Friday, September 16, 2016

7-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
How did this last month already come and go so quickly? Truly, this month was THE fastest. You are taking off in every possible way, and so is time! You are officially crawling. Up on all fours, getting faster and faster by the day. You're even starting to make your way UP things! Slowly pulling up and wanting to stand! SLOW DOWN!!!!! We are not baby proofed yet! You entirely skipped the "just sitting" phase. . . you know, my favorite infant stage. Thanks, Buddy. Thanks a lot! :) Just kidding - kinda. I just love that stage when you can reach what you want, see what you want, and sit independently without moving from the safe cushion that surrounds you. Now, you are "redding" up those knees and toes by constantly crawling everywhere. I love that you can get any where you want, but we have to watch you closely! And, you're putting EVERYTHING in your mouth. As your fine motor skills have improved, you are now able to rake up anything you want from the floor. Your big brothers are both the biggest problem and the biggest help in this area. While they know it's their toys you want, they are very watchful in making sure you don't eat them - or their crumbs, their clothes, their dirt, their shoes, etc. You've sucked on a few too many shoes before we can stop you, and I'm sorry for that. It's kind of disgusting, but hey, not the worst thing that could happen.

So, what else are you up to this month?

-Trying out more fruits and vegetables: broccoli, pumpkin, pineapple, mango, apricots. You're really liking everything you've tried - except green beans still, but I'm still offering them every now and then in the hopes that you'll like them. You love sucking on real food though: banana and peach are favorites. We'll probably add in watermelon and other melons this month, along with more grains. You also like MumMum. You are not a fan of Cheerios or Puffs yet. We've tried them several times, and that substance is just such a foreign feeling, you aren't quite sure and spit it out with a look of disgust.

-You had a cold this month. You're just getting over it now - after about a week of Dimetapp at night, VapoRub, Tylenol, NoseFrida, saline drops, and a raw nose. Snot and more snot and a TON of drainage. Thank goodness you are on the mend. But, I'm weary of the ear infection that could be on the horizon after such a cold.  Hoping I'm anxious for no reason.

-You're continuing to babble up a storm. LOVE this!

-You're starting to really have FUN with your play. A couple nights ago, I rolled a ball down the "ramp" of the sink bath tub, and that had you giggling. You like to be bounced - that gets a laugh, too. Peek-a-boo is always a hit, especially if a brother plays it with you!

-Stranger danger. The minute you can't see me or Grandma or Daddy - tears. You are weary of visitors and why they might be at our house or near you. You are becoming quite dependent on your routine and won't really eat for a new person. You also reach for who you want, so if someone new is holding you and you want me, you will let that be known with a slight lean and a reach.

-Still no teeth, but those bottom gums appear to be swelling a little bit. Drool and more drool, but no sign of pearly whites yet!

-You're kind of in the midst of dropping your third nap. Each day depends on how the earlier two naps have gone, or at least how late you sleep at the second nap (which is often interrupted with having to wake you to go get Banner from school). I'm ready for you to drop that nap altogether, but you can't make it from 2:00 to 7:00 or even 6:00 just yet. So, depending on when you wake up, we decide if you need a third nap or not. You usually get pretty fussy after 2-2.5 hours of awake time, so we try to use that to gauge how long you can last until bath time. I think you sleep better at night on days you haven't had a third nap, but the evenings are grueling without one if needed. By next month, I bet it will have disappeared.

-Physically, you are my smallest - yet tallest - baby. Your eyes remain a beautiful bright blue. Your hair is still light brown, with flecks of blonde depending on the light. I absolutely love holding your itty bitty hands. They are soft and tender and gentle and I love them! You have the faintest little birthmark on the outside of your upper arm near your left elbow. (It's one of those marks that only a mommy notices and everyone else would have to really look for it.) You still look like both of your brothers to me - a genuine mix of both of them as if they had you for a baby. And, you still have "peyos" (Jewish sidelocks) growing longer than the rest of your hair that you had at birth. I bet you'd appreciate if we would cut those off, but . . . .well, Daddy won't let me! So, yes, in most every picture, you will see those long "Pippy Longstocking" tufts of hair sticking out behind either ear.

Well, that about covers it. Seriously. Big BIG changes in our lives right now with all your mobility so much sooner than we anticipated. Rolling, sitting, creeping, crawling, and the beginnings of pulling up all in the same few weeks.  While you are keeping up with your big brothers by meeting milestones on the early side of normal, it still impresses me given how little time you are/were able to practice these skills with our crazy schedule and always being held or in the car seat for so long. (I suppose that's why rolling over took so long, but once you met it, you literally took off!) One of my favorite nights this past month was when we went to celebrate the first day of school at IHOP (Banner's choice) and you sat like a big boy in the high chair eating bits of banana and drinking water out of your sippy cup. You are getting so mature and have truly taken your place in our family.

Knox Morgan, we couldn't love you more. I love love love you!!! I love bathing you, cuddling you, rocking you, and getting to know that sweet personality even more each day. Please be safe as we continue to wrangle you in and try our best to keep you out of harm's way. It's okay to just be an infant and not try to be the big boy with your brothers. Plenty of time for that! Let's just slow it down a notch and enjoy the rest of your infancy, huh? What do you say? :) I love you, Knoxipoo!

Happy 7th!!

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