Wednesday, November 9, 2011

5 Month Update

So, our little man is 5 months old today! He's growing up so fast, and there's so much to share. Since the four-month post, so much has changed:
  • Banner is eating solids now! He eats rice cereal and oatmeal (which he prefers over rice). He's tried only one veggie so far, since we started those only two days ago. So far, peas are a NO! He does not like them at all. He's gagged on them both nights. Poor kid.
  • He sleeps in only footsie pajamas - no swaddle, no Pekemoe, no sleep sack. 
  • He rolls tummy to back on both left and right sides. And, just a few days ago, he figured out how to roll back to belly! He is now rolling every which way!
  • He is sitting up unassisted for minutes at a time. In a week or so, I'm betting he'll have it down for much longer than a few minutes. He uses his hands to help him balance when he starts to tip a little.
  • He has only four bottles a day (all about 8 oz) at approximately 7:00, 11:00, 2:30, and 7:00. He eats cereal in the morning after his bottle, and he has "dinner" at 5:30ish. 
  • We start our bedtime routine around 6:15-6:30ish. He's usually dozing around 7:00.
  • He's sleeping from about 7 until 6:30am. 
  • Banner loves deep hugs, zerberts, tickles, and bouncing on my knees. He loves to experiment with his voice, and he's moved out of growling all the time to wanting to squeal and sometimes scream with joy. 
  • He has been napping the first nap of the day in my bed with me, and I love this! I will miss this next week when I'm back at work. I still have the weekends, but this is something I look forward to everyday, and he sleeps so well in our bed. . . usually a 2 hour nap from about 8:00-10:00 or something similar.
  • He loves his friends and enjoys play dates. He wants to interact with other kids - often reaching for them or trying to "talk" to them.
  • His eczema is getting better, but we have to stay on top of it with lots of moisturizing cream and meds when he needs them. His cradle cap is less scaly, but his scalp is still pretty dry looking. The dermatologist told us the other day that the red, chapped-looking skin under his chin is from drooling so much.
  • Yes, he's drooling all the time! He's definitely teething, but no teeth yet! I check every single day! The constant use of bibs is not only for the reflux now, it's also for the pool of saliva that trickles down his chin most every minute he's awake.
  • And, yes, the reflux is still a major problem. I'm hoping by 6 months old we'll have a "non-spitter," but I'm not feeling that it's going to resolve so easily. Our doctor told us it would resolve by 3 months, then he said by 4 months, now he's saying by 6 months. I'm pretty convinced that next check-up he'll say 9 months. Annoying? Yes! For everyone involved, but mostly for Banner.
  • He rubs/grabs at his ears when he's tired, and he scratches at his eyes. I wish he would just use a closed fist to rub his eyes when he's sleepy, because he often nicks the bridge of his nose with his very strong fingernails (which I cut and file daily to no avail!).
  • Banner got to meet his distant cousins and great aunts/uncles on his dad's side this week. Although they were here for Sam's mom's funeral, it was nice for everyone to meet him and to get to play with him a little. He spent 5 nights in a row at Grandma's house, and he did really well going back and forth during the day.
  • He had his first party - a Halloween party - and played with 8 other babies. He was quite the host! :)
  • Although we didn't have an official weight/height since we didn't go to the doctor this month, we're guessing he weighs about 16.5 pounds. He seems to be getting considerably taller overnight, too! I swear the other night he grew an inch at least!
I've been both looking forward to and dreading the 5 month mark. It means my baby is getting more interactive, more predictable, more sociable, and definitely more fun! But, it also marks my time being up from playing "stay-at-home" mom. Next week, I head back to work, and I'll miss my days with Banner. I've been so good about play dates, pictures, videos, and just being there for every milestone and fun moment - so I'm very sad for what this next stage means. I'm hopeful it will be an easy adjustment. I just have to say that these past 5 months have been the most jam-packed months of learning, challenges, triumphs, joys, tears, frustration, and constantly growing love! I am so proud of all Banner's accomplishments; I'm glad I have been here every step of the way. And, as my nephew told me the other day, going to work each day keeps me from Banner only for about 8 hours, and then I get to have him in the evenings. That's a long time each day, but I'll take anything I can get! Each moment with him is a gift. Thank you, Sam, for letting me spend these tender, special days with our boy. And, Happy 5th month to my sweet angel!


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