Sunday, August 2, 2009

Girl Time

Well, it's been pretty busy around our household. As we've been planning the big day, we have other projects going now. Even though we decided our "nesting" itch needed to subside on it's own, we played with the idea of knocking out a small wet bar in the house to allow for more room in the den. I bought the house thinking that we would use the bar and entertain often using it. However, it was just in the way, and Mom (yes, Mom!) suggested we get rid of the bar to allow for a better lay-out in the den. I don't know if she thought we should do it pronto, but we are! Many friends have said, "What are you thinking taking this on before the wedding? How will you have time for this!?" Well, life goes on and . . . why not!? It actually gives our minds a break from the monotony of wedding planning; we can actually see pretty quick results, too. Sam and his dad tore out the bar counter and cabinets in less than two hours yesterday. We've already taken care of the plumbing and are looking forward to getting some estimates on the flooring. Good stuff! Way to go, Sam, on all your hard work!

On another note, I wanted to discuss the importance of good girlfriends. While Sam was hard at work at home, I headed out of town for a fun night with my sister, sisters-in-law-to-be, and good friends for a bachelorette slumber party. I'm not a drinker, and I'm quite disturbed by the idea of a stripper flapping around on me and/or my friends! So, we went out to a cabin and cooked dinner, played games, and had great conversation! We woke up to make pancakes and eggs while watching Mamma Mia! The last time I had a true slumber party, I was in elementary school. The last time I had good girlfriends spend the night was probably in high school with a couple of my best friends. This was much more! We laughed and laughed all night and bonded in ways that most guys just probably couldn't understand. We had true girl-talk - discussing our relationships, our frustrations with our guys, our sex lives, our feelings about so many different topics. (I want to thank my little sister, too, for organizing such an amazing evening and morning! She paid perfect attention to all the details of making my party so special. She gave the gift of creating these memories for my friends and me! Thank you, K, for such a fabulous reminder that I have such great friends and family - and for spending so much of your time on planning this perfect get-away!)

As one of my lifelong friends left, she said she was glad she came and had so much fun. She mentioned it was kind of sad that this would (probably) be our last sleepover. This friend is one that spent the night at my house growing up many times - all throughout elementary school and on through high school. We have some great memories of those nights - making up games, staying up late. It is somewhat sad to think about how we don't do things like that anymore. I told her this doesn't have to be the last time. Just because you go off an get married doesn't mean that you have to stop having fun with your friends or doing things you enjoy with your girlfriends. Why not make ladies nights out or plan a time to get together with your best friends without the guys for a night or two?

I've been trying to tell my mom to do this for a while - call up her best girl friends, go to a hotel or cabin somewhere, and just chill with people who understand her in a completely different way than her husband or children. I hope that last night was a reminder for all my girlfriends about how much fun and meaningful women are to each other. We need each other. And honestly, our spouses/partners need us to have other friends and confidants. I remember spending 2 1/2 hours on the phone with my best friend in Houston one night, just catching up and venting when I had been in a kind of funk. I actually got off the phone with her and told Sam how much better I felt after talking to her. He picked up the phone to call her back just to say, "Thank you!" He appreciated having her be there for me when maybe I just needed a different ear, a different voice, a supportive friend.

So, here's to all the ladies out there with really good girl friends! Here's to all the girl friends out there! Call up your best girl tonight and let her know how much you love her and appreciate her. Friends are so key to helping our relationships stay meaningful and long-lasting. They are the ones who pick us up when we are down, support us through happy and sad times, make sure we're doing okay and that our guys are treating us well, care about your daily life, wish well for you, know how to make you laugh, know all those little things about you others just don't, remember how to make you smile, remind you what's important in life, and understand what you're saying when you don't even know what you're saying! Here's to all those long-lasting friendships - the ones you've had since you were born, since you were in fourth grade, the ones since your freshman year in high school, your college roommates, and the newest friends at work! Here's to girl time!


  1. awww, this made me (even more) sad that i missed the weekend. i'm glad you had fun and hope that the next time you do a weekend like that i can make it! xoxo -b

  2. It WAS a blast!!! It was exactly the perfect evening! I am still thinking about it and wanting to do this every few months....good therapy! =) xo-grm=)

  3. Am- I'm so sorry I missed this! It sounds exactly how you wanted it to be! I'm glad you had so much fun! Love ya!
