Monday, June 10, 2013

My Favorite Second Year Memories

  • The day you went up to Ms. Betty at Mommy & Me to ask to go outside. It was the first time I knew for sure that you knew she was your teacher and that you were comfortable with her. It actually warmed my heart that you didn't come to me because I knew you'd be okay at school. 
  • The first time I heard you humming "Twinkle, Twinkle" - just playing on the kitchen floor, sprawled out on your tummy.
  • Introducing you to Play-Doh - and you didn't try to eat it!
  • Watching you hug my pregnant belly, give "Baby" kisses, and talking to your little brother
  • Going to the cemetery to tell Bubbie that you were having a baby brother
  • Your first trip to the zoo - leaning forward to see the penguins swimming, feeding a giraffe, walking around saying "ZZZOOOO!", playing in the water, and tap dancing near the gorillas when Mommy and Daddy finally let you out of the stroller
  • Watching you walk down the aisle at Uggy and Kiki's wedding
  • Hearing and watching your laugh as Uncle Brock "shook you" at the Race for the Cure walk
  • Listening to you and Brycen babble in the backseat of the car
  • Your second trip to the Arboretum to see the pumpkins
  • Your last bottle
  • Your first time in the snow
  • The first time you said "Luvyou" right before we left for our cruise.
  • Donating your first batch of gifts to your first Angel
  • Your first kettle corn and listening to the beautiful music in the church at your first Candlelight
  • Your Valentine's Day Bash - and Brycen and you were wearing the same Dr. Love shirts, too cute!
  • When Daddy and I got home from our cruise, and you ran to both of us and threw your arms around us both together.
  • Watching you meet your great grandparents, Mamaw and Papaw
  • Dancing with you in the shower
  • Watching you trick-or-treat with the big kids in your froggie costume on Halloween
  • Hearing some of my favorite expressions throughout the year: "I love you, TOOOOO!" "Mmm, so good!" "Bless you, Mommy!" "I did it!" "Awesome!" "I see you!" "Banner do it!" "Dump Truck Party," "Banner's school!" a fake yawn followed by, "I tired, too!"and the way you say, "Greema!" "Matt and Julie," and "Britt-ney"
  • Watching you hold your cousin, Nami, and how sweet and gentle you are with him
  • Your "happy" face - which really looks more like you're terrified. :)
  • Watching you dance during Torah service at school (Mommy & Me)
  • The way you run over to the mesh wall of the bounce house at Open Gym to clap my hands on the outside and then run to find me on the next wall to do it again
  • Being completely shocked and amazed when you could name most of the letters when Grandma and I were quizzing you with the Letter Factory letters. Sometimes, you would even tell us the correct letter while telling us you weren't going to tell us any more letters, trying to get us to stop: "No C!" "No W!" "No, no P!"
  • The night I rocked you in the glider, just a couple weeks ago, when you sang "Twinkle, Twinkle" with me for the first time. We did three rounds of it, and you chimed in with most words; we sang for the first time together. Afterward, I told you, with a smile on my face and with tears in my eyes that you couldn't see, "Banner, that just made the list," and you smiled and giggled gently.
  • Talking with Daddy throughout the year about how amazing you are, how much growth we have seen in you, marveling at your language skills, and being fascinated by your memory... I always love our chats about you after you've gone to sleep, both of us in such awe of you
  • The day before your second birthday when you finally correctly answered "How old are you?" with a resounding response of "TWO!" in the backseat of my car after Daddy and I took you to the park
  • Watching your face as everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to you on your second birthday and watching you smile before and after blowing out the candles all on your own! 

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