Wednesday, August 7, 2013

85% Baked

At 34 weeks pregnant, a week into August, I'm finally frustrated with the heat. I'm not complaining about it at all - because Lord knows it could have been a MUCH hotter summer (like the record-breaking heat of 1980 when I was born - when the thermometers were pushed to 113 degrees throughout June). Honestly, June and July were actually pleasant - with rain, cooler-than-normal high temps, and breezes that blew on occasion. But, August. . . August is here with 3-digit temperatures and relentless heat that makes you feel like you're walking into a hair dryer whenever you go outside. Truthfully, I'd be annoyed with this heat no matter what - pregnant or not. I'm not (at this point, at least) finding myself more bothered by heat than any other time in my life. I hate sweating, I hate being hot, I hate feeling sticky in the humid summer heat - regardless of a protruding belly or elevated hormone levels.

But, that's just a part of the picture. At 34 weeks, I'm feeling great! Uncomfortable, sure. Swollen feet, absolutely. Getting more and more exhausted, yes. But, I am hanging in there! I definitely find myself wanting to sit down more, mostly because my feet ache most of the day (the middle is the easiest part... they usually hurt first thing in the morning and late at night), and also because my belly is getting heavier and heavier, especially down low. I'm not carrying this baby any differently than I carried Banner, but true to the myths of "carrying boys," my babies sit front and center and don't distribute themselves to the sides or even up very high.

I'm feeling Baby move a whole lot. Some days he's quieter than others, which always terrifies me and makes me unnecessarily concerned! But, sure enough, the next day or two, he will make up for lost time and punch and roll all over the place. As I've always said, this is by far my most favorite part of being pregnant and the thing I will miss the most once he's born. It's a pretty incredible feeling as he's getting bigger and I can begin to feel knees, elbows, his back, or a tush from the outside. And, even though he doesn't look like he's up there, he certainly lodges himself under my ribs from time to time. This always makes it hard to bend/lean forward or take a deep breath, but this discomfort will only last a short time and soon I'll miss these movements and feel somewhat lonely without him in/with me all the time.

I still have lots of energy for Banner. I'm surprised at how many nights I want to bathe him, and that I'm still rubbing his back over the crib rail at night. I thought by now I would have given those tasks to Sam completely. But, I've made accommodations that allow me to still participate physically, and I'm trying to take advantage of all this time. I have no idea how long I will be able to do these things with Banner - both during and after pregnancy. And, I have no idea how my RA will be affected once this baby is born, so I'm still at a place of appreciation and gratitude to be given my joints back for a while! Getting on and off the floor isn't easy with a big belly - but it hasn't been easy for me for over a year now due to knee and wrist pain, so I traded one issue in for another - and I'll GLADLY take the belly discomfort over the knee and wrist issues, especially if it means I can comfortably sit "criss-cross applesauce" for a while (which I couldn't do before about 14 weeks pregnant). I will say that my lap is disappearing, and reading to Banner in the glider at night is getting more challenging. He even seems to be uncomfortable as he tries to cuddle with me in the chair while his body has to contort around mine. He likes to poke and push on my belly and say things like, "Baby Brother in there."

Speaking of, we've been doing a whole lot of preparing for Baby Brother. I've shown Banner the newborn clothes, and we talk about how tiny he will be. We read books about new babies in a family, and we are taking Banner to a sibling class this Saturday. He gives Baby Brother kisses and hugs, and when Baby has the hiccups, I tell Banner to come feel my belly. I'm still not sure how much he understands, but I'm hoping that all this talk will be helpful in a few weeks.

I have a doctor's appointment next week, and after that appointment, I will start seeing the doctor weekly. I'm hoping we will get a C-section date scheduled soon - so I can better prepare. But, in the meantime, I have already started packing my hospital bag just in case this baby already has his own (early) date set. I'm hoping that is not the case, but I've learned not to expect ANYTHING! So, it is what it is, and we will just have to wait and see how things pan out.

So, what else can I tell you?

Days to go: Only 42 (minus a few if we deliver at 39 weeks instead of 40)

Size of baby: I haven't had a sonogram since 28 weeks, so I'm not sure what this particular kid is weighing or measuring now, but I'm told that babies at this point are about 18 inches long and not quite 5 pounds - about the size of a cantaloupe.

Total Weight Gain: 25 pounds

Sleep: Still sleeping really well, although Banner hasn't been sleeping as great - so I find myself anxiously checking the clock during the night - hoping he keeps sleeping - but then I go right back to sleep

Symptoms: Awful reflux, lots of Braxton Hicks, decreased interest in eating (especially meals, I'd much rather snack - and I'm drawn to sweets and fruit), swollen ankles (especially my right foot), and increased need to pee more often (this is new - I've never been a pregnant pee-er!) :)

What I'm most anxious about: As I mentioned in my last update, I'm still anxious about my RA returning, about the pain and chore that is breastfeeding and whether it will work for me this time or not (I'd like for it to, but I'm not going to get hopes too incredibly high because I can't imagine why this time around would be any different), and sleeping once Baby Brother arrives. But, I'm trying not to get too far ahead of myself. It is what it is - and whatever that is - I will deal with it!

Prep for Baby: Lots of organizing! We're moving things around this house like crazy. Each weekend, we have been getting a lot done. This week, Sam will get our newborn clothes from our storage facility, and I'll start going through those. Banner's big boy room is ready to go - once he's ready for it. And, we'll move a few more items from the "nursery" to his new room soon. I've started buying newborn and size 1 diapers at a very slow rate when grocery shopping. And, my hospital bag is more than half-way packed.

Baby's Name:  HA! As if I'd tell you! ;) But yes, he does have a name, and you'll just have to wait until B-Day to find out!

Now that it's August, it's feeling really close! It's feeling like a lot is about to change. My Camp Mommy "program" is coming to an end in a couple weeks, Banner will be starting preschool, and I'll be so close to meeting this little boy who is now 85% baked and ready to greet the world! Ready or not, this is happening, and it's happening somewhat soon! There are some days I can't wait, there are some days I totally can, but it really doesn't matter how I feel because within 5-6 weeks, I will have a second son!

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