excused, please?" In fact, Ms. Ilene told us this summer that you don't "eat" lunch, you "dine." Your teachers have told us what a "perfect student" you are. Ms. Heather once told me this summer, "Quinn is a model student. He's a Hebrew scholar." And last week, Ms. Randi told me she can't get over the words she hears you use. You'll say, "No, but thank you for offering," or "I don't prefer that." One day last school year, we got in the car and the music was getting too loud for me to hear you. I went to turn it down as I said, "That's too loud." You said, "It's crescendo." You went on to explain, "The music got louder; it's crescendo." I texted Aunt Kira who agreed you were right and "lol'ed" at your usage.
We conquered word pronunciation this year as best we could. "Wello" is now correctly, "yellow." "Canpakes" (which was "mancakes" before you were 2), is now correctly "pancakes."
You have a heart of gold, My Love. You never want anyone to be left out; even if that person may have been terribly rude to you a moment ago, you're concerned if it looks like I might leave him behind or shut the garage before he has entered the house. "But wait, Mommy!! Wait," you will demand as you begin to cry or whine loudly. When Banner spent the night out with Brycen and Nami, we FaceTime'd him and you told him, "But, Banner, I want you to come home. I miss you." (And I'm sure somewhere deep inside, he wanted to tell you the same thing - but didn't.) When Knox went to the doctor, you were worried he would get shots and were so relieved when you learned he didn't have to have one. When I get home from work, you give big hugs with a smile on your face and say, "Mommy, I missed you!" or "Mommy, I was missing you!" When I pick you up from camp or school, you run to me, "Mommy!!!" or "Mommy, you said I would have a good time. And, I did!"
It makes you so happy to: do art projects (no matter how big or small or complicated), to clean messes by yourself, to go to Chuck E Cheese, to eat donuts for breakfast, to go to Grandma & Papa's house, to swim, to watch Daniel Tiger or Team Umizoomi, to big tickled or chased or tossed in the air, to get a lollipop ("lullipop"), to have a "snack" of any kind, to have milk first thing in the morning, for Daddy or me to stay for Shabbat, to play a game.
You are snoring less these days, probably thanks to your Flonase medicine we started back up again. After a visit to Dr. P (ENT), we tried Nasocort, but we didn't have much luck. Once we switched to Flonase, we saw a difference for you. Dr. P thinks it may do the trick in shrinking your adenoids so we have been trying that out to avoid surgery. The snoring was pretty bad, but now it's better. You stick your tongue out or bite on the tip of it when you get nervous/embarrassed/anxious. Once your shyness subsides and you warm up to your environment, LOOK OUT! You, my friend, are one loud little guy. In fact, I'm thinking about asking Dr. B about your hearing because you are so damn loud! But, I am 99% sure it's behavioral and that you just can't control your excitement! *Added 9/16/16: We just returned from your well-check with Dr. B. Here are your stats:
-Weight: 31.6 pounds = 50th percentile
-Height: 36.25 inches = 25th percentile
-BMI: 16.9 = 75th percentile
-Developmentally: 3 years, 10 months! Wowza! Dr. B was super-impressed with your speech and vocabulary. In fact, we kept answering with "Yes"es and when he finally asked, "Can he write his own name yet?" we got to a "no" much to Dr. B's relief that we weren't just making all this up! He pointed to colors on the wall, and you knew each one. He pointed to the white part of the animated character's eye on the wall, and when you said, "White and black" (because the eye part was black), impressed, he said, "Well, okay!" You are one smart cookie, my little lovey.
What else, Quinn? What can I tell you about you at this age? This beautiful age you are - and how I hope it stays beautiful! I'm anxious as we head into this threenage year... when little angels are known to become quite devious. I'm hoping we can maintain our relationship with each other and not push each other away during the trying times of growing independence. You so badly want to do everything yourself, but then want my help when you get frustrated. You so badly want to show me you're not a baby: "No, I wanna do it" you'll whine. But, putting your own seat belt on or wiping your own bottom or brushing your own teeth - it's just a little difficult to do. I have no doubt that in a year, you will have fully mastered these tasks. But, for now, it's a challenge. You're making big strides, but you are only 3... and you've gotta let me help you. At the same time, you gotta TRY to do some other easy tasks. This is where we both get frustrated. You know how to put your underwear on. You know how to get down the stairs on your own. You don't need me to watch you do every little step.
But, I have to say, I fully expected a regression as we moved into this new house, as Knox became mobile, as the new school year began. And, so far so good. I know that ship hasn't sailed yet, and anything is possible, but I'm so proud of how you've handled yourself. Yes, there are times you are draining and whiny and so dramatically needy. And, yes, especially after dropping your nap, your late afternoons and evenings are even harder. But, mostly, you're holding your own and growing up so quickly!
We celebrated your birthday at a special birthday party last Sunday. It was one of the best parties I've ever been to, and I had SO much fun celebrating you with some of your favorite people at one of your favorite places. The party couldn't have gone better - and couldn't have been any easier to plan and implement. One of the highlights was when Daddy and one of the teachers helped you ride a motorcycle around your friends at the end of the party. Although Banner was pretty upset he didn't get a turn (and cried because he was feeling so jealous), the motorcycle was a hit, and I kinda teared up watching how happy you were and how you got to be the center of attention! You looked like Mr. Cool riding around on that thing. You also got to swing while everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to you, and you were loving this attention you aren't used to getting all to yourself.
We continued the celebration this morning - with traditional balloons upon waking up, donuts for breakfast, birthday pictures in the recliner, Daddy joining you at school for Shabbat, Mommy coming up to school when you shared the cake you baked there with your friends, and Chuck E Cheese for dinner and games. Sugar, sugar, and more sugar all day! And the whole day, I've pretty much reflected on our first day together - 3 years ago in the hospital just cuddling away. A memory I often reflect on each night as we cuddle, those same days were greatly on my mind as we held hands in your bed and I sang you to sleep tonight - this first night as a three-year-old.
Quinn Redding, I love you love you love you! I hope you know how special you are to me - to all of us. Everyone who meets you praises you and immediately notices what a sweet, sweet boy you are. I'm so very fortunate to be your Mommy. Thank you for being you and for loving me. And thank you for letting me love you right back!
Happy, happy third birthday, My Love!
I love you with every piece of my heart!
Last picture as a 2-year-old |
Birthday balloons |
Waking Banner for school |
Birthday bear claw |
Make a wish! |
At school |
Tonight, at your birthday dinner:
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