Monday, January 9, 2012

7 Month Ins and Outs

In honor of Banner turning 7 months old, I thought I'd just pick 7 things that are IN and 7 things that are OUT in Banner's world:

1. Peek-a-Boo - shortly after turning 6-months, Banner started really giggling at this game. He's got quite a sense of humor, too, when we change it up and move sideways or make a funny face as we play it with him. He likes for us to hide his face, as well.

2. Being Outside - I can't believe I really haven't included this favorite of Banner's in any of my previous "What I Know about BBJ"-type posts! Banner LOVES nature - hot or cold, rainy or sunny, windy or dry, he is in awe of nature's wonders. He loves to watch the trees, feel the breeze, listen for birds, etc. During Christmas time, he loved the bright lights that lit up neighborhoods, and even at his six month photo shoot, our photographer's tricks couldn't get his attention when Banner was staring out the window at the trees outside. Sam and I have often talked about how we can't WAIT to show him the vast ocean one day! We know he will love it as much as we do!

3. Music and Singing - So, I've always played music for Banner, even before he was born. I'm so glad he likes music. He often tries to "sing" along with familiar tunes like "The Wheels on the Bus," "I've Got the Whole World in My Hands," or "Pat-a-Cake." He loves his lullabies at night, and he calms when we listen to certain songs on the Glee soundtracks. He especially loves when I sing along to them in the car - he stops babbling to listen, and he often falls asleep. (Or, maybe he hates my singing and he's putting himself out of his misery!) :)

4. Giggling -Like I said before, the boy has quite a sense of humor. He giggles at so many things, and he has the best giggle (I know I'm biased, but so many other people have commented on his belly laughs and how much fun they are). Some things that make him giggle: a quick upside-down view of the world, when we pretend to drink his bottle, saying "Cheeeese!," Peek-a-Boo, sitting on Daddy's head, zerberts, tickles.

5. Babbling - "dada," "mama," "baba," "haaa" are the sounds of the month. I've heard a few /n/ and /l/ sounds, but the d, m, and b sounds are most often produced throughout the day. If you say, "Hi!" to Banner, sometimes he will reply with a "haaaa" that almost sounds like "Hi" and Sam, my mom, and I firmly believe he is trying to say "hi," at least in response. On New Year's Eve, he was crawling towards Sam, and quite distinctly he said, "Haaaa, dada!" My mom, Sam, and I all three looked at each other and said, "Did you hear that?!" I'm sure he had no idea what he was saying, but it sounded pretty cool!

6. Crawling - He's all over the place now. Army crawling still gets him there faster, but he's definitely a crawler now - perfectly maneuvering where he wants to go on hands and knees.

7. Sleeping, Eating, and Bathing - (okay, I cheated... I made #7 three things) Banner is a great sleeper (still a poor napper, though). He sleeps very well through the night and doesn't like to deviate from his nightly routine. He's also a great eater, even though he's not as interested in his mid-day bottles. We're still having a great time introducing new foods to him. We've added lots this month - broccoli, pumpkin, spinach, corn - to name a few. He loves mango, apple, broccoli, squash, sweet potatoes the most, but he tolerates pretty much everything we give him. Again, still need to try peas a third time now, but it's been the only food that really makes him gag. And, bathing is a highlight of our day... he loves to splash the water, loves to relax in it, and loves talking to me when I'm bathing him. He is so good in the tub - lets me wash him, his hair, even tolerates getting out of the tub. He is so giggly even knowing a bath is on the way, as we start the water and undress him. I think both of our favorite parts is the last rinse right before turning the water off - it helps keep him warm, and it's a signal that bath time is over. Sam comes to hold him up, and I use the sprayer to rinse one last time. His naked little body is so cute, and he just smiles or squeals with delight knowing he has all of our attention!

1. Staying In One Place - The kid is on the move - all the time! The worst is the changing table - we have to find something to distract him (usually a book he can hold... which is really cute because it looks like he's reading a magazine or newspaper very casually), and we have to keep hands on him at all times or he'd flip off the table. It's much harder to change him now!

2. Being Put in the Car Seat -We've gotten rid of the infant seat/carrier, and Banner is now in a convertible car seat. He hates having to be strapped down in it, but usually, a good distraction like a toy or a pacifier will stop the whining. I think when we could put him in his carrier and then simply drop the carrier into the base in the car, he was happier. Now, it's cold outside, and having to work with Mommy or Daddy to get him settled in there is just frustrating. Hey, I don't like it either - I much preferred getting him situated while in the warmth of the house, but that seat was too damn heavy to lug around at this point!

3. Napping (at least at home): Don't know how she does it, but Grandma still gets Banner to nap well. But, when he's at home, he refuses to nap. If he does, by some miracle, decide to fall asleep, he won't stay asleep long (30 minutes max). But, I can't complain because he sleeps so great at night, and I much prefer that!

4. Taking a Toy Away - If you take something away from him that he really wants to play with, he will let you know! Luckily, those distractions are helpful still. Just show him something else that pleases him or takes his attention from the taken-toy, and he's fine.

5. Getting Dressed for the Day - Mostly, the hardest part is the long sleeves that Banner hates. Once he's in them, it's fine, but he will complain as we try to quickly maneuver his arm through the fabric. We do it very gracefully at this point, but he still hates it for a few seconds.

6. Keeping an Entire Meal Down -Yes, the reflux issue is still very much an issue. It's not letting up at all. While some days are better than others, the answer to "Is the reflux any better?" is definitely "No!" Luckily, Banner is still a "happy spitter," and the Prevacid helps keep him comfortable when anything comes back up, but he's still spitting up all over the place. Eating solids hasn't helped, and we often see different colors coming out of his mouth now that he's eating things like carrots, green beans, squash, prunes, etc. I have been told by numerous people that "it will get better," but I keep wondering when. I was told 3 months, then 4 months, then 6 months, and now a year. I was told it would be better when he started rice cereal. I was told it would be better when he could sit up. Oh well, it is what it is! Lots of laundry, bib-wearing, and stocking up on burp rags are still a major part of our daily agenda, and I can't wait for my little boy to know that it is not normal for liquid to pour out of your mouth at any given moment.

7. Our Shy Boy - Once upon a time, I thought Banner was going to be shy. I'm not entirely sure he's not a little bit shy, at least when he is first getting used to a person. But, the past few times we've had friends over, he has been quite the entertainer and wants to laugh, make someone else laugh, and get lots of attention. I think the "shy" factor is out - or at least goes away after a while of being around him in his own space.

So, there you have it - 7 "Ins" and 7 "Outs" as we celebrate 7 full months with our little man. Oh, Banner Boone, we love you so much! I can't wait to keep getting to know you, getting to know what you love and what you hate, and getting to watch you learn and grow! Happy 7 Month Birthday, Sweet Boy!

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