Monday, February 20, 2017

Knox's 12-Month Well Check

Today we saw Dr. B for Knox's well-check. As with other well checks of the past, I'm first and foremost just glad that we have another healthy boy who is growing and developing just as he should be - if not a bit on the advanced side. I'm also grateful that Sam continues to make these well visits a priority for both of us to attend. While there are times when he cannot make it, I love that we make our kids' health so important that we both attend. And, today, we got to take Knox all by himself without the distraction of his big brothers, which was extra special. 

Knox did great with the nurse checking his height, weight, head, and heart. He was quiet and observing. He even did great for most of the beginning of Dr. B's exam. He didn't like having his mouth and ears checked out, and that's when he started fussing. A few minutes later, and he was fine, and did great again until his shots when he cried the most gut-wrenching cry - poor baby!

The report was fabulous. We answered the developmental questionnaire, and Dr. B told us that Knox is developmentally scoring as an 18-month-old would. That's not surprising to us at all, as this boy is super smart and fast! He has about 6 words in addition to "mama" and "dada" (which he uses every now and then): here, more, ball, hi, bye, and "ah duh" (all done!). He is walking and basically running with perfection. He uses his pincer grasp, rolls a ball, scribbles, helps in the house when we ask him to do something like bring me something or clean up, claps, waves, and even drinks from a cup... although Dr. B had a hard time believing that. (He joked that there's no way that is happening, and Sam said, "I'd have a hard time believing it, too, had I not seen him do it just yesterday!" He turned to the medical student who was observing and said, "Don't believe a word they tell you!" We all laughed, but I insisted Knox can totally drink from a cup on his own without spilling. He had done it immediately before today's appointment at Grandma's house.) This boy of ours is constantly on the move and wanting to keep up with his active big brothers. He has no choice but to be months ahead of his time! 

He was given 3 vaccines: Chicken Pox, HepA, and Prevar. We opted to wait until his next well check for the MMR vaccine. We waited with Banner and Quinn, so I felt we should also wait with Knox.

Oh, and his stats:

Weight: 23 pounds, 1.5 ounces = 80th percentile
Height: 30 1/8 inches = 70th percentile
Head: 46.5 cm = 55th percentile

It's amazing how much every ounce makes a difference. Quinn weighed 23 pounds exactly at his 12-month check up, and he was in the 55th percentile. 1.5 ounces more and Knox is significantly heavier from a percentile perspective. As long as they are healthy and growing okay, I'm all good!

Our goals are to drop the bottle and get Knox to drink 16-24 ounces of whole milk instead of formula now. Should be pretty easy... we shall see!! :) 

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