Tuesday, July 21, 2009

To Blot or Not to Blog

Blog? What is this blog idea that everyone, strangers and non-strangers alike, can be invited to know my thoughts? Does anyone even care what I have to say, how I feel, what I think? If you do, I don't know whether to say, "Thanks!" or "Get a life!" Either way, I've decided I should just give it a shot. I'm a writer at heart. I love to write and use words to convey a feeling, get rid of a feeling, or thrive on a feeling. Why not use this public venue to discuss one of the most sacred, private relationships - that of husband and wife? Why not share with the world my feelings about marriage and this whole "getting married" process? I call this site "Journey to the Knot" in the hopes that it will also later include a journey to the nest, the bump, and so many other blessings that will come during my life.

Here's to hoping the journey to blogging is not difficult, in vain, or misunderstood!

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