Saturday, February 18, 2017

Party Time: Knox

Dear Knox,
What an amazing first birthday party we had today! We could not have asked for better weather on this winter day. I'm pretty sure it was warmer and sunnier than it was on Banner's first birthday party day in June! It was so beautiful outside, and the perfect playground type of day! I'm glad I "chanced it" and planned for our traditional first birthday party in the park. This was our first party at the park near our new house, and it didn't disappoint! It was so nice being in our big "backyard" of a park and able to run home for anything we needed. I considered having your party at the same park we had Banner and Quinn's first birthday parties, but we agreed it was a good chance to make new memories in our new home and new neighborhood, and I'm glad we chose that.

Daddy and I decided to stick with the tradition of having a first birthday theme that was based on a children's book. When Banner was little, Daddy began reading Dr. Seuss's Fox in Socks to him. Banner loved listening to it, and soon enough, Daddy had practically memorized the tongue-twister book. We considered it as a theme for Banner's birthday but ultimately went with The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Of course, when Quinn was a baby, Daddy continued to read this book to his newest son, and we again considered it for Quinn's first party but went with another Dr. Seuss favorite, Oh, the Places You'll Go. So, when we were considering a book theme again for YOUR birthday, how could we NOT go with Fox in Socks, when one of the main characters is named Mr. Knox!?! It was too perfect. So, I began trying to plan your party with that theme in mind, and soon enough, it was like a game for the creative side of my brain to come up with as many cool things for it as I could.

The invitation was easy. Daddy handled that! :) The food and decorations were easy too - all the fun rhymes and foods to go with them: poodle's noodles, Knox Blox for the "new blue goo" was also an obvious yes!, brick stacks, block stacks, three cheese trees, and gooey goo for chewy chewing... lots of fun stuff to be creative with. The cake was the challenge. I could NOT think of a fun cake idea, and it was Daddy who came up with the clock suggestion. I loved it - since clocks are seen throughout the book! Once we had that, we were golden. Easy party to plan! Just not the easiest getting it all done with three kids to juggle. So, thank God for Grandma, BeeBee, and Aunt Kira to help distract, cook, clean, and schlep! Yesterday, Grandma and Aunt Kira came over to help me get it all done, and I'm so grateful. Then, BeeBee helped with you this morning to help get you ready for the party after nap, while everyone else was running last minute errands and setting up the party.

We had such a great time! My favorite parts were watching you eat your cake, watching you enjoy the slide and walk around the playground, and Banner losing his first tooth!! But, my all time favorite activity was getting to watch the video that Daddy made for you - and watching it for the first time there with you! (Click here to see it on YouTube!) Reflecting on your first fast year was beautiful. I couldn't help but think how very lucky I am to be your mom, to have you in my life, to have these three gorgeous, healthy, smart, fun, affectionate boys in my life, and to be married to your Daddy who helps me enjoy it all even more!

Here are a gazillion pictures from your awesome day! I know you won't remember it... but I will. And, here's what it looked like:

12:19, the time you were born
Knox Blox - Jello plus Knox gelatin made this an obvious choice 

Here you come, escorted by BeeBee and Colby! 

Mara (12) and Hayla (8 months)

Brycen (5)

Love this picture with Ella in the background... she loves you!

Banner not sure he's ready for Uncle Brock to pull his tooth

Brave Banner

One tooth down, another one to go so soon!

Watching the video Daddy made

The big boys wanted to help you open a couple gifts

You got this gift from Gretchen, Avi, Ryan, and Sari, and you carried it around for a while! :)
Such a blast celebrating you, Knox Morgan! Happy Birthday and MANY, MANY more!
I love you,

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