Sunday, August 25, 2013

Camp Mommy Finale: Weeks 9-11

The last three weeks of "Camp Mommy" have come and gone! And, here's what we were up to in these final weeks:

Week 9: We hosted a small play date at our house, visited the indoor park again, participated in a Little Gym free introductory class, tried a Gymboree Music class, had a sleepover at Grandma's, went back to Jump Mania, attended a sibling class, enjoyed a dinner with Uncle Marc/Aunt Debbie/Daddy at Zaide's house, had a special lunch with Daddy for his birthday, and accepted Marin's Chuck E. Cheese invitation to join her for pizza and fun along with Logan, Aunt Mischelle, Brycen, Nami, Blair, Caden, and Mara. It was quite a busy week!

At Little Gym walking on the beam
Exhausting himself!
A little blurry but love this boy enjoying Gymboree Music
He said it was ice cream....
At his sibling class learning to diaper a baby
Hopefully he won't hold Baby Brother on his side like this
Getting his Big Brother certificate... LOVE!
Daddy with Banner & Brycen

Week 10: Aunt Kira spent the night and we played with her the next morning, we attended an introductory Gymboree Art class (and Grandma got to come with!), went to a play date-turned-shower, spent the day at Grandma's, and enjoyed a My Gym trial class and open house with Daddy. My Gym was by far our favorite gym experience, and we plan to sign up for classes come December!

At Gymboree Art - making "Frog Skin" with shaving cream and green paint
Banner's Frog
Building at Gymboree
My Gym
He loved swinging on the bars
... and the rings!
And he loved jumping in the ball pit over and over again
Week 11: We attended two birthday parties (Happy Birthday, Emma & Shayna!), said goodbye to the crib and hello to a big boy bed, spent an early (but hot!) morning at our favorite park, met Marin, Landry, Myka, and Andrew W. at the splash park, had lunch with Grandma, had our first play date with Brittney & Baby Blakely, went to the dentist for the first time (and did phenomenally well, and Daddy and I were SO pleased with how Banner handled himself), got a much-needed haircut, played at Ella's house, had a classroom visit at "Banner's school!," got photos taken at a maternity shoot, enjoyed a big play date at the mall with the other kids starting the 2's program this year, and went on a special "date" with Daddy at the indoor park one last time this summer! And then, to bridge the gap between Camp Mommy and the start of the school year, we made applesauce muffins (recipe found way back here) to enjoy with dinner. The house miraculously started smelling like FALL with the scent of all-spice and cinnamon filling the air. So yummy!

At the spray grounds with Landry, Marin, and Myka
Meet the Teacher at school - loving the barn toys
With Ms. Betty - teacher
With Ms. Sheryl - director
Mall Play Date with 2's classes
Applesauce Muffins!
Camp Mommy was a success if you ask me - and probably if you ask Banner as well! Our summer flew by, and we got plenty of quality time together. So much so, that I'm pretty sure in a few weeks I'll be mourning my alone time with Banner all over again. I admit I'm exhausted physically, especially as the summer gets hotter and my belly gets bigger. But, I am so proud of myself for pushing us to get out of the house, to find fun things to keep us entertained all summer, to enjoy our friends, to try new experiences, to be creative with our time while trying to avoid the heat, and to explore the many kid-friendly venues in our area. Banner learned a lot this summer, and I so enjoyed watching him grow from these experiences. While we will certainly try our best to keep doing these fun things throughout the school year, I know how hectic and crazy it's going to get - especially with a newborn. But, we'll try, and I've already started my list of fun stuff we can try next summer once Banner is three! :)

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