Monday, December 9, 2013

3-Month Newsletter: Quinn

Dear Quinn,
The "fourth trimester" is over, which can only mean one thing: Mommy's hair is shedding all over the place You are no longer my "newborn!" I'm so incredibly overwhelmed with how very fast these past three months have flown, and now you are not technically a newborn - you're an "infant." My big 3-month-old infant!! And, the days of looking like a frail newborn are way behind us. You are plumping up - getting rolls on your legs and a more solid body. You are still my little cuddlebug and I love, love, love holding you - especially as you are falling asleep and you just seem to melt into my embrace. I want to bottle this memory up and remember how your body feels so little and so cuddly against mine - your sweet nose breathing near my neck, your arms draped down, your soft, baby hair tickling my cheek. But, enough of me getting sappy - that's for later in this post. Let's find out more about YOU!

So, here's what you've been up to the past few weeks:
  • You're doing better with your head control. Still a little floppy, though. I should be doing more tummy time with you, but you sleep on your belly (shame on us!), so you think it's nap time when we put you on your tummy. I've been working with you on rolling over - trying to show you what that sensation feels like. I'm hoping you'll want to start doing this soon!
  • You nap 3-4 times a day. Usually at least one of these naps will be 1.5-2 hours long. Otherwise, naps are about 45 minutes long - but lately getting longer! :)
  • You eat about 6 bottles a day - each between 4-6 ounces. We just moved you to level 2 nipples because you were taking about 30 minutes to finish 4-5 ounces. Now you're back to your typical (original) 20 minutes or so. You eat around 5:00am, 8:00am, 10:30am, 1:30pm, 4:30pm, and 7:15pm. Daddy and I will be weaning you off that 5am feeding soon (dropping ounces).
  • I love your night routine. We start at 6:30-6:45. You get a bath every night, followed by lotion/massage, PJs, bottle, swaddle on lower half only, and a little bit of rocking before I put you in your crib mostly asleep but not totally. This is my favorite time of our day together - except for when you wake up first thing in the morning with lots of smiles for us!
  • Car rides are getting easier. You hate red lights or stopping for any reason, but once we move, you usually resettle.
  • You like to be sung to.
  • You love your bouncer, like the Nap Nanny, and are enjoying the swing more these days.
  • You love touch. You light up when we stroke or kiss your cheeks or neck.
  • You're ticklish!
  • You are squealing and laughing! Sometimes you even scare yourself!
  • You love your big brother. You tolerate his screaming, his incessant kisses (we ALL love this!), his barging in on your nap time, and having him shove a paci in your mouth whenever he pleases. He's really only made you cry one time so far (when he hit you on the head several weeks ago). 
  • You're cooing and "talking" a whole lot!
  • You rub your eyes when you're tired.
  • Speaking of eyes - your clogged tear duct must be cleared up because I never see it tearing and gunky like it was your first couple months. You still tear when you cry, and I've never seen a baby tear like you do at this young age, but it doesn't seem to cause a problem at all.
  • You're bearing some weight on your legs.
  • You look so much like Daddy - and even more so like Bubbie, in my opinion. Then, there are times I see my mom and dad - each - as babies. Your hair is still dark, your eyes still very blue.
  • You prefer Mommy right now. This could change any minute, but the past few weeks you definitely want me to bathe you, console you, put you to sleep. 
  • We're on size 2 diapers (but I imagine size 3 isn't far away!), level 2 nipples (as I said above), mostly 3 month clothes (but 3-6 month sizes aren't far away, I kind of prefer them now anyway).
  • You smile when we do - and you look at us with such happiness and love!
This month, you had your first Hanukkah and first Thanksgiving. We donated to your first Angel Tree Angel.  We also had your naming this month. And, you weathered your first ice storm. We kept you inside the whole time, but you got to peek out the window every now and then at all the white ice draping the neighborhood. I'm betting this fourth month will be a lot of fun - you're staying awake a bit longer, you're more alert, and your head control is getting much better - so I expect to see some attempts at rolling, some grasping and more swatting, and a better daytime routine.

A quarter of a year already behind you, big boy! You were a fantastic "newborn!" I'll miss those days, but I am so looking forward to your "infancy," Quinn! I love you so much, and I'm beyond grateful for you and your precious life! I actually had an awful nightmare a few days ago. . . so horrible I can't even write about it, and I've only mentioned it to Daddy. As I told him what happened, I cried... wept... unable to even keep talking at one point. I can still vividly see what happened in this nightmare, and I can still feel the loss I was feeling - gut-wrenching, heart-squeezing, utter sadness. I woke up, went to hug you so tightly and just cradled you as I cried. I am so fortunate to have you in my life. And, I think you have started feeling the same way about us this month. Sometimes I look at you and just feel you loving me - and I say, "I love you, too!" You are a little love, a giver, my snuggle bug. Oh, I can't wait to know you even more! I love, love, love you, Quinn!

Happy 3 Months, Cuddle Bug!

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