Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sam's Birthday

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sam! We will spend today apart in the morning, as he has a dentist appointment (yes, I've sent him with lots of questions to ask!) and I have a final dress fitting. I also have to pick up the dress I'm wearing to rehearsal dinner (from getting a few alterations). Then, Sam will probably make his daily journey to Home Depot for more home-improvement equipment. We'll then finish more of our remodeling project, and maybe the lawn will get mowed if Sam decides to spend his special day doing household chores. Finally, the day will end at Sam's parents' house with a special meal for Sam and his dad (whose birthday was yesterday. . . Happy Birthday, Richard!).

I feel badly for Sam that his birthday is somewhat overlooked by all the errands and household chores that we've taken on. (Although this time last year, we were on a cruise, and I've never celebrated my birthday like that before. So, it's all in good fairness, right?) Don't worry, though, I've gotten him a special gift of another day at the culinary school together. This time: Basic Knife Skills!! Yahoo! He'll love it. And, it's the week after the wedding, so as Sam says, "If we're getting married, we can properly learn to stab each other in the back."

Sheesh! Just kidding! It was a funny little joke, though. (Not really, I'm just being polite on Sam's birthday. His sense of humor gets a little off when he is stressed out!) Anyway, while we're on the topic of Sam's birthday, I just wanted to say that I am so glad he's now only 2 years younger than I (yes, that's grammatically correct) - since in the past month and a half, his age seems 3 years younger than I. He is way less mature than I am, but most men are less mature than their female counterparts, right? Sam's sense of humor and fun ways have kept (and will keep) me young! And, since men typically don't live as long as women, we'll have a few more years together since he's younger. Ideally, we could die at an old age together... yes, at the exact same time.

Anyway, enough of my shananigans! HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my husband in T minus 29 days! I hope it's a good one! I know this year will be filled with more amazing memories and experiences. I love you so much!

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