Friday, December 16, 2016

10-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
What a big month this was! The major accomplishment this month was definitely: walking! I'm still in a state of shock whenever I see you just get off the floor and walk around! I absolutely love that you are walking. You want so badly to keep up with your brothers and to be able to get where you want. I think you are impressed with your new skills and IT is the toy you want to enjoy right now. You like the feel of the floor on your feet, you like seeing how fast you can get somewhere, you like how proud of you we are, you like the ability to chase and play with how fast you can carry yourself toward or away from someone. Not only did you far surpass your brothers in meeting this milestone so early, you mastered getting off the floor completely by yourself long before they did. I figured that might take another month or so, but nope. You are quite skilled at perching yourself up and pushing off the floor. And, that run is coming soon! Your waddle is quite quick - and getting faster each day! Daddy and I are still floored by how quick you are and giggle in amazement at you just toddling down the hallway or turning the corner of the kitchen or following your loud brothers as you giggle right behind them.

So, what else have you been up to?

-Climbing the stairs... thank God for baby gates! But, as long as I'm behind you, I love watching you scale them like a pro. Going down - a totally different story. Since you are our first baby in a house with stairs, we have to figure out how to show you that, but so far, you learned on your own how to climb so fast! I love letting you do the whole flight right before a nap or bedtime. It kinda helps wear you out.

-We are nearing our end with baby food. Pouches are still okay, and morning oatmeal is still acceptable. But, pretty much any other baby food is out the window. You love being able to pick up pieces of your meal and savor them in your mouth. Your favorites are chicken, apple slices (which can be a huge choking hazard, and I'd rather not give you them, but you love to teeth on them), and bagel. You're not so keen on slippery foods, wet or slimy foods... mostly because once your fingers touch them, you turn your nose up at them and won't even attempt a bite. If I can sneak a piece of food in your mouth, you MIGHT decide you like it. You let us know you are done with a meal by dropping what's left on your tray to the floor - as if you're testing to see if there's a dog in the house we failed to introduce you to.

-You just cut another tooth (top left) as of yesterday - bringing your total teeth count to 3. The fourth is nearly there, but not quite.

-Stats: size 4 diapers, size 6(!) overnights, level 3 nipple (but probably 4 starting this weekend), 12 month clothes, 18 month pajamas!, and shoe size coming soon!

-Separation anxiety - but more in the form of "stranger" anxiety. You do great when I leave you with Grandma or BeeBee; it's when a new person says hello, especially in a new place, you will "bottom lip it," and get weary quite quickly.

-If we'd let you, you would: eat the toilet bowl; destroy the pantry; line every inch of the kitchen with sippy cups/snack cups/kid plates/kid bowls that you unpack from the only drawers you are allowed into; break through the baby gates; slam your fingers in every door while you practice swinging it; drink mustard from the fridge; make out with any and every remote control, ruining it with caked saliva; pull every piece of folded laundry to the floor; lick the dirt off of every shoe in the house (truly, I think you have a shoe fetish); eat Legos; crawl into and slip all over the shower floor; attempt to fly off our mattress. (I'm sorry we don't let you do these things. We like you safe and healthy, even if it pisses you off.)

-Quinn has found an affection for you. (FINALLY!) He loves to give you hugs, loves to make sure you are safe. Both boys adore you and affectionately call you "Knoxipoo." Banner speaks so sweetly to you and tries to make you laugh.

Knox Morgan, less than 2 weeks ago, I gave you your last bath in the infant tub over the kitchen sink. I didn't know it was the last one. I don't even remember the date of it or when it actually happened. But, we tried a bath with your brothers one night and then again the next night when we were running late to get everyone ready for bed. It became a thing, and now it's your new routine to either shower or bathe with them. It requires more work on Daddy's part to get you ready for bed, especially because I'm not finished putting you to bed when the others are ready for me to help with book/story time. But, you love this time with Banner and Quinn. I miss your nightly tub time, and I'm sad that "baby" tub part of your life is over. It was always my favorite time of your day. Now, my favorite time is snuggling you during and after your last bottle of the day, just rocking in the glider and holding you close. It makes me sad that one day we won't even do that anymore, and I may not even know it's the last time - just like with your bath.

Time is marching quickly, Baby Love. You are heading out of infancy and are literally walking right into toddlerhood. I am so thrilled to watch you grow and learn. It's such a joy to have this front row seat to your life and to spend time with you each day. I just wish it would slow down a smidge. At this time in your life, you are so easy going. Our days with you are amazing. (Our nights not so much, but we're learning to let you figure that out on your own a little.) And, while you are definitely our most serious baby, you are learning to laugh more! I wish you'd laugh more. I just think you have SO much on your mind - so much "figuring" and interpreting going on in that brilliant mind of yours. When some of that settles, I have a feeling we will meet our little ham. You are certainly not done revealing yourself to us - I just know it. Each day, you continue to be a gift we get to open, full of surprises and lessons, love and affection.

Oh, Knoxy, I love you so very, very much!
Happy 10-months!

You love walking toys - although ANYTHING is now a walking toy
You met Aunt Kindle this month during Thanksgiving weekend

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