Monday, December 9, 2013

Two & a Half!! (Banner's Newsletter)

Dear Banner,
Half-way to THREE! How is that possible? I am in disbelief really. The past three months have flown by since you became a big brother. So much to tell you about all you've been up to and just how proud of you I am. So, I'll cut right to the chase:

-You got your last set of teeth at 28 months - your upper back molars. Dr. R said they would come in soon after those bottom ones did, and the brilliant dentist he is - he was right! :) We are officially DONE with teething! Now we just wait for you to lose your baby teeth and await adult teeth! Now THAT is insane. I have to say that your teething behaviors and moods were beyond tolerable. We made it through cutting 20 teeth since you were 8 months old - a long, drawn out process since getting those first two bottom teeth. But, you did it with flying colors. Some snotty noses, some days of being just moody, and some drooling or spitting. But, other than that - quite a breeze with you.  And, as I write this part of my letter, I already find myself somewhat emotional (what, ME? emotional? no way!) as I reflect on the days of your gummy grin and fast forward to now - a boy who has a full set of beautiful white teeth, who takes care of them by brushing AND flossing! We take great pride in teeth around here - so welcome to the club, Ban! You are doing a great job!

-You absolutely LOVE: your brother, your school, your teachers, the iPad, YouTube, ice cream trucks, diggers, being read to, Play Doh, hearing stories about when Mommy & Daddy were little, screaming/being loud, having everyone's attention, playing with water, digging in dirt, your family, chocolate and candy, throwing and catching (which you've gotten pretty good at this last month), giving Quinn kisses, and your pacifiers.

-You don't care for: the dark (you just started asking for a night light), getting ready for bed, eating vegetables, cleaning up when Mommy asks you to - well, when anyone asks you to!, putting your pacis away, sharing your toys

-Some of my favorite expressions from the past few months:
  • "Ummm, pretty good." - your response to "How are you?" or "How was school?" or "How'd you sleep?" or "How's your dinner?"
  • "Mommy, come lay with me."
  • "Mommy, you're so pretty," to which I usually reply, "And you're so handsome." Then, you'll say, "Mommy's so pretty, and I so handsome."
  • "I don't like that," and "I like that!"
  • "Yes, I want that. I do," or "No, I don't want that. I don't."
  • "Tell me one more story tonight," usually followed by which story you want to hear like, "Aunt Kindle and Mommy little girl, the cookies were yucky," or "Banner goes to the zoo with all his friends," or "Banner drives the car to see all his friends." More recently, you've been asking to hear about when Banner gave his pacis to the Paci Fairy --- perhaps you are thinking about donating yours soon?? Probably not. I'm not getting my hopes up!
  •  "Excuse me, Mommy?" when you want my attention. Or...really any time you use your manners, I'm thrilled ... you say "Excuse me" after burping or when you want to get by someone who's blocking your path, you say "I'm sorry" if you hurt someone or do something less than helpful, you say, "Bless you" when someone sneezes, and usually you say "Please" and "Thank you" but have to be prompted sometimes
  •  "Once upon a time..." when you tell a story
  • "Leeettle, bitty baby ___" in a high-pitch squeaky voice as you make yourself smaller and use your fingers to show just a little. For example, you'll say, "Mommy, I just saw a leeettle, bitty baby bus" or just the other night you told Daddy you were going to take his head off and put it in a "leeettle bitty baby hole." No idea where this idea came from but cracked us up!
  • Along those same lines, you say "BIIIIG, BIIIIG ___" in a deep, gruff voice to tell about something big - like a "BIIIIG, BIG boat in the water" or a "BIG, BIG tree"
  • "Hello, Bud!" with a "Deep South" accent to mimic Rudy's nickname for Kenny on The Cosby Show. Grandma taught you this, and you now rhyme similar words with "Bud," like "mud" and "bug"
  • "Juuuuust a leettle bit," when trying to talk us into something you want: "Juuuuust a leeetle bit of candy."
  • "I did it all by myself, Mommy!" with such excitement and joy
  • "Whoopsy!"
-Some of my LEAST favorite expressions:
  • You've begun calling us "Mom" and "Dad." I think you think it's cute - and it can be. Exactly one year ago, you started calling me "Mommy" instead of "Mama." And I miss "Mama!" I'm not ready to give up "Mommy," either! Sometimes you call me "Amber" and Daddy "Sam" but that's still pretty rare (and hilarious when it happens!), but it's definitely not something I want you doing regularly. Bring back "Mommy!" 
  • "Go away!"
  • "Stop talking!"  or "NO, stop talking!" - you heard your friend tell his mommy this at a play date months ago, and you picked up on it. . . although, when he said it, he said it much nicer, like, "Mommy, please stop talking," because his mommy and I were chatting too loudly for you, E, and C to hear the video you were watching during lunch. Now, you shout it - and snap it -  to not only Daddy and me, but to anyone. I don't like when you say this - and it's so rude. I hope you grow out of it soon. Lately, you're a little better about saying "Excuse me" instead.
-Some things we've done these past few months: Big Orange Pumpkin Farm with Daddy, the Arboretum to see the pumpkins, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Quinn's naming, Nami's naming, Marin's birthday party, school fall festival, the balloon festival, Grandparent's Day at school, donated to the Angel Tree, celebrated Papa's birthday, Halloween, saw ICE! exhibit, lots of play dates, went to Jump Mania again, had a special date with Mommy at Indoor Safari Park, Race for the Cure, and endured 5 straight days at home when an ice storm hit our city (we're actually still going through it, and you are entertaining yourself with all your many toys, making "snores" in the fireplace, drinking lots of hot chocolate with "farshfellows," and playing little bits at a time in the ice)

