Sunday, October 16, 2016

8-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
Instead of boring you with lots of prose, I'm going to just cut to the chase for this month's update! Let's call this update: 8 FAVES at EIGHT! These are my favorite things about you as you turn 8 months old:

1. Dancing: You love to rock back and forth on all fours if a song comes on and you are mid-crawl. Or, if you are pulled up on something and hear music, you will bounce a bit.

2. Humming: Along those same lines of loving music, if I sing a song to you, you will start trying to hum along! I love it!  It's very recent that we've even noticed that you do this, but Daddy and I both have noticed when Quinn watches Daniel Tiger or if anyone is singing, you seem to want to join in and will hum with us. Last night, I was singing Lechi Lach with Banner in the kitchen, and you were humming with us. As I noticed you were doing that, I started swaying a little with you on my hip, and you put your head back and closed your eyes, almost as if you were embracing the music! And, I'm not positive, but I also think you're trying to match pitch! I can't wait to see if this love of music continues!

3. Eating: You've gotten so great at feeding yourself Cheerios, Mum Mums, and Puffs, munching on the little nets with bits of banana or peach or avocado in them, drinking water from your sippy or straw cups, or sucking on apple slices. You much prefer independent eating to the baby food I spoon feed you, but you take everything well for now. There were a couple of weeks that you significantly dropped ounces in your bottle, but we're getting back on track slowly! I think you just weren't as hungry for a bottle with so much loving of food!

4. Cruising: You're all over the place, buddy! A speed crawler who has become quite quick to pull-up on anything and everything, you now know how to navigate around objects - the kitchen cabinets, the coffee table, the couch, me! While every now and then, you can take a tumble backwards and bonk your head on the wood floor, you are quick to calm and generally ready to go again a few minutes later after some TLC. You've even learned how to take that brave step from the couch to the coffee table and back again. You are one courageous little guy... but as I was reminded by pulling up Quinn's 8-month post, this is the time when bumps and bruises make a strong debut. You fell standing at the side of the couch last week and made a head dive into the window sill. A big forehead bruise appeared moments later. Oh, do be careful, Baby Love. So so scary all this risk-taking! The stairs are a huge interest for you, too... and just in the past few days, we've seen you pull yourself up on the steps - just ready to climb up those boogers. We have an estimate from the baby proofer about all these areas that you are drawn to (fire place is another biggie), but we haven't scheduled yet! It should have happened right when we moved in, but - well, life.

5.You're starting to really comprehend what we're saying to you. You turn to your name, and just the other day, you crawled away from your bottle, and when I said, "Do you want more?" you turned around and came toward me to snuggle in for more of its contents.

6. A TOOTH! The teeniest, tiniest little bit of a bottom right tooth is making its first appearance just this weekend! After a week of horrible sleep and pooping up a storm so badly you have a red rashy tush, we figured this may be the case. Swollen gums told us this might be the issue, but after nights of endless hours of crying and nothing we did soothed you, we had to let you cry it out. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But, geez, those nights were/are AWFUL! It was/is during those nights - and ONLY during those nights - that I was seriously wishing there was a return policy for infants.

7. Splashing: One evening last week you discovered that the water in your tub pops up if you hit it. Daddy and I watched with such joy as you enjoyed your new ability to splash! We let the kitchen floor get sopping wet, as Daddy and I looked at each other knowing we would have NEVER let your older brothers make such a mess! But, it was so fun to watch you experiment playfully with the water.

8.Tag-Along: You LOVE your brothers and copy them on anything you can. If they are singing, you will try to hum the tune. If they are yelling and chasing, you are right behind them trying to keep up and making your own sweet yell. You LOVE for me to pick you up and hold you out in front of me to "chase" them around the house. You'll giggle up a storm when you "get" them or they "get" you. You adore their attention, and they like helping you. Banner, especially, is quite a helper with you - making sure you don't fall down, redirecting you, playing with you, and being silly just to get a smile from you. Quinn is still unsure of your permanence in our household, but he loves to give you kisses and TRY to play with you. (Soon you two will be best buds, and you don't even know the difference or seem to mind at all, but for now, he's a little too rough with you for my liking!)

Knox Morgan, I love you with all my heart. I wish you would sleep better, Little Dude, but otherwise, you are one easy-going baby. Lately, you have grown so attached to us. Daddy is definitely your person of choice lately - you are very enthralled with him. When he gets home from work and you hear his voice, you will no longer pay attention to your dinner I'm feeding you - you must see him right away and have him pick you up! This is just one example of how you long for his attention and affection. But, you're still a mama's boy, and I love that you love me and know that I love you. You're giving kisses and waving; you're interested in your friends at play dates (with Wyatt, with Elan, with Skylar), you're drawn to a screen; you hate the changing table (but a paci helps a lot), you love your days with BeeBee and with Grandma, you are babbling quite a bit ("mamamama" is my favorite of course!), and you hate getting dressed. I love learning about you and seeing each day bring a new trick or talent. These next few months will bring great change, I already know. Walking is the next big step  ... no pun intended. :) Take your time, Baby Love. Your brothers will wait for you, and I will, too.

I love you so very much!
Happy 8 Months!

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