Sunday, February 19, 2017

Fontina's Return!

January 25th 2017: Banner came in the bathroom first thing in the morning showing me his loose bottom tooth. We figured by the weekend, he'd have a hole in his mouth where that tooth used to be. Later in the evening, we realized he had TWO loose teeth! As new parents, we have no idea how long teeth are supposed to stay wiggly for before falling out...

February 9th: During our bedtime routine, I asked Banner to let me feel how wiggly his teeth were. As I wiggled one, I suddenly realized that his big grown up teeth were already making an appearance immediately behind the loose baby ones.

February 17th: Banner wanted me to keep trying to pull his very loose left center bottom tooth. I thought for sure it would pop right out. Nope! With Knox's birthday party the very next day, I suggested he ask Uncle Brock to help him tomorrow. When I reminded him that Uncle Brock is a doctor, that helped reassure him that maybe it wasn't such a bad idea!

February 18th: Right after we sang "Happy Birthday" to Knox and started watching Knox eat his cake, Banner asked Uncle Brock to pull his tooth. At first, he was nervous, but then he let him do it! It came out right after we started watching Knox's birthday video, so I was looking two different directions - trying to watch the video I had never seen while trying to pay attention to Banner and the tooth and the blood....

He was one brave boy! He was so happy it finally came out! And, that's where our story begins.

When I was little, my mom had a little pillow that we used to deliver our teeth to the tooth fairy. It was about the size of my palm, a pastel checkered pillow lined with a white lacy boarder that had a pocket right in the middle. I hadn't really thought about what my kids would use - I figured we would just put the tooth under the pillow, but no. Throughout the day, I thought about it more with my mom, and I decided I wanted something to make it a bigger deal.

Given that we had been so busy with Knox's party and cleaning up afterward, having time to figure out what to do for the pillow was a challenge, but I finally came up with a plan. I found the baby hat that Banner had worn home from the hospital, and I decided THAT would be his pillow. I took some of the filling out of his Passover seder pillow he made when he was three years old. Then, I sewed on a portion of a bib he used so long ago (that seems like yesterday), and that became the pocket. Voila! A tooth pillow was born! :)

So, wrapped in a napkin from Knox's party, we tucked the tooth into the tooth pillow. The next morning, Banner was excited to see if the tooth fairy came. (He ended up in our bed at some point in the night, so he had to leave our room to go back to his own.) He came sprinting down the hallway while Sam and I were both still half-asleep to show us that not only did the tooth fairy let him KEEP his tooth, but he had a $5 bill in his new tooth pillow! Later, when I went with him to put the pillow back in his room, we noticed a letter on his dresser next to his bed. He was super excited to read his letter from none-other-than our dear FONTINA! She's back!! Banner read the whole letter by himself, and he was especially enthralled that his name had glitter in it!

To be honest, he had NO idea who Fontina was. He did not remember her from years ago, nor did he remember him from when she visited Quinn. Not only is she the Paci Fairy, she's the Tooth Fairy!!! How cool! And she even knew where our new house was! We were super impressed with that! I am so happy to see this beautiful friendship continue with Fontina. Maybe Banner will leave HER a message next tooth! Which should be very soon!

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