Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wedding. . . "Plus, Plus"

In today's blog, I have just a couple of questions about the absurd costs associated with planning a wedding. Everyone knows weddings cost a lot. It's a common complaint. I get that. Those who know that are usually frustrated with spending money on invitations they know will be trashed or on hair andmake-up that will be washed away by the end of the night. There are many friends and family to pay for - you want to celebrate with so many people! What I don't understand is the unnecessary upcharges applied to practically everything! Here are just a few of my general complaints:

  • Why is there an automatic gratuity applied to everything (and I mean EVERYTHING, including staging for a band, the use of a microphone for the rabbi, the delivery of the cake, etc.)? This gratuity is not just any 15-20%; we're talking at least 24% on everything! Plus tax? That's alotta freakin' mulah! (Interestingly, these people don't even say the numbers they are talking about anymore. They use the terms "plus, plus" to remind you (if you're lucky) about these costs.)
  • Why must we pay a gratuity PLUS delivery fees? So, you're going to tax me, add a delivery charge, and apply a gratuity? Just because you know that I want to relax on my wedding day and not pick up my own cake or flowers? You know I want to have it all done for me, so please add on a set-up charge!
  • Why do I need to provide a meal for my vendors? Vendor meals are ridiculous in my mind. I understand they are working through a dinner hour, and I understand they work hard and get hungry. By no means am I misunderstanding their jobs; my sister sings in a band and deserves great treatment. Yet, I work hard and get hungry; I work through lunch (on occassion breakfast and even dinner). No one ever caters or brings me a meal at work. If I want to eat, I bring a lunch or pay for one! Lots of us have jobs where we work during mealtime. My brother, a doctor, often has surgeries that could last hours. No one comes to provide a meal to him while he's in the operating room. What is this about vendor meals?! Eat before you get there and bring a sack snack if you get hungry!
  • Why does the word "wedding" automatically allow you to add on an unruly amount of money? A "birthday" cake that feeds hundreds of people would not cost the same as a "wedding" cake that feeds hundreds of people - and you know it! Admit it!
  • Why do you need to charge me to use something that you have sitting in a storage closet? I need an easel at my wedding - "that will be $__, plus, plus." I need to use the sound system at rehearsal dinner - "that will be $___, plus, plus." I need a screen also - "that will be $__ plus, plus." (Remember, they're going to tax you and add on an insane gratuity = plus, plus.) I realize I might be paying for the set up of these items, but seriously, you're going to charge me for just bringing the easel to the ballroom? You're going to charge me for a sound system that you use regularly? I'll set up the damn screen myself! Chances are, you'll see an unexpected "set-up" charge in addition to the "rental" of these items that would otherwise be sitting in a damn closet. What is this REALLY ABOUT?!

That's all! Just had to vent a little about the unnessary charges and costs incured by "I Do!" It's about time we, as a society, stand up to these crazy, outrageous charges and say, "I Don't" get it!



  1. Holy COW! I agree! When someone first told me to put aside money for the night of the wedding to give tips...I kinda freaked! I was thinking why they would need tips when they are already getting paid lots! I am loving your blog daily! xo grm =)

  2. I totally agree about the gratuity chgs. These business get us coming and going! I think the chg. per person is already jacked up and the plus,plus's add up and before you know it.... you can't afford the gas it takes to get to your own wedding or any other festivities after paying a fortune to clothe ourselves and fix ourselves up so we feel like we can look more beautiful! I have learned to use the phrase "Can't you SHARPEN your pencil a little" more so we can afford to enjoy with all those included and still have enough $ to get to the damn occasion in the first place?????
    I feel confindent in saying... WE ALL WENT INTO THE WRONG BUSINESS! They're making a freakin fortune on TIPS AND GRATUITIES, and we all have spent A LOT just to celebrate a wonderful happening in ours, our friends or family events. I AGREE.... THIS PART TOTATLLY SUCKS, but Rome wasn't built in a day, and these charges will not go away, they'll just go up!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hi Am! First time reader, long time friend.

    Not sure where all that aggressive name-hating came from, especially on this particular post, but as for the "Plus Plus" business, right on! Love it! It may be a tad hypocritical for me to agree with you since my wedding expenses were pretty out-of-control, but I truly do. Luckily, there are a few vendors out there who consider their brides to be customers just like anyone else, and don't try to stuff extra bucks in wherever they can. They are few and far between, however.

    As for the name change thing...I understand that the dialogue is a good one to get started (my blog tends to ruffle feathers at times), but judging you (or anyone for that matter) based solely on that decision is WAY out of line!

    You're fabulous! Always have been. I know you already know this, but don't let some a-hole make you think twice about the awesome girl you are. xoxo
