Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Today we celebrated Sam's third Father's Day. I wrote last year and the year before last about this amazing man, so I hate to be redundant but this guy is just incredible. He's such a good daddy to Banner, and he's a supportive, nurturing, all-around good husband to me. Sam has worked so hard this year to start his new adventure in a new law practice, and there have been times we both wanted to throw in the towel - but we never gave up on this dream or on each other. We've taken big risks since last Father's Day, and seemingly they are working to our advantage almost a whole year later. We are slowly and steadily getting to where we want to be financially. But, perhaps, the most beneficial change this year has been a great deal of flexibility for Sam to be able to be home more - to work from home, to attend doctor appointments with Banner and with me, to be home for most every dinner, to have spare time to run around with Banner, and to have the family life that we both want so much.

Sam is always trying to spend as much time with Banner as he can. He wants to be home to help me, he lets me sleep in more than he should probably, and he is always willing to do me a favor or run an errand. The past 6 months of pregnancy have also been made easier by his constant willingness to do what I needed to make this house run more smoothly. It hasn't always been easy, but Sam has always stepped up and never complained (really, NEVER!).

More than anything, I want to thank Sam for being the kind of dad I always wanted for my children. He's one of the best gifts I can give to them. So, on this day, just like every day, I wanted to show him how special he is to us. I hope he enjoyed his Father's Day. Here's how we spent it:

When Banner woke up around 7:25, I got up with him to start working on our surprise breakfast for Sam, who slept until we brought in his treat around 9:15. Sam hasn't slept that late in a long time, so that was already nice for him - and me... because I always tell him he needs to sleep more. This man runs himself ragged and never gets enough sleep! We  (well, I ... but Banner was a great helper by playing nicely near me in the kitchen) made Sam a Cinnamon Roll Cake to start his day off. It was an easy recipe, and he said he loved it!
Before the glaze was added
MMMM, with glaze
His breakfast tray - complete with coffee, sugar, cinnamon roll cake, and utensils on a tie napkin.
This picture was taken minutes after we woke Daddy, and right before Banner spilled the sugar ALL OVER THE BED!
Yes, they are both dressed - just topless.
Kisses for Daddy
Opening Banner's gift
I don't have a picture of it, but after opening Banner's gift, Sam opened the gift I gave him - two new Polo shirts. He wore the purple one - seen below. After we got dressed and ready to go to Grandma & Papa's house, Banner and Daddy had a little game of chase.

Running from Daddy
Running through the house
Best pic I could get with the squirmy toddler
Then, we headed to my mom's to celebrate Papa, Uncle Brock, and Daddy. YUMMY brunch and lots of loud little ones! Mom made quite the spread, and after we devoured it, there was swimming, logic puzzle solving, TV watching, and naps for the little guys (Banner, Brycen, and Nami). Nami smiled at me for the first time today, too. I am so in love with that kid. I've seen him smile before, but today it was directly at me - and I held him for quite a while just soaking him up - his smell, his softness, his sounds. Oh, what a sweet boy!

Caught with a mouth full of food - love the tie napkin too!
Caden and his tie napkin
Banner Boone!
Grandma & Mara singing "Side by Side"
Uncle Brock opening his gift from Grandma & Papa
Daddy got more new shirts, too!
Our final destination of the day was Zaide's house, where we met the whole crew over there! Sam's Uncle Marc and Aunt Debbie are moving here from Minnesota, so we got to welcome them back "home" tonight. Also, Aunt Gayle picked up a cake for Uncle Paul and me to celebrate our June birthdays. More YUM!

Banner made Zaide this card
Aunt Gayle captured this picture of Colby listening to his baby cousin - LOVE IT

Banner had a blast just running around . . . playing with cars/trucks, chasing his cousins, giving kisses to everyone, and going outside with Zaide. Tired and worn out, we headed home for bath time. We called my dad when we got home, and Banner got to wish Big Boss a Happy Father's Day, too. Then, Banner passed out shortly after I put him in his crib... where he is fast asleep as I type. What a fun, busy day we have had. I hope you have had as much fun celebrating the dads in your life as we did! Happy Father's Day, everyone!

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