-One day at school last month, I got a call from Ms. Sheryl (school director). She told me everything was fine but that during your time in the kitchen cooking with Ms. Betty and Ms. Jennifer, you decided to drink about 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract. They had never had a child do that, so they wanted me to call Dr. B and ask him what to do. Dr. B's office directed me to Poison Control, so I made my first (and hopefully last!) call to them. They said it should be fine but that since there is some alcohol in it, you should drink and then eat something sweet to make sure it didn't mess with your blood sugar. I called Ms. Sheryl back, and she followed my directions - happy to give you a chocolate kiss like she does EVERY.SINGLE.DAY before you leave school (something Mommy will only continue to allow this year... you called her Ms. Chocolate for the first couple months of school).  She then told me this was a first for them - and I said it was obviously a first for me and that you probably drank it because it's called vanilla - your favorite ice cream. She said, "If this is the worst, Amber, then we are in great shape!" :)

-Speaking of school, Daddy and I met with your teachers just last week to hear all about how you are doing. The very first thing Ms. Betty said to us is: "Your biggest problem with Banner is that he is just too cute. He's going to get away with a lot because he is just so adorable." (I happen to agree, but I hold you to a high standard and don't let those dimples, blue eyes, and beautiful face get to me!) She and Ms. Jennifer don't have any concerns. Anything that challenges you (waiting your turn, sharing, sitting for extended periods of time in circle time) is age-appropriate and will come with time and practice. But, you participate, are confident, separate easily from us (and Aunt Kira who teaches there), listen well at school, are nice and kind to the others, and "have a fan club wherever" you go! We are really thrilled with all the progress you've made this year, and we can't wait to see what's in store for next semester as you get closer to your friends, engage in more interactive play, and learn more from your teachers.

-Your knowledge of Judaism is greatly increasing - thanks to your school. You love Shabbat, challah, lighting the menorah, singing the dreidel song, and saying some of the prayers. 

-You are fully conversational at this point (well, much earlier than now, but needed to mention it). You are so verbal - loving to know what things are called, learning words I've never really taught you just by catching on so quickly. You love to sing songs ("Tomorrow," "Old McDonald," "Our school time is over...," "If You're Happy..." "Twinkle," and "ABCs" just to name the ones we hear you singing most often).

-You're beginning to really challenge us as parents as we figure out how to explain things to you. You asked where Bubbie was when she didn't come to Grandparents Day and on other occasions, and you've told Daddy you want to talk to her, you've told me you want a Christmas tree, you have seen Santa a few times and asked who he is, you wanted to know more about our Angel Tree Angel, and you are starting to wonder where Avery is when not with Jed & Cherie or why Caden & Mara have a different mommy than Brycen & Nami... and I love that you are so insightful, but it's just hard to find the right words when you are such a little boy. I know this is only just the beginning... so I'm buckled up and holding on tight for this parenting ride - just hoping I can handle these issues appropriately and don't screw up too much!

We're working on: learning left, right, and straight; using fingers to show numbers - you can do "one" and "five" easily, and "two" is coming along; using the potty (you've been going pee-pee in the toilet a few times a day now); jumping; writing/copying drawings; more letter recognition

Banner Boone, you are MY little star. You twinkle and light up everything and everyone around you. You definitely have your days where you can't make up your mind on what you want or don't want, days when you are in a foul mood and won't listen to much of what I request. But, mostly, you are such a joyful child. You are so curious, so exploratory, and so inquisitive. You are funny, kind, and insanely smart. Your connections never cease to amaze us. Your "early language acquisition" (or so a former colleague of mine calls it) is impressive and so fun to continue to hear unfold each day. Sometimes, (yes, even at 2 and a half) I still tear up as I tuck you in at night. Once, you even caught me, "Mommy, you are crying." I told you it's because I'm just so happy. You do make me SO incredibly happy. Our days can be hectic and long - but this precious time with you is still whizzing by! I just want to savor all of our time together - all the silly giggles and the interesting things you say and the beautiful smiles and faces you make! Lately, you've been waking up in the middle of the night and crawling into our bed. You'll sleep between Daddy and me, and sometimes you reach for my hand. I hate that you're up in the middle of the night and setting up camp in our bed - but I love your tender hand in mine and the feel of your cuddle. Oh, I just can't tell you how in love with you I am.

Just keep being you, my love. You are my heart.

Happy Half-Birthday, Sweet Angel Baby!

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