Friday, June 21, 2013

Camp Mommy: Weeks 1-2

Kids all over the country are out of school for summer vacation. That means three big things for my boy and me: 1) Mommy doesn't have any sub jobs coming up any time soon, 2) our usual hang-outs are closed to us or are on different schedules for the summer, and 3) life is going to change BIG time in less than three months. What's a pregnant, stay-at-home mom to do about this? Well, NEST of course! Only, instead of getting my unorganized house in order - only to be unorganized and made into a mess all over again by my 2-year-old, I am mentally nesting... trying to get some order in the chaos that is my life. The teacher in me came alive a couple weeks ago when I made a detailed June and July calendar for how Banner and I will spend our summer. (The August calendar is still under construction!)

I decided to have fun with this and get creative with what I'm calling "Camp Mommy!" Banner will start preschool in late August, so I'm motivated to both get him ready for really active days and to savor and soak up my time with him before he's off in the big world away from Mommy and before his baby brother begins to steal lots of Mommy's time and attention. Camp Mommy is designed to give us both a morning and an afternoon activity with or without friends who may want to join us.

So far, we've had a Sprinkler Play Date at our house - which was really pretty awesome if you ask me (watermelon, lemonade, Slip-n-Slide, baby pools, water tables, bubbles, snow cones, and popsicles); we've been to a concert for kids; we've gone to Story Time at the book store; we've hung out with Grandma; we've attended a weekday birthday party; we did crafts for Father's Day; we went to an indoor playground that just opened up in our area; we went to a local farm for a self-guided tour, a hayride, some animal feeding, and picnic fun; we went to the splash grounds with Caden, Brycen, and Grandma. So much fun so far!! Here are a few pics from the past two weeks as Camp Mommy began!

Waiting for the concert to begin
Star-struck and mesmerized at the live music
Going up to the stage to see the instruments
Ryan and Matthew
Water table fun
Landry, Brycen, and Banner
Cousins Caden and Mara helping out with the little kids
On the way to the Splash Park with Caden and Brycen

Caden helping Banner enjoy the park
Leaving the Splash Park!
MANIA! We went with Ella and her cousin, Hank- but I didn't get any pics with them! :(
Heading toward the slide . . .
Which he did over . . .
And over again!
My personal favorite - feeding the goats at the farm
Banner, Simon, and Brayden looking at the pigs
Hay Ride! Another favorite!
Gretchen & Ryan
Casey, Caden, and Everett
Mommy & Banner
Emma & Jenny
Overalls on purpose today - looking like Old McDonald!
Exploring the tractor with Emma

Still to come: we start swim lessons this coming Monday for two weeks, we will be going to the zoo, we will be making Fourth of July crafts and treats, we will have more play dates and park fun, we'll be experimenting with new tools and textures like scissors, glue, shaving cream, and finger paint, we'll be having fun with colored ice and painting the backyard with water, we'll visit Aunt Kira at her school for a glimpse of camp life, we'll try a toddler movie at the big theater, and we'll be trying out some new inexpensive indoor parks around town! Also on the agenda is meeting Baby Brother through sonogram images next week! Lots of fun experiences coming Banner's way.... more on Camp Mommy coming soon!

